
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

first stop, quickly noticed tag along

it didn't take me long to find my target, minutes really.

it was almost sad how easy it was, it seemed as if he WANTED to be caught, which didn't make sense since he knew what being caught would mean.

at least I thought he did, I wasn't sure anymore, his actions seemed off, different, as if someone else had gained control over his body, and with my life circumstances I was almost inclined to believe just that had happened.

that was until I used my dark vision, my ultimate sight so to speak, it reveals all things concealed in shadow or secrecy, lifts the veil so to speak.

it was definitely him, and he most certainly remembered the spell I had him in, except he remembers centuries passing, looks like the spell remained in full effect even after I had been separated from it, good to know.

"how the mighty have fallen."(Granularr) I threw his way as I sat in one of the taverns many wooden tables, his face paling as he heard my voice.

"so you got out, I expected that really, I guess today is the day, life was nice while it lasted."(Krivociel) sighed, his voice that one of a broken man, his tone lacking all emotion other than acceptance.

"relax will ya? if I was here for that, trust me, you'd know........no, I'm here for something else, something you owe me since I'm so graciously allowing you to keep this life, no strings attached after this, you're free."(Granularr) I offered, the truth, after this I couldn't care less whether he lived or died, I only needed him for his blood and I figured centuries of horrid unspeakable torture was enough for annoying me, I wasn't a complete monster.

my heart still beat, occasionally.

"really? you mean it?!"(Krivociel) exclaimed with hope in his eyes, now more so than ever convincing me just how far he had been pushed to the brink and then some.

"yes, all I need from you is-"(Granularr)



human girl pov....

something in the tavern was bugging me, I just couldn't place my finger on it, the feeling seemed to just get stronger and stronger, so much to the point where I literally couldn't force myself to sit still, my leg bouncing in anxiety and anticipation.

it was so strong that my senses even seemed to sharpen, what little sense that made, it felt as if I could detect everyone in the room, and once that happened the source of the feeling rather quickly found.

a man, a tall, dark-haired man, his massive muscle defined body sitting lazily yet powerfully atop a bench as he spoke with one of the staff, a waiter I think, the waiter seemed to go through a mix of emotions as he spoke with the man, each one ranging to extremes, terror, hope, dread, joy, each one opposite of the last.

that was when I could of sworn I heard the dark-haired man say something, I couldn't quite catch it, but it felt important, so much so that within me rose the need to follow the man and figure it out for myself, it was as if my curiosity had been given total reign of my body.

I was about to stand from my table when I noticed the man already beginning to do just that, his body angled towards the door as he bid farewells to the waiter, as if he was some kind of old friend, I think, maybe?

"see ya round, probably, for your sake though.......you really should hope not."(dark-haired man) said after using a brief pause before his ending words, his meaning unclear to me, yet very clear to the waiter, he practically shat himself there and then, maybe they weren't old friends after all.



seeing as my business was done and I had what I came for, it only seemed right that I get out of the poor guy's hair and finish what I set in motion.

that of course being total annihilation of a cult, not even the demons were this annoying to kill, fucking hell, out of all things that had to live like cockroaches, it had to be a fucking cult obsessed with my power.

I grimaced at the thought as I shook it free of my mind, forcing myself to focus on the one thing at hand.

a portal would soon open before a distracted, lost in thought, me, answering my needs before I called on it to do so.

guess that trip to hell came with a few upgrades to my abilities, maybe after this is all over I should go somewhere isolated, test just how upgraded all of them got.



human girl pov...

the dark haired man I followed from the tavern aimlessly wandered the roads of town for a couple moments, his expression blank, lost in thought, It almost seemed he would stay that way permanently, had it not been for the swirling black portal that soon tore itself open in front of him, the thing eagerly pulling him from thought and into its swirling mass, my feet hurrying after as he vanished, my body diving through the closing thing, landing with a thud and a skid into mud, the terrain and temperature completely different, this really was a portal!

what a rare magic, portals take extreme power and control, not many mages even practice them regularly, save the pillars, those guys use portals to get everywhere, including each other's realms, though I hear the realm of darkness is inaccessible to all portals, including the pillars, I wonder how true that is?

unfortunately though, I wasn't able to think on it for longer, as something interrupted me, something I wasn't expecting.

"you suck at tailing people, just so you know."(dark-haired man) spoke as I felt two light taps on my shoulder, the sensation jolting me into a spin on my heels, the very man I was following behind me, looking down, his seemingly normal chocolate brown eyes staring frigidly into my soul.

"don't even try acting dumb or denying it, I noticed you take interest in me back in the tavern, who do you think allowed you to hear what I told the angel."(dark-haired man) spoke, he had practically caught me red handed.

so much so that I think I accidentally ignored the second half of his sentence.

"I admit I was a little curious, it's not every day you see someone use portals."(human girl) I tried, hoping to steer him away from the real reason I was following him, that odd feeling of dread and anxiety.

luckily for me, it would work, as it seemed that he wasn't using whatever it was he used to increase my senses to that degree, if he was, I don't think I could've pulled anything over on him.

"that's fine, I don't actually mind, that is if you don't get in my way, remember you follow me at your own risk, try to stop me, you die, get in trouble you can't handle, you die, I'm not protecting you, I'm not helping you."(dark-haired man) said firmly, it was obvious he was trying to make a point, and he made it rather clearly, I'm on my own.

"I'm ok with that."(human girl) I finally told him after a moment of thought, I wasn't sure about my decision, not even a little bit, but it was already far too late, I had already impulsively dove through the closing portal headfirst, a portal I didn't know the destination of, so I didn't even know where I was right now, we could probably be on an entirely different planet for all I knew.

but he was right about one thing, I was on my own.