
Rain and Fire

At the base of the castle Bernard threw punch after punch towards the man with horn-shaped hair.

'' Tekkai'' The man was casual as he ate the hits. He only flinched a bit. He started speaking unhurriedly.

'' You are not a match for me. Even though I am just a trainee, after 1 more year of training I will be able to join Cipher Pole like my seniors. I already know 3 of the 6 rokushiki techniques that makes a person superhuman. Even 3 of them is enough to deal with you. My name is Blueno, remember this while you regret your stupid decisio-''

Before he could finish Bernard immediately sent a punch at his face. Blueno took 2 steps back as he glared at Bernard. ' I will just kill this idiot off! I wish government gave me my devil fruit before I came here.' This person with horned hair was indeed Blueno who joined the secret operation to gain some experience, he hasn't even eaten his devil fruit yet.

Bernard looked at Blueno confused. He didn't understand what a trainee was. But then something Abel told him flashed in his mind and he laughed as if he understood the secret.

'' I see now! You are one of the small fries Boss talked about! I will destroy you!'' Bernard shouted happily as he sent even more punches towards him. Blueno's face was dark as he punched back. ' Who are you calling a small fry, bastard!'

They fought fiercely for a while as Blueno used shigan, tekkai and ordinary punches. Bernard was pushed back and was bleeding but didn't stop as he kept punching at Blueno. Blueno frowned a bit. His tekkai and physical strength was much lower than his seniors in CP-9. He was still just a trainee. He started to feel the punches but was still very calm when he looked at Bernard who was bleeding from everywhere. ' How much longer can he go on anyway?'

[A Completely Destroyed Alleyway]

Cavendish frowned as he looked at Mr.1 who was bleeding a little from his mouth.

'' I see, you have a special body. I can't cut you.''

Mr.1 smiled as he stood up from the ground.

'' I have never seen a swordsman like you. You are using the tip of your sword and attacking with some kind of force. My internal organs are starting to get damaged.''

'' Don't worry. I will cut you at least once before this duel is over.'' Cavendish focused as he tried to remember the contents of Armament haki manuel. He gritted his teeth as he remembered Abel's teasing words. ' Let me show you what a genius is!'

Mr.1 sneered as he looked at Cavendish who is already bleeding from various places. '' Even if you are talented, don't think too highly of yourself. You will definitely lose this duel.''

[ Just outside the Capital, a ruined town]

'' I followed your lead until here. İsn't this enough hiding and escaping? Come out!'' the swordsman with a mask covering his face slashed at the ruined houses as he destroyed them one by one.

'' This is very meaningless. You know this as well. Come out already.''

[ At the entrance of Capital, at the end of main street]

Two people came face to face without speaking. People around them watched them with vary eyes.

'' T-That is Crocodile!?''

''Who is the other person?''

'' I heard he is a prince from Sniper İsland?''

Crocodile ignored everyone around as he spoke to Abel.

'' İt's you? ''

'' Yeah.'' Abel casually admitted about the broadcast.

Crocodile frowned as he asked with a cold voice. '' Why?''

Abel shrugged as he stated his reason. '' You seemed like a good stepping stone? Also was it you who went to the castle to rob them? You got the location of ponegliph from there?'' This reason was actually true. İn the future he would need some fame and influence to create his organisation and do some things. He needed ponegliph, he needed Robin, he needed some fame as well. Crocodile was the perfect target. Abel also asked about the things he was curious about. The room covered with sand and how Crocodile knew the location of the ponegliph.

Crocodile's face twisted with rage as he spoke. '' You are dead. Dead people need no explanations. I am invincible in desert. You should take that stupid mask off while you have the chance.''

'Relationship formed with Crocodile(intermediate character). Current relationship -50(Furious)'

Abel looked at him playfully '' We will see ''

Crocodile didn't want to speak much anymore as he attacked at Abel immediately. Abel was calm as he took out his wine cup and spilled it on his fists and started fighting with Crocodile immediately.

' Ghost Steps' Abel flashed forward while dodging the sand spikes that are coming around from everywhere with help of his observation haki. Unfortunately Abel still didn't learn Armamaent haki since it wasn't easy to learn it in 25 days even with the help of manual that speed things up. Abel punched towards Crocodiles face but a sand wall appeared between them. Abel's punch destroyed the wall but didn't reach Crocodile. Crocodile frowned as he realised that Abel knew the weakness of his devil fruit. More and more sand attacks came towards Abel as they cut everything in their path including people, buildings and the road itself. Abel didn't mind this as he kept flashing with Ghost Steps while using his observation haki to avoid the sand attacks. Abel felt that his observation haki was improving much faster in this fight as he kept dodging the razor sharp sand attacks. Abel kept evading as he didn't attack Crocodile at all. Crocodile chased after him with rage. Whole kingdom was watching the fight while holding their breaths. After Abel concluded that he gathered enough attention he stopped dodging and running around.

'' What are you doing!?'' Crocodile asked Abel who was making a weird pose while pointing at the sky. Whole kingdom also watched him weirdly.

'' Citizens of Alabasta, this is the person leading that evil organisation! But don't worry, I the prince of sniper island, Abel from Dark Moon is here! RAİN! HEED MY CALL! LET'S DESTROY THİS EVİL TOGATHER!'' Abel shouted while posing in a matter that he thought was very cool.

' Special Skill Weather Manipulation Activated. Heavy Rain started. İt will rain heavily for 10 minutes.'

' Only 10 minutes? Whatever it is more than enough!'

Crocodile who was drenched in rain watched Abel rush towards him with a horrified face.

Meanwhile whole kingdom started shouting and cheering.

'' He summoned the rain!''

'' He is the rainbringer!''



Whole capital shook with cheers.

' Becoming famous is not that hard, huh? Maybe it is because I am very handsome.'

[Trainee Room]

Nana who put the broadcasting den den mushi's to their place was satisfied with her work as she got out of the underground and arrived at the place where Barbossa and Galdino is still fiercely fighting. Barbossa tried to shoot at Galdino but he was blocking him with his candle. Barbossa also realized that his 5'th ammo would explode and tried to use it to his advantage but Galdino was not stupid. He also realized this and didn't threw candle everywhere. Candles were thrown in a way that would limit Barbossa's space while didn't explode togather.

'' We could have kept playing poker. Your exploding ammo is a little troublesome, but this room can hold more than 200 people easily. There is enough space to handle you without burning the place down. You shou-''

Barbossa tried to shoot at Galdino to catch him off guard but was unsuccesful. Galdino glared at Barbossa's dirty tricks as he sent 3 candle spears at him.

Barbossa cursed his luck and managed to shoot down 2 of them and watched as the other one came at him.

'Fuck! Fuck!'

Nana parryed the last candle spear as she smiled at Barbossa.

'' I'm done! Let me hel-''

Nana who rescued Barbossa was kicked towards a wall. The wall was destroyed and Nana was thrown to the street bleeding from her mouth. She looked up and saw Norris who is walking towards her slowly.

'' You were the one who broadcasted this event? Tell me where you hided the broadcasting den den mushi and I will let you go. Also give me the documents you secured about Crocodile.''

Nana sighed and started to run away but before she could take more than 2 steps Norris slammed her to the floor again.

'' Meaningless resistance. Even if you are a devil fruit user, your physical skills are just trash. Give up already.'' Norris spoke calmly. He was not like Blueno who was just a trainee. He was already a member of Cp-9. Even though he wasn't a genius like Lucci or not an elite member like his team leader he was still a member that knew all 6 rokushiki.

Nana gritted her teeth but stood up and tried to ran away again. Barbossa watched the happenings from the room with a dark face as he cursed. ' You are a fucking troublemaker! You will be the death of me!' Barbossa was waiting for Nana to arrive so that they could beat Galdino and escape togather but he didn't expect Nana to find someone more troublesome. Barbossa sighed as he aimed his rifle at Norris. ' İf I don't get famous after this, I am ditching this crew.' The rifle was fired with a bang, it destroyed the window and crushed into Norris while exploding. Norris turned around with an expressionless face and gazed at Barbossa deeply.

There wasn't any damage done to his arm at all. Barbossa shivered as he watched Norris came towards him. ' Fuck! What the hell is this person!?' Barbossa kept shooting at him but Norris didn't even care as he took all the hits. Barbossa was terrified as he waited for his fate to arrive. Even Galdino who was fighting with Barbossa stopped and didn't interfere. He was scared that this person would kill him as well.

Nana looked back with a stunned face but kept running after a few seconds. ' I can't do anything at all. We need Captain here.'

Barbossa sighed as he watched Norris arrive before him. ' Am I dying like this? No. I am not famous and rich enough yet. I want more damn it!' Barbossa had a crazy idea at that moment. He took out the cheap whiskey that was gifted to him by his cheap captain, opened the lid and started to crazily run around in the room while spilling it everywhere. Norris frowned as he ran after him and slammed him to the ground. Norris watched Barbossa as if watching an insect struggle as he saw him rolling around with whiskey on his hand spilling it everywhere.

'' You are very pathetic. Did you struggle enough?'' Norris mocked Barbossa and sent a kick towards him making him fly towards the window. Barbossa crushed into the window as broken glass pieces stabbed on his back. Galdino was also looking at him mockingly but then realised something. Even though he purposefully didn't produce candles close to each other... whiskey can connect them to each other. Galdino's face turned pale as he wanted to say something but Barbossa spoke first with a disgusting smile.

'' Brother... İt was nice knowing you. When you go to hell, wait for me, we can still play poker togather. But I need to be rich and famous first.'' Barbossa said this as he jumped backwards to outside as he shooted at the whiskey covered floor. Norris watched him with a blank face ' Wha-'

Before anyone could do anything the whiskey burned and fire reached candles scattered around the room. Whole room exploded as flames reached the sky, seemingly challenging the rain itself. Barbossa didn't try anything after this as he kept pathetically crawling away while coughing blood. ' I will live. Get rich. Have a pretty girlfriend. I ain't dying here!'

Roughly 10 minutes later...

Norris walked out from the building with a dark face. Even if the flames were strong it only damaged him a little bit. Galdino on the other hand was dead. Not even his ashes remained. Norris gritted his teeth as he cursed. ' How dare you play me!'

Norris saw the bloodstains and guessed Barbossa's direction. He wanted to go and kill him immediately but then remembered he still has to kill Nana to get allied with Crocodile. He felt conflicted but choose to complete the mission in the end chasing after Nana. While chasing after Nana he never stopped cursing Barbossa. ' You dirty, small insect. Don't let me get my hands on you!'

Author Note: I actually wrote most of the chapters for Alabasta and was going to post them all in one go :d. But when I read them I realised I made the fights very very short and fast paced. So even though the plot is clear I am editing the fight scenes. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Hope you enjoy it :)

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts
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