
Reincarnated as a level 1 skeleton

Larry a twenty year old college dropout dies from a bullet wound and bleeds out on the street after his older brother and him are ambushed by a gang of steet thugs. Larry passes away in his loving younger brothers arms. Larry then finds himself in what can only be called an abyss with a foreboding bag of bones infront of him, what happens next time can only tell.

Kurrupt · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Welcome to Galtrys

"Aluber I've made my decision I wish to chose option four where I'm reincarnated".

"Excellent choice" Aluber said whilst chuckling happily with a dead and lifeless expression as Larry stood there in behold of this terrifying sight.

"Okay seeming as your the first mortal to choose the fourth option I will be generous in my choice of lifeform you become" Aluber said whilst still eerily smiling.

"Now let me send you to your new world" Aluber said whilst unnaturally walking towards Larry "now let's get this show on the road your in for a wild ride that you can never get off" Aluber said with a little chuckle. "What dose that mea....." Larry tried to say as Aluber snapped his neck in one swift motion. Should of probably warned the kid I needed to do that oh well theirs no other way to proceed in the reincarnation process Aluber though.

Okay now what should he be reborn as, I could spin a wheel and figure it out by pure chance or I could.... Aluber thought whilst pondering to himself. Yes, Yes, Yes it's perfect he will be able to function normally with his fine motor skills and basic requirements like walking will not be required to be re learnt if done this way Aluber thought. "Now time for the ritual, first things first I will need this" Aluber said whilst a sword with a mencimg aura appeared in his right hand, then Aluber summoned a glowing white orb with extreme luster out of thin air one could onlh assume this was Larrys soul.

"I Aluber of death and judgement here by sentence Larry Grey to the world of Galtrys where he shall be reborn as a SKELETON!" Aluber bellowed these words to the cosmos he then slamed his blade into the ground and cut through reality then he withdrew his sword and dropped the soul into the hole in reality just created.

But something went amiss Larrys soul began to violently glow and convulse mid air and sucked a piece of Aluber own soul with it.

(Welcome user to the planet of galtrys)

"Huh what, wasn't I just infront of that psycho reaper I remember him snapping my neck honestly if I hear that guys voice again, I'm going to snap my own neck Larry thought whilst aggressively scratching his neck".

"What happened" a mysterious voice screamed. Larry almost died from shock, what in the world was that Larry thought freaked. "Who are you Larry" shouted in his mind, "It's me Aluber it seems a quarter of my soul merged with your own" Aluber said in a depressed tone. "Oh okay well that's not horrifying at all is..." Larry tried to say before he was interrupted by the message infront of his eyes.

(Status is ready to display information)

(open status) yes/no

"Okay Aluber seeming as I'm stuck with you now what dose this mean" Larry asked ."I guess I can only comply seeming as I'm in this situation" Aluber said dejected "that's your interface asking if you would like to see your status I recommend to choose yes".

"Yes I would like to see my status" Larry said to the female voice.

(User has chosen to open status displaying status now)


(Race) Skeleton

(Sub Race) Skull servant

(Resurrection type) Eclipse

(User Level 1)


(Vitality) 5

(Strength) 2

(Intelligence) 15

(Dexterity) 20

(Charisma) 1

(Endurance) ♾



Laughing terror

Summon weapon

Soul absorption