
She Flew Away

I couldn't believe my eyes, another dragon? A pure dragon, not one like those wyverns I met earlier?

<Hey!> The Light Dragon instantly noticed me and shot a beam of light at me which I narrowly avoided. I felt weaker in her presence, does she have some kind of weakening aura?

At this point in time, I'm just assuming her to be a female as the telepathic voice sounds more feminine than it does masculine.

She growls at me before flying away, I try to follow from behind but my wings are beginning to feel weak and I can barely use my magic to create myself a set of new wings.

I feel like her body emits some kind of aura using light magic which weakens me!

The further she flies away from me, the more stronger I become. Which confirms that she has some kind of weakening aura. However, I'm not going to follow her for now as she can easily kill me with the state I'm in right now.

I need to grow stronger; I turn my eyes to the wolf corpse she was consuming and noticed that there were several other corpses around it that hadn't been eaten.

Perhaps those corpses still have some kind of lingering power I can siphon by eating them, something similar to when I ate that bear.

I flew down to one of the corpses and tore the flesh from the chest and I reached my claw inside. Feeling around, my claws make contact with something sharp.

Grasping it, I pull it out and it looks like the same thing that bear had. However, instead of the crystal being green it was a midnight-blue colour. Some light reflected off of it, so it looked like there was a star pattern on it.

I crunch it between my palm and instantly begin to feel the same sensation as I did last time. My body was thrown through pain and agony, as if my entire body had been thrown into magma and I was slowly melting.

Resisting the urge to scream, I stabbed my claws into the ground as the pain intensifies. My muscles all lock up and bulge as my height slowly increases. It felt like I was being crushed by the weight of the world.

My vision becomes blurry from the constant pain, I almost blackout!

But then, everything stops just like last time. The pain instantly stops and I don't even feel any lingering pain. Even when I move my limbs, there's no stiffness whatsoever.

In fact, I actually feel quite energetic.

After 'consuming' that crystal, I've become taller and more bulkier too.

Did I 'consume' the crystal of a beast that was way stronger than me?

Quickly, I dig into the other corpses but for some reason none of them had the same crystals that the first one did.

Did only stronger organisms possess these crystals? How about those wyverns, did they possess these?

...Do I possess these?

I guess life in this world is a competition. If you can kill beings that are stronger than yourself, you'll be awarded with these crystals that'll boost your progression.

In my case, I've only been living in this world for about a month and I'm already the size of an average female human. Unless dragons naturally grow that fast, but I doubt that.

If I want to grow faster as effectively as possible, I should fight things that are way stronger than me.

Well, it doesn't matter if they're exactly 'stronger' than me or not. Even if I kill and eat a random creature I gain a little bit of energy and power. However, it's hardly noticeable and I don't grow faster that way.

But since those times when I killed that bear and met those wyverns, things have been calming down. I'm starting to actually enjoy the world for what it is.

It's way more fun than Earth, even if there's the chance to die around every corner.

I should be lucky I reincarnated into a shadow dragon as well, I could've reincarnated into something like... a blind, weak slime.

Hah, the thought makes me laugh. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through that.

Anyways, comedy aside, I know I've said this countless time but I need to get stronger if I want to survive in this world.

And now, I've finally found the solution to grow stronger faster. But first, I need some information about this world's inhabitants.

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