
The Goddess

After remembering what happened and I came to, I was in a vast realm of whiteness which is typical for an afterlife but it's also extremely soothing like I'm being comforted by a beautiful woman. However, that's exactly what's happening right now as apparently I'm spooning with this flawless woman right in front of me. Well I would say flawless however for some reason parts of her skin has scales and she has a horn and a tail. Weird however still not a turn off.

She wakes up slowly yawning and outstretches her arms around my shoulders as she looks up at me with a mischievous smile and pecks me on the lips.

I look at her and then at myself I notice that we're both translucent and there's a fog surrounding our bodies but it's hard to tell considering we're in a weird white space with no end in sight.

"Excuse me beautiful, but although that was nice, it would be better if I actually knew who I was sleeping with."

"Ara Ara, what's wrong with that?" as she smirks I sigh assuming this is all a dream I just close my eyes and embrace her and wrap my legs around her beautiful body. She has beautiful long icy blue hair and eyes, her scales also icy blue. Her skin is pale white along with her horns and claws. But then something unexpected happens as she squeals abruptly after I slowly embrace her. She's squealing happily I just continue because it's just a dream. I then fall back asleep like that.

When I woke back up again I'm still in whiteness only this time the girl I was with now has her tail wrapped around my waist while my face is in her modest but perfect chest. I take my face out of her chest and crawl up her body after she unwraps her tail from around me and I kiss her on the forehead.

"Beautiful might I know your name?"

"Hmm?... Sorry, I'm still sleepy." She says after getting up or down? Left or right? I can't really tell as the vast plain of white doesn't have much in the way of directional and spatial maneuverability. Anyway, she stands with her arms open. "I'm the Goddess Draeca. Well I just recently ascended to divinity, and honey I've chosen you as my champion what do you say. Or what does this little man say?"

I perk up after she said that, wondering what she means...

"What exactly does that entail as being a champion? Powers? Fame? Wisdom? The usual spheal or what?"

"Not exactly, our souls will be bound together we will share each other's emotions and part of our knowledge about each other. What do you say, darling?"

"How do we go about it… Wait did you say you were a goddess!? I'm sorry what? Are you sure about me? I mean I died a worthless death and here you are saying you say you want me?" How is this not a dream, I thought I died where are Heaven and Hell when I need them.

"You… Calm Down. Calm Down. I secretly took your soul out of your body before you 'died' so nobody but I know what happened to your soul. Are able to find out while your in my domain."


"Yeah sorry about that if you're not okay with it I can send you back."

"NO! Sorry I mean no I don't want to go back but I still don't know what I do want. I was always indecisive about some important things when they mattered... So I don't really want to mess that u- Mmph"

She floats up to me and kisses me on the lips, but I don't get it, is she playing with me? Do I even deserve this? WHY ME? I thought

"Yes, you deserve this chance even though you think anyone is better than you and that you are paranoid about ever having relationships, it's okay, Alright? You're fine you're the one I want and the one I definitely need. I was watching your life a little through a playback function I made, I have to say your life was really lonely but that's fine because I get more of you."

Even though I'm a 17-year-old man I still started to sweat from my eyes a little bit as no one has ever told me they ever wanted me let alone needed me at all. Not my acquaintances nor my friends and definitely not my parents. No one has ever told me they needed me ever.

I've always had a tough time making friends since the start but ever since high school it just got worse and worse each and every time I would think it went pretty well, but then I'd find them talking about me behind my back without any remorse.

At high school each and every Goddamn time I made progress, it was always like a house of cards although it stayed up initially the further I got the more unstable it became. The problem was that even when I changed from cards to bricks it was still on a glass table waiting for too much weight to be put on it.

As I was going through my mind about past events she started comforting me. Yes actually comforting me. ME. the most miserable person on the planet is getting comfort from a goddess because she needs me.

She needs me. She needs me. Ha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. Yeah right nobody needs me... I don't know anymore. All I have is her so it's way better than anybody in my past life. Not because she's a goddess but because she ACTUALLY cares. I can feel the sincerity in her eyes, not the fake sincerity that I've learned to discern through numerous betrayals.

I started calming down after a while looked up to her and she gave me a salty kiss, I don't know why but I feel like I've known her my whole life for some reason.

Now knowing my heart is sealed I wouldn't resist and I didn't want to resist her either. She's the thing I was looking for in my life, someone who cares it didn't really matter who it was but now I'm gone from that world so I don't care.

I still have to take it slow because I don't want to be caught off guard or be betrayed but I won't have to worry about that once our souls are fused because then while we can't force each other to do their wills we also can't knowingly or unknowingly hurt each other.

After I calmed down she gets to work on starting the soul fusion process I guess she's just like me because as soon as we started to connect our souls we both felt wariness towards each other. Right, I guess she is someone who has had similar circumstances to me even though she's a god over a plane of the universe and I'm a mere mortal. It just goes to show how we're all vulnerable to things we have no control over.

We're quite literally soul mates because now we can hear each other's thoughts, we can also feel each other's emotions and right now we're both apparently really happy.

After the process is done I wait for her to be ready so I can talk to her as I'm guessing soul fusion is pretty taxing on the soul as I'm also taking a breather.

"Now let me explain the world you were transferred to. The plane of existence I and my fellow gods and goddesses rule over only has one planet sustainable of life right now as per the guidelines of the heavenly laws set in place by the old gods. This plane of existence has the soul status which is like a status board in your world and mana which is the essence of life.

Since our souls were fused we have an amazing amount of strength now while I only got a little and you got a lot when I pulled you from your plane of existence, you had a very hard will and strong soul compared to others. Comparatively stronger than everyone in my world. your will to do something once you've set your mind to it is very strong, stronger than I've ever seen, more stubborn than anything." Though I think she mumbled that last part.

So she started explaining how the world works and what the status is and to her surprise, I knew all of what it meant because I read a lot of books and played a lot of games I know what to do for the most part already.

The status is only available in the physical realm unless you already have a physical body because that partially defines your soul but I don't in this plane but she said that because of regulations I had to start with a new physical body and the only way to do that is force another soul out of the host's body.

Because that's taboo and extremely hard to do no one but the gods have succeeded, luckily my partner is also a goddess so we're good with that.

Because of a taboo and the fact that she is a dragon in a humanoid form she had me possess a kobold. Monsters can evolve and have low intelligence initially so taking over the body won't be hard at all. Also, the problem with body-soul possession is that the host's body transforms to fit the soul.

"And that is all I have to explain since we can meet at any time and hear each other's thoughts I'll be on your journey with you as well but only in the mind."

"Thanks, Draeca, for everything."

With that, I blacked out as soon as we were done talking.

"Grow up fast so you can remember the fate you once had my love…"

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