
Chapter 4: Tempering Water Calamity Using A Divine Beast As A Vessel


Done with the fusion of skills, Ayuna turns to the next step.

"Next, let's temper Water Calamity."

Ayuna then use Environment Transfer Skill to transfer himself in a hidden cave full of pure spiritual energy underwater. Aside from some boulders and beautiful stalagmites, this place is quite empty.

"Perfect!" Ayuna cheered. Then he starts to search for the place's core. He was sure that the spiritual energy in that place is more denser than here.

After 30 minutes of searching and walking in the maze like underwater cave, he finally found the place's core using the hidden ability of Environment Transfer. The hidden ability than can lead him wherever he wants to.

Ayuna looked at the marvelous and beautiful place. In the center of the large core part of the underwater cave lies a wide pool filled to the brim with white water. Thriving plants full of spiritual energy grows around the pool. It's like a paradise made by gods.

Even so, Ayuna did not dare to get near the white pool. As according to his senses and the Environment Transfer Skill, a powerful aquatic creature is living inside.

He gathers all of his strength in his arm before throwing Water Calamity into the white pool. As soon as the scythe flies above the white pool, a giant fish similar to a whale swallowed it in one bite before diving back in the water, creating a big splash.

Some white water splash in Ayuna's direction. He looked at the glowing white water before using one of his skill: "Appraisal."

[Pure Spiritual Water

Description: Water made out of pure spiritual energy the Divine Beast, White Whale Of Purity sends out passively everytime it sleeps. It can heal any wounds and diseases as well as help any cultivator advance 3 full stages.]

"System, can I bring back some home?"

[No. The effects of the Pure Spiritual Water will be immediately removed after it was out of its home world.]

"Hmm." Ayuna was not disappointed because he expected it already. He was just trying.

Ayuna smiles once again, his pearly white teeth showing.

"Okay! Let's now temper Water Calamity with that Divine Beast as the vessel." Ayuna raises his hands before calling out.

"Time Control, Fast forward to 1 Million Years."

The whole world seems to stop for a moment before fast forwarding so much that you can't see anything.

=100M Years Later (Fastforward State) =

Ayuna counts the time before stopping the fast forward when he reached 100 seconds. The whole environment stops for a second before flowing normally once again.

The place was still the same aside from the new plants growing and the white pool widening more. It's like the place was not touched by anyone aside from the Divine Beast living in it.

He controlled the shield around him to get stronger and acquire the stealth effect. He then started diving down the white pool. Maybe because he's in stealth, the Divine Beast did not notice him so Ayuna was completely calm.

You can see here one of Ayuna's weird trait. There were time where he can be completely calm even in the face of life and death situation.

He swim close to the slumbering Divine Beast before using the temporary skill, Time Control. The time in the whole world stop.

Making sure the time was stopped, Ayuna swim to the Divine Beast's mouth. Using some methods, he finally entered the inside of the Divine Beast's mouth.

The inside of the Divine Beast's mouth was gigantic. You can fit 100 Ayuna inside and they can even start a party inside.

There's no water inside so Ayuna started to run to find his weapon in the Divine Beast's stomach.

After running for a few minutes, he finally found Water Calamity quitely laying in a piece of white flesh. Some changes can be seen in the scythe. The color seems lighter and some white drawings of a whale was carved in the scythe's handle.

"It seems that Water Calamity absorb large amount of energy from this Divine Beast and begin to depict its image like the Dragon Of Oceans And Seas in its blade."

Ayuna walk right in front of Water Calamity before touching its handle. He gently picked it up before using Appraisal in it: "Appraisal."

[Water Calamity

Owner: Ayuna Rotasu

Description: A beautiful but deadly scythe made from materials with Water Attributes. It was tempered by the water from Lake Of Purity and absorbed large amount of Pure Energy. It's pure but mysterious, raise your senses and beware.

Skills: Eater Of Royal Blood, Siphoning Water Beam, Summon: 7 Dragon Sealer Apparitions, Immortal Resurrection, Mark Of Sea God's Grace, Summon: Water Dragon Mage, Infectious Vampire Sirens, Light Of Purification (NEW), Pure Aura (NEW), Pure Soul (NEW)]

"Water Calamity obtains 3 new skills, huh?" Ayuna said amusedly while raising one of his eyebrows. He return the time to its natural movement before he uses Environment Transfer and returns back to Void Space.

Now done with the tempering, Ayuna's Customized Weapon Water Calamity is officially complete.

"System, I'm done."

Ayuna once again experienced losing consciousness for a second before regaining them back right after.

He once again see his room, with no changes. Looking at the window, he noticed that the sun was still in the same position as before he use the weapon ticket.

"So all of the time I spent inside the Void Space is just a short time here ?" Ayuna raised one of his eyebrows, impressed.

He calmly opens his [Inventory] and there he see Water Calamity in one of the Inventory Box.

"Summon, Water Calamity." He chants silently. Quickly, Water Calamity appears in his small hands, bearing its majestic aura. 'I don't really need to chant something like that but it's cool so why not?'

He place back in his [Inventory] right after admiring it. He stands up and heads to the dining room.

'I'm so hungry'

After 5 minutes of navigating through the hallway, he finally arrives at the dining hall. No one was there aside from some adults that was preparing today's food.

"Goodmorning Ara nee-san!" He chirped happily before rushing to a young woman with age ranging from 14~15 and hugging her.

"Goodmorning Ayuna-kun." Arane smiles gently before hugging Ayuna back. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"Ara nee-san, I'm hungry." Ayuna pitifully said with a cute pout in his lips.

"Oh my, wait a minute." Arane said before walking to the kitchen to get some foods.

Ayuna smile victorious-ly because his act works once again. He is using his looks to his advantage and there's nothing wrong with it. It's not like I'm scamming her or anything.

Arane was one of the victim who Ayuna always targets because she is the daughter of the cook in the dining hall and he can get food from her ahead of time.

He grabs a wooden spoon before sitting in one of the chairs around a table near him. He didn't wait for long before Arane arrived with a bowl of piping hot porridge.

"Here, Ayuna-kun. It's hot, eat it carefully." She gently placed the porridge in front of Ayuna before rubbing his hair.

"Thank you for the food, Ara nee-san!" Ayuna once again chirped before eating the porridge slowly.

'It's really good, I love it.'


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Hello! I edited the current 5 chapters of this story because I saw that it's full of plot holes. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

BlueMoon_IceCatcreators' thoughts