
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

karma does exist, it just needs some help

slutty elven princess pov...

just like that bitch said the moment I was asleep I found myself as a humanoid black wisp, white ancient symbols covering my chest, I was also just behind a closed gate, a gate that would slowly open, only to reveal guards of white bone and black goo, armed with spears, swords, shields, and even crossbows, all made of the same materials they were.

"move."(goo guards) commanded, ushering the mass of black figures along a path, a path that snaked and zig zagged up a cliff, to a castle, a castle overlooking the land below and the endless stars above.

the walk up the path would take a mind numbingly long time, frustrating me more and more by the second, this had to have been made by a woman, there's no other way anything this annoying exists.

"you."(goo guard) spoke as it grabbed me, rearing back before launching me towards the castle, all before I could react or protest.

both angering and confusing me.

those emotions would only last so long as I was midair, changing swiftly to fear the moment I crashed through the castle window, landing on the stone floor just in front of a very large man cloaked in the very darkness that seemed to make up this place.

"oh finally! a dude, you don't know how long its been since I talked with another man, oh shit, how ya been bro?"(slutty elven princess) I began casually, as I stood and dusted myself off.

"who said you could stand?"(man in darkness) spoke calmly, yet firmly, his voice alone forced me to my knees, HARD, the ground cracked the second I was forced downwards.

"I am in charge here and over all darkness, you are nothing but a mere mortal, who is here to request power, power you may not actually deserve."(man in darkness) spoke, both frightening the living hell out of me and turning me on, my thighs nearly drenched by the time he was finished, fuck!

that stupid asshole God and his fucking "lesson"!

"yet again you seem to be able to be of some use, I have been protecting a child, this child no longer has a home or anywhere to go, promise to safeguard this child and you may have power."(man in darkness)

at this my eyes were practically glowing in excitement, power was the whole reason I accepted to be reincarnated here, except all I got was some slutty body that would never age or degrade, and a sex drive to drive anyone insane.

I got a shitty deal.

"yes, I promise."(slutty elven princess)

the man nodded and began to stand from his throne, a throne of skulls, and started circling me, with how I was on my knees my mind began racing with thoughts of sucking his dick, intrusive thoughts that weren't mine nor thoughts I could control.

"it seems you have poor affinity for darkness, most darkness anyway, you do have one strong affinity, very well that one shall work."(man in darkness) spoke to himself, his hand inquisitively resting on his chin.

"very well, lets begin."(man in darkness) said, finally finishing his "examination" and moving to just in front of his throne, his arms spread wide, darker than black energy seemed to gather between them, swirling like a raging storm, before suddenly jolting forward into my body, immediate and intense pain wracking my entire being, shredding and burning me from the inside.

"that's good enough."(man in darkness) said, the very second he uttered those words the pain ended, instantly, leaving no trace or tiny tinges as a reminder.

"you have been granted the power of vortex, whenever you are in the presence of someone with large amounts of darkness within them you will suck it from them, adding it to your own, this pool of darkness will allow you to cast any spell available to any dark mage, but be warned this pool does not last forever and there is only one way to fill and strengthen it."(man in darkness)

at this point my curiosity and excitement had already hit its peak, I had been given something amazing, I could cast any spell I wanted, and all I had to do was charge some internal battery?


"seeing as you are satisfied with my gift and have accepted your task I grant you a rank of S class, leave me."(man in darkness) spoke with a wave of his hand, a wave that ejected me from before him and directly to my bedroom, where I was drenched not only in a cold sweat but between my legs, my breath ragged and hot, my fingers covered in a clear liquid that was not sweat.

"OH C'MON!"(slutty elven princess) I roared in anger and disbelief, not over my body masturbating as I slept but over the fact I even had to worry about it at all in the first place.


[HAHAHAHAHAHA](God) burst out laughing, causing me to do the same, cackling myself weak in the knees, bringing tears to my eyes.

[when you said you wanted to help me make the elf girls' life more interesting I didn't think it would be this entertaining!](God) boomed in laughter.

"I know right! I nearly broke character twice! I can't believe how much fun that was!"(Granularr) I responded, remnants of uncontrollable laughter still residing in my tone.

[ah.....how angry do you think she will be after learning how she, "recharges" as you put it?](God) asked seriously, calming himself and the atmosphere of the void.

"oh she will HATE it, but it fits so perfectly, I mean a misogynistic rapist who now has to go through what his victims went through if they want power, oh karma feels GOOD."(Granularr)

[now you see why I reincarnated him in that way, a sort of justice if you will](God) spoke solemnly, as if he regretted the fact that he even had to do it in the first place.

"dude got what he deserved, his own personal hell, made by you and me."(Granularr) I told him, to which he actually seemed to lighten in mood.

[its been enjoyable but I must go now, ya know, got a world to run](God) said as he slowly faded, hand waving goodbye.