
Chapter 8: Meeting Tang Hao s

While Yun Hao was making an agreement with dean Flender, Tang San and the others are walking to the testing ground 2 were they will check their spirit power rank on a crystal. Mumbai introduced himself again to the new students of the school. Mumbai already know that Tang San and Xiao Wu will pass, because he suffered a beating from Tang San when he tried to get the room they rented, He was also surprise when he first saw the spirit arrangements of Tang San.

As the process of checking the other 2 that were brought by Mumbai introduce themselves. the 1st to introduce herself is Ning Rong Rong age: 11 spirit elder, 2nd is Zhu Zhuqing age: 12 spirit grandmaster, 3rd is Xiao Wu age: 11 spirit elder, and the last is Tang San age: 11 spirit elder. Mumbai also introduce himself, My name is Dai Mumbai age: 12 1/2 spirit elder and senior student of Shrek academy with 2 other. after knowing each other's name Mumbai bring them to the 3rd part were they will have a mock battle with the vice Dean Zhao Wuji.

As the new students were speaking with each other they saw a big man 6-7 ft. tall, with muscular body walking to them. This man is Zhao Wuji also known as the motion less " Bright king Wuji" a spirit master that has been popular in a bad way so he was hiding in this academy.

Zhao Wuji: kids today as the request of our dean I will assess you on your ability, It will be a time battle were you four will group together defend yourselves on each of my attack until this incense stick is fully burned. I will give you 10 mins. so you devise a plan to counter my attacks.

Tang San: Xiao Wu and Zhuqing will be the attacker, Rong Rong and me support you on the side and control the movements of our enemy. If there is a problem on my plan you can talk with me so I can revise it, any questions?

Zhu Zhuqing: If that will help us to win these fight I am willing to follow.

Ning Rong Rong: there is also no problem with me, but I can only support two person at a time cause I still haven't finish learning myself created skill.

Xiao Wu: if that's brother plan this little sister will follow.

10 mins later....

Okey kids let's start. After the signal was given Tang San and company form a formation 2-1-1, 2 attacker on the front, 1 controller on the middle and 1 support on the back. Zhao Wuji seeing that they were ready summon his spirit and attacked using his 1st ring to Target the support on the back. Seeing that there support was about to be hit by the attack Tang San pull Rong Rong to the side using his 1st ring. Seeing that his plan fail Wuji wear a smile on his face, after evading the attack Rong Rong increase the speed and power of Xiao Wu and Zhuqing to power up their abilities. After the attack hit wuji, Tang San bind him with his 1st ring ability making Zhao Wuji lost the ability to move temporarily, seeing Zhao Wuji lost the ability to move Mumbai tease his master. After getting tease by Mumbai, Zhao Wuji decided to be a bit serious by activating full body transformation turning into a giant golden bear.

Tang San seeing the transformation also turned serious and tell his teamate to be careful. Zhuqing and Xiao Wu attack Zhao Wuji but was push back by the hardiness of the bear hide. Seeing that all of their attack not taking effect Xiao Wu use her second spirit ring to use illusion on Zhao Wuji, but because of the gap in spirit power Xiao Wu received a backlash spurt blood and loss conciousness. Tang San seeing what happen to Xiao Wu decided to challenge Zhao Wuji in a one on one combat, if they win they would be accepted in Shrek Academy, and if he lose he will live the academy.

Zhao Wuji decided to fight Tang San seeing that he was serious about this matter. Both fighter prepared themselves and unleash there spirits. Tang San was the first one to attack he use his first skill bind to trap Wuji temporarily so that he could unleash his self created skill. Seeing Tang San unleashed a rain of needle and other kinds of weapons Zhao Wuji had a scare, because whenever he tried to escape the needles follow him and hit the spot. Even though the weapons and needle didn't penetrate the skin it lessen the defensive power of Wuji, after lowering the defense of Wuji, Tang San use a powerful type of needle to penetrate the skin of Zhao Wuji that will cause him immense pain to the part affected.

Tang San saw that Wuji defense is already down use his second spirit and throw his hammer and hit wuji on the face pushing him 100 meters away from the spot. After winning the fight Tang San collapse and lose conciousness due to spirit power exhaustion. Zhao Wuji loss his face after the fight so he decided not to fight this kid anymore even if the Dean get angry.

That night Yun Hao went to Tang San, he cure and strengthen his body so it could not damage his foundations. That night Tang Hao came to visit Flender and Wuji, to return the favor of Wuji bullying his son, he decided to beat Wuji until his mother cannot recognize his face but after a punch he stopped because he detect a Master approaching them, after seeing the one who arrive is a young man at the age of 18-20yrs old. He decided to test Yun Hao by using his full powered aura of the title doulou. This stopped the two spirit sage on their spot with cold sweat leaking on there forehead's. Yun Hao decided to show the full power of his triple spirit showing his 8 golden wings, a Golden balance on his left hand, and a burning golden sword in his right, being accompanied by 5 black, and 19 red on his back. Seeing the 21 rings on his back Tang Hao decided to stand down and absorb his aura back.

Yun Hao told them what he knew about the plans of spirit hall. The 3 spirit master now understand why he wanted to train the kids he want them to lead the fight against the spirit hall and stop them for good. Tang Hao decided to join him in this quest to save normal citizens, so he heal him back to full health.