
Reincarnation and first kill!

Unfortunately I did not get to think about this for very long as out of nowhere I suddenly started to get sucked deeper into the abyss!

Not knowing where I was going or what what was really happening I started panicking.

It felt like I was being sucked down a drain and this did not stop for what I assume was about 10 minutes until I finally came to an abrupt stop.

And where did I stop you may ask?

the abyss... nothing changed!

now thoroughly pissed off at my self for actually believing that I was about to be reincarnated with a system or whatever and without anything else to do I started kicking and screaming into the abyss.

This thankfully did not last long though because wouldn't you know it? A bright light suddenly appeared in front of me.

So maybe it wasn't bullshit?

Ahhh who even cares about that right now!

I should just move towards the light.

. . .easier said than done.

I had no clue how to move around in here!

conveniently though just as I was starting to think that, the section force started up again but this time in the direction of the light.

As I was getting closer to it I realized that it wasn't just white light, but actually had a vary faint tint of green in it.

probably nothing to be concerned about . . .

I realize how strange that sentences is in this situation.

Either way as I got closer to the light I realized that it was a LOT bigger than I thought it was, I'm talking White House big. I was just really far away.

I eventually stoped about 3 feet from the light.

now that I was right in front of it I realized that it was actually very beautiful and look like the light was made out of a bunch of swirling energy of some sort.

The beauty of it (for some reason) made me reach out and try to touch it,.

Is this what it's like to have protagonist stupidity?

Anyway the moment I touch it I was immediately engulfed in the light.

I was completely blinded by it for what I can only assume was a couple of seconds and when the light cleared I was greeted by a wide Open sky. I seem to be in a meadow with no trees in sight.

That being the first thing I was greeted by was quite nice, but I was soon assaulted by a disgusting (yet sweet) smell. I imagine it to be the smell of rotting flesh.

I quickly sit up and look around for the source of the smell but instead am greeted by two opposing forces.

Two my left there's a group of three people.

a pretty blonde girl with an hour glass figure and . . . pointed ears?

In all honesty after what just happened to me this should be the least interesting thing to me.

the second party member is a big guy, about 6ft 5in, with shaggy brown hair and green eyes.

the last person is also a guy but he has jet black hair and dark blue eyes.(cough cough hella sexy too).

Anyway the girl is holding up a glowing green staff sooo. . . I guess she's the party support?

The big guy has a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, he's probably the tank

lastly there's the sex-cough, black haired guy has one sword in each hand. seems to be the damage dealer of the party.

on the opposing team there's just one creature there. one big ass rabbit. Just to be clear this rabbit is at least 1 meter tall, oh and did I forget to mention it has a giant horn sticking out of its head? I didn't? well now you know.

the rabbit has white fur, and it's horn is an ice blue.

To give you a picture of what's happening, here I am just sitting on my ass about to watch the greatest battle ever witnessed wen out of nowhere the blonde chick just starts screaming nonsense!

Do I have to tell you myself you stupid Zombie!?!?

I didn't summing you just so you could sit around all day!!

Attack it already!!

I look around like an idiot trying to find where the zombie is only to realize the girl is staring directly at me like I just killed her pet hamster.

I finally look down at my body and to my utmost horror I realize that my body was falling apart! I'm even missing Chuck's of flesh in some areas leaving only bone.

no wonder I smelled rotting flesh it was me the whole time!

that explains why the message said zombie system. I should have figured that out sooner.

I look back up at the girl before stupidity asking just to make sure: Me?

She viciously glares at me like she's about to explode before shouting.

YES, YO- wait. . . did you just . . . talk?

My turn.

What, are you def or just stupid?

Of course I just talked! I said with all the bitchiness I could pull out of myself. (It was quite a lot).

Aaaand now it was her turn to look like an idiot, as she stared at me with her jaw dropped in disbelief along with everyone else present, even sexy face and big chungus over there looked at me weirdly.

Apparently talking zombies aren't that common?

After a hot minute of silence the girl was finally able to regain her composure and said: J-just attack that monster already!

This time though her staff glowed even brighter than it already was and I suddenly started to feel a strong desire to kill l big chungus.

and so I sloooowly started to stand up.

once I was finally on my feet big chungus snapped out of it and started to growl at me and paw the ground beneath him with his back feet like he was a bull.

The moment I took a step forward he starts charging and only one things on my mind: holy s*** he's fast.

Just as the tip of his horn is about to impale me I instinctively side step the rabbit and thanks to my slow speed, I just barely made it mis me. unfortunately though as he's running past he also steps on one of my feet completely crushing it.

I look down in horror at the bloody mess that was my foot.

Ding! [ -15HP ]

[ Current HP: 35/50 ]

because of what just happened I don't even realize the message that flashed in my face but after half a second I realize something amazing!

I can't feel It!

I feel a shiver go down my spine but at the same time I'm ecstatic!

not being able to feel pain is so overpowered!!

come to think of it in books like this whenever there's zombies they usually have like, infinite stamina to!!!

I'm so overpowered already!!!!

but this feeling of excitement quickly dies down as I see the giant rabbit turning around and running back at me.

shit I can probably still die if I hit zero HP though right?

In that case I just have to get strong enough so that way I don't die!

Easy right?

next time I see any wood I should probably knock on it.

as the bunny is charging at me I'm thinking: it's a bunny it won't expect me to do the same thing twice right? It can't be that smart.

I try to side step him again but this time to my surprise, he's prepared for it, as he suddenly jumps to the side ramming me with the side of his body.

I can feel the bones in my body shattering and my muscles tearing but thankfully I can't feel any pain otherwise I would have fainted by now, but this isn't much of an advantage when almost your entire body is destroyed!

at this point I can only control a single one of my arms, all of the other ones have been turned into a bloody mess just like my foot.

N-no I can't die right after getting my life back! Between me just getting my life back and the terror of it being taken away from me again I am feeling immense pressure, as I slowly drag my mangled and bloodied, corpse across the ground the rabbit prepares to crush me as it leaps 20ft into the air for the sole purpose of crushing me to death.

but right before it makes impact my pitiful life flashes before my eyes and think:

Is this it? am I really going to die right after getting my life back?

. . .no- no I can't die yet, it's still to early!

with these thoughts filling my head I quickly reach it into my chest breaking through the week layer of flesh and grab hold of my rib and furiously rip it out and the thrust upward with it right into the oncoming rabbit as it's slams down on me.

a-am I dead?

[ -34HP ]

[ current HP: 1/50 ]

Well that confirms it.


I try to look around but find that I can't move.

right I got crushed by the rabbit.

D-did I actually kill it?

Or is this fury bastard just using me like a mattress?

And as if to answer my question several messages flash across my eyes.

[ first kill +100xp ]

[ killed level 10 horned rabbit + 600xp ]

[ Congratulations you leveled up! ]

[ Congratulations you leveled up! ]

[ Congratulations you leveled up! ]

[ Congratulations you leveled up! ]

[ You are now level 5! ]

[ +40 Max HP ]

[ XP: 200/250 ]

[ 20 unused skill point's available ]

A faint smile slowly spreads across my lips.

Damn, talk about lucky!

I try to feel the rest of my body but find that literally every bone in my body is broken (except conveniently my jaw).

Shit, what the hell do I do now!

what's left of my belly suddenly grumbles in anger and the fury Mass lying over me suddenly starts to smell like cooked steak.

I'm a Zombie now right?

well I might as well act like one!

it's honestly so much fun writing this.

richardalsept25creators' thoughts