
survive the pillars

"Granularr, it seems you have gained control of a vessel, tell me, what is it you are after, I sense a change in you."(cosmic pillar) inquired.

"it matters not, he mocks us with his existence!"(fire pillar)

"agreed! cast him to the depths of the void!"(water pillar)

"drain his essence and create a new pillar!"(time pillar)

"ENOUGH!"(cosmic pillar) boomed, shutting down all the other pillars, their faces ones of fear.

"now, answer my original question."(cosmic pillar) ordered, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed.

"I wish to live peacefully and quietly, after some reflection I have realized just how much work taking over the world is and it's not worth it, at my age I just wish to relax, not fight needlessly."(Granularr) I said, my voice fading as Natalie's body stumbled, my vision returning only when Natalie was back, her knees unstable and her hands holding her head.

fuck! not now!

"it seems he has returned under the seals effects, take the girl."(cosmic pillar) ordered, the other ones jumping down from atop the houses and buildings, all aiming straight for us.

"RUN!"(Granularr) I shouted to Natalie, who didn't hesitate to follow my words, dashing into a broken window and into a house, taking its stairs to the basement where she pushed a rock that opened a passage.

she quickly rushed into it before it closed, sprinting at full speed down it as loud booms and quakes were heard above us.

what's worse is that we soon began hearing the crazed cackling of Harith, the noise echoing creepily off every wall.

"now is a good time to come back out!"(Natalie) yelled at me as she ran, frantically looking back over her shoulder at the increasingly louder and louder noises.

"I would have if I could, I wasted too much power on accident."(Granularr) I told her, which was the truth, I had never really fought before so I just went with my strongest attack, well, the strongest summon, my strongest attack would have left me out of commission for days.

"you weren't this pathetic when I saved you, tap into the anger I saw in you."(God)

his words snapped something in my mind, a barrier, and with its break came a flood of many different things, from memories to emotions, and then finally, to pure energy.

after that the seal was effortless to break, a swirling vortex of shadow covered me as I was now in Granularr's body, tall, muscled, long black hair, chiseled features and all black eyes.

the moment the transformation was complete I felt overwhelmed with power, my body brimming with darkness.

"it seems you have been returned to your former state as a pillar, it doesnt appear that it will last long though."(cosmic pillar) spoke, him and the rest of the pillars slowly walking towards me in the cramped underground tunnel.

"bad idea, we are surrounded by darkness here, you have chosen death."(Granularr)

with a wave of my hands the surrounding shadows jolted to life and formed hands of black, grabbing and subduing each pillar as the sparse light remaining seemed to fade as my power brimmed.

"seems that you have truly become one with the essence of the pillar, it has truly chosen you, there will be no separating it from you, even in death, what a shame, looks like you'll have to come with us."(cosmic pillar) spoke, his arms straining, shattering my shadow hands.

yeah, that's not good.

following my thought came a violent rush of air and heat as sparks of light sparkled past my ear, my arm buzzing in pain as a deep gash burst open, standing just behind me was a man holding a blade, covered in blood and poison.

"shit.'(Granularr) I cursed silently to myself as I clutched my wound, dropping to my knees.

[quest reward has been changed, so too has the punishment]

[reward: full promotion to magical pillar status, reintroduction of dark magic into the world]

[punishment: loss of pillar abilities and strength]

all the quest wanted was for me to survive, not win, survive.

"you sneaky bastard, what are you after with this?"(Granularr) I asked towards the ceiling, aiming at where I was guessing God to be, confusing both the pillars and the new assailant.

"well, this will put me out of commission for quite some time, but.....I want to do more than just survive, I WANT TO DEMOLISH YOU!"(Granularr) my voice boomed as darkness began erupting from me, swirling all around the dark underground tunnel as it became denser, radiating a much more ominous feeling.

"coffin of eternal void."(Granularr)[in ancient and dead language] my voice echoed, the darkness beginning to take spherical shape as it moved towards the other pillars, I could taste their fear in the air as it quickly raced towards them, swallowing each one whole, the sphere bulging and shifting as it withstood their attacks.

"blackout transport."(Granularr)[in ancient and dead language] I spoke, the sphere glitching in place before vanishing entirely.

"NOW! seek haven and shelter there!"(Granularr)[in ancient and dead language] I shouted as my body began fading, slowly revealing Natalie's underneath.


Natalie pov....

when my eyes once again opened, I found myself collapsed on the floor of my very own bedroom, my mother hovering just above me with concern in her eyes.

"WHAT DID HE DO?! I KNOW HE BROKE THE SEAL! TELL ME!"(mother) shouted at me as soon as she noticed my open eyes.

"he saved me from the pillars of magic, even saved me from an attack by his very own son, the entire town was abandoned before I even got there."(Natalie) I informed, my mother instantly not believing me.

"IMPOSSIBLE!"(mother) shouted, rushing to her feet and out of the room, forgetting to close the door, leaving me alone on the floor, passing temple people shooting me confused glances.


cosmic magic pillar pov....

"he not only trapped us but fully rose to the rank of pillar, soon thereafter vanishing entirely from us, dark magics have now completely returned to the land, necromancers and liches too, his wisp army will not be as hard to summon now, this is very bad!"(fire magic pillar) spoke urgently, pacing as she did so, her teeth gnawing at her fingernails in anxiety.

"now that he has officially risen to pillar there is nothing we can do, as long as he does not outwardly disobey my orders then my hands are tied."(cosmic pillar) I informed regretfully.

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH!"(fire magic pillar) boomed, stomping from my chambers in a huff, I couldn't say I blamed her.

some lowly human dark mage killed and consumed her sister for power, depriving the world of a magic and sinking us into an age of bloodshed, and now that same person is her new brother, completely understandable as to why she is agitated.

Next chapter