
Reincarnated As A Kaiju

He sometimes dreamed of becoming Godzilla, but those were only dreams. Now, he slowly regrets it. Also, why does he look like a moth? P.S It is sort of an AU Will add more information when necessary

AFKPlayer2204 · Movies
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

Skin. Flesh. Exoskeleton.

As if thrust into an almighty storm, these things shuddered with such fury as the tail pulverised Dominic.

It sent him to the ground. He jumped a few times before skidding to a halt.

Swaths of trees were cut down, spoiling the perfect pattern of the natural environment.

"Ugh..." He groaned. Dominic attempted to get up.

His vision was blurry. His head pained. The world shook around him.

'Hurts...so much...'

A roar split the air.


That brought him back from his knockout. Dominic hovered into the air, his wings flapped quickly.

He saw it.

Upon the beach, crawled a humongous creature. A crocodile? An alligator? Both? Who knows. Whatever it was, with its dark green, scaly hard skin, its large jaws of jagged teeth, its menacing eyes...

No matter, Dominic could feel his heart throb within him as this majestic beast flung sand around with its claws.

It was as if he froze in the air.

'Oh...my...word,' The creature sunk the shark carcass in between its jaws, 'this thing's huge,'

From the environment, Dominic could judge the size.

'A hundred or so meters in length,' He stared intently, 'tail included,'

Height? The creature stood taller than the trees not too far away.

As it swallowed the shark whole, Dominic felt a chill.

'W-What am I doing!?'

He turned around.

'I should-'


'...' Dominic stopped and turned around again, 'this isn't...'

He nearly broke his head when the kaiju rumbled at him, flattening trees to an even greater extent.

Two beams crackled forward at the creature, exploding against its skin.


Dominic flew back in fright but didn't think to fly higher.

'Eyes, EYES!'

Before he knew it, his antennae glowed.

Another pair of beams fired down at the kaiju.

It groaned, throwing its head around.

'That...did that work?'

The creature looked back in rage.

'I forgot...'

Dominic's wings began to flap with power. Soon, a whirling wind rushed forward, even pressing the monster back.

His wings kept on.

Yet, the creature pushed forward.

With every step it took, the more struggle it went through.

Dominic could only panic and swing his wings as much as he could.

"No, g-go away!" He screeched.

If he was to combat against a fricking Godzilla, a huge crocodile shouldn't be a problem.

This, however, spawned doubts within himself.

So much so, that Dominic couldn't react to the large tail.


'Why...' He thought, the pain increasing as he landed on the ground, 'why am I so weak?'

The world shook over.

'I'm a moth, I can't beat this thing!' His heart sank, 'Were they right?'

He heard another roar.

The creature swung its tail again.

'Am I a failure?'


The tail swung against skin and flesh. Dominic's body reverberated, and his mind shook.

It was quite the distance he travelled, before landing once again, the forest as his safety net.

Like an imploding building, Dominic's mind fell into torment.

'I...I'm going to die,'

As he thought that, he didn't notice the hole to his far left.

The creature crawled to him. Dominic saw as it approached him.

'What was I thinking? Fighting this thing?' His body ached. He couldn't move, 'I'm an imbecile,'

As it neared, he let out a screech. One of humor.

'I don't want to die,' He kept on looking, 'but there is no plot armour here to help me,'


Dominic shook as the large creature towered over him, it stared hungrily at him. It roared.


As a last bit of hope, his antennae lit up and sent another round of beams.

Much like a crocodile, the creature's underside had no hard scales. It was bare.

The beams did what they did, exploding upon the contact.

The creature let out a loud cry of pain.

Was Dominic seeing blood?


Nothing at all.

He only saw its jaws widen. They lowered down to him.

In that last moment, Dominic felt himself give up as the creature sunk its teeth into his sides.

Not too deep. Perhaps it was making sure?

A roar.

Dominic heard it, but he didn't care. He gave up. The creature did and widened its jaws. Dominic fell out.

Surprised, yet still reeling from his intense injuries, he turned.

His big blue eyes widened.

It was another creature, probably the same size as the giant crocodile.

'Why does that...' He thought, 'No, that can't be...'

The other kaiju roared again.

Dominic heard it before.

Its four legs. A back full of pointy spikes. The roar.


It roared again as if annoyed at what was happening.

The was a hole behind it.

'Oh yeah,' Dominic groaned, attempting to move, 'I should run, while I still can,'

That, however, didn't help him.


Dominic stared at the massive crocodile creature.

It could also talk?

Anguirus looked displeased, shaking his head in pity.

The creature charged, flinging its green tail.

It slammed against spikes.

Quickly, Anguirus lunged forward.

His sharp teeth sunk into the creature's underside.

Dominic watched as these two kaiju wrestled with one another, the crocodile sometimes unleashed its heavy tail, only for it to be jabbed by Anguirus' back spikes.

The creature roared in hunger.

Anguirus used this to attack.

It dug its teeth into the underside of the crocodile kaiju once again.

Anguirus pulled.

Light green flesh peeled off like orange skins.

As Anguirus had mouthful after mouthful, the giant crocodile grew limp.

It stopped moving.

'That Anguirus took it down, Oh my word,'

Perhaps Dominic was glad that the creature was dead, yet, another part of his mind went to work in the worst possible case.

Maybe it was because this kaiju actually won a fight?

Whatever it was, he stopped when it walked over to him. Anguirus looked down. A face of curiosity.

Dominic wanted to move, yet his body prevented him to.

Yet, it sat there, waiting for his reaction.

Dominic did nothing.

"How refreshing,"

Anguirus moved back to give Dominic some space.

However, he kept his mandibles shut.

"I'm not a foe, moth," Anguirus spoke, "no need to be silent,"

For a moment, Dominic was able to speak.

"Thanks?" He replied, confused as to why he didn't attack him.

Anguirus looked at the carcass.

"You're lucky," He breathed out, "that it liked to use its tail,"

A silence drew among the two.

"So, if you're not here to kill," Anguirus turned around, "I don't mind the company,"

He walked and disappeared into the hole.

A breath escaped Dominic's mandibles.

'How am I still alive?'

He looked around. At the destruction.

'Ugh,' Dominic sighed, moving around bit by bit, 'I was so close to dying,'

Despite his pain, Dominic stood, his wings raised.

'Why did that Anguirus not attack me?' He started at the corpse, 'I'm really lucky,'

He frowned, the wind acted as a comforting hug. A nonexistent hug at that.

'Reality can be so harsh,' Dominic thought, moving around on the spot, 'I'm intact, I don't know how, but I need to rest,'

The cave came into view.

'No, I can't rest yet, I need to practice, to get stronger,'

He paused.

'I'm lost,'

A grim emotion swept over him.

'I...have no idea how to improve,' Dominic looked at his antennae, 'Is this my limit?'

There was nothing he could deny. That crocodile monster would've killed him if not for Anguirus. Dominic couldn't deny that he was a moth. He assumed he was a made-up kaiju from his memory. There were only hypotheses to his powers.

Like a black hole, He couldn't escape the truth.

Or was that truth assumed too?

He shook his head.

'Not yet, this was my first actual fight as a kaiju,' Dominic tried to cope with it, 'Of course, I sucked. Never been in a fight before.'

'I can improve. Right?'

He looked around as if someone was going to validate his thought.

'What's wrong with me? Get it TOGETHER!'

Dominic shook his head and stared at the corpse.

'Hmm,' He opened his mandibles, 'I did fight it, that Anguirus should understand,'


A/N: Notify me of any errors