
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Now 12 years old Lili finally managed to get her hands on a sword and she even got a teacher to teach her it's use. And all this was thanks to her contribution to the family.

Her father after a lot of testing and tinkering with her inventions had managed to get them built and working.

Though the process of getting the peasants comfortable in the usage of these machines took time they slowly grew in popularity and spread all over.

During the past 3 years the territory saw great improvements thanks to this. More and more forests were cut down and converted into farmland. Little by little the lands of Westfield started to be converted into endless flat farms for as long as the eye could see.

And bechaus of this her fame started to spread as it was always attached to the new tools names. Though none knew the face of the girl stories and rumours started to spread around.

Slowly but surely as her inventions spread the name Lili became legendary. She was now seen as some sort of blessing from god a true genius defended down to earth to help humanity plant even firmer roots into this world.

And with these inventions the economy grew, the rich became richer but many peasants also lost their jobs since there was no longer such a high demand for manual labour.

Bechaus of this talks of expanding the kingdoms borders grew and some of the nobility already started to prepared for war.

But still being trapped in her castle home all this was completely unknown to her. For her life in the castle went on as normal. Although she had noticed a change in the servants and guards of the castle. Now the people around her treated her with respect and admiration. They bowed and spoke respectfully, gone were the days when she was only treated as an little adorable girl.

During this time her father and older brother had been summoned to the capital to meet the king. Tough Lili was never told why exactly this was she figured it had something to do with her inventions. But for whatever reason just like always she was told nothing and she was simply expected to remain silent and behave.

Because of this and after receiving no recognition or benefits for her inventions Lili was at an breaking point ready to run away if given the chance.

But after her father returned home he finally had decided to give her what she wanted. He gave her the chance to wish for a single thing. She could have whatever she wished for that was within her fathers power to give.

Thinking of this there were only 3 things she really wanted. Getting outside in to the world, cancelling her future wedding and lastly there was her dream of learning the same things that her brother's had learned. Namely sword fighting.

Knowing that trying to convince her family of the first two wishes was almost impossible thank to their medieval mindset and concern for her wellbeing. There really was only one choice to pick.

She had then wished for the sword. And since normal sword's were too heavy for her she had decided to make herself a new sort of sword.

Using the knowledge of her previous life she gave her father the design for a sword type called the rapier. It was an excellent weapon that greatly worked together with her small and agile body.

So now rapier in hand she was practicing sword fighting with her new teacher who's name was Geralt. Or more commonly known as Geralt the old by the other guards.

While he was not of nobal birth or a particularly skilled fighter, Geralt was still a veteran of many battles and the only man willing to teach her the basics of wielding a sword. Most other men apparently saw teaching her as an disgraceful action and a complete and other waste of time, since she was of the opposite sex that was mainly meant to stay at home taking care of her man and familys basic needs.

Using fast thrusting attacks Lili tried to get through Geralts defences who held his sword in a guarding stance to block all her attacks.

Each time as Geralt blocked her strikes the impact of their weapons clashing clashing against one and other send ripples of pain through her sword hand.

Lili winced in pain and jumped backwards creating space between them.

hurt her hands that were not used to such a violent form of exercise. Bechaus of this reason and to protect herself from not developing calluses she always wore white leather gloves.

Though her hands hurt she felt great. Finally after starting her sword training she was able to start wearing men's clothes.

Standing on the castles grassy training field in her green tight leather pants, loose and sweaty white shirt and green leather boots she blew her long hair out from in front of her face and prepared to attack once more.

Gerald just yawned in being old and tired as he was and said. " Lili stop creating so much distance with me. Your arms reach is less than mine, so if you ever want to hit me you'll need to get in close. Otherwise I will always be in control being capable of striking you down whenever I wish. "

Lili wanted to rebuke him on his words but she stayed silent. She knew that he was right. Despite Geralt not being a particularly tall man he was still a good 40 centimeters taller than she. He also held a lot more power in his sword swing's making his swings Extremely fast compared to her.

While Lili pondered on these problems Geralt moved without warning. Using his dull training sword he went for an overhead strike towards Lili.

Noticing this Lili dodged to the side knowing that she couldn't block such an heavy attack.

As Geralts sword went past her she counterattacked but Geralt immediately brought his sword back in front of him and pushed it to the side.

Lili winced in pain yet again as Geralt seized the opportunity to kick Lili in the stomach. Immediately she lost her grip on her sword and flew to the ground hard.

Geralt had managed to kick the air straight out of her with that one kick leaving her breathless heaving on the ground.

While Lili struggled to catch her breath Geralt stood over her and said. " It was smart of you to dodge my first attack but your still too slow. Come on, stop whining and start running, let's say 10 laps around the castle. We need to build up your stamina and speed if you ever wish to defeat a man in battle. "

Right then a alarmed shout came from the side of the training field. " What's going on here? "

Hearing this familiar voice Lili recognised it belonging to her younger brother Felix. Right as she was about to push her self back up she felt her brother's firm hand pull her up with force.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she was pulled into her brother's embrace. Her legs were left dangling in the air as he hugged her closely. With a angry tone of voice Felix yelled at Geralt. " You fucking bastard! What did you do to my sister? "

Lili alarmed by her brother's words wrapped her legs around her brother and grabbed a hold of his head as she looked him in the eyes.

Doing this she managed to immediately catch her brother's attention and stop him from speaking further. She definitely couldn't have her brother scare away Geralt with threats as Geralt was the only person willing to teach her how to wield a sword.

With these thoughts in mind she spoke to Felix.

" Stop it Brother. Geralt didn't do anything wrong. We are simply practicing just like you and brother Ford always have. "

Felix seemed extremely concerned as he looked into her eyes and spoke up.

" But why sister? Why must you put yourself through this? You should stop this madness before you get yourself hurt. No girl should be putting herself through such harsh training especially since you have me here to protect you. "

Shaking her head at him she said. " No Brother. I have to do this. If I ever want to make it in the outside world I need to learn to defend myself. "

Amused by her words Felix laughed lightly and said. " Oh, come on sister. How many times must we go over this. It doesn't matter how much you train yourself you will never be able to beat a man. Men are stronger, faster and overall much bigger than women. It just isn't possible to do. It has never been done in history, there have never been and there will never be any women warriors. All you should be worrying about is how you will be able to serve your future husband. "

The words her brother spoke a specially the words your future husband send chills throughout her body. Her heart started to rave and she felt sick I side as she was about to speak. But before she could speak her older brother came walking towards them with an angry expression on his face.

Knowing what was about to take place as it had already happened a few times before Geralt respectfully bowed towards Lili and left.

Surprised by the expression on her older brother's face she remained silent as Felix spoke up.

" Brother Ford what brings you here? "

Without a word Ford walked behind Lili, pulled Felixis hands that eöwere wrapped around Lilies back forcefully off her.

Lili then yelped in surprise as Ford pulled her forcefully off of Felix and into his own embrace.

Surprised by his brother's actions Felix spoke up. " What are you doing brother? "

With an arrogant smile Ford looked at Felix and said. " Oh, I'm just taking that what is rightfully mine. You've already had your fill of Lilis attention for the day, now it's my turn. "

Being handled like some object and hearing her brother's words Lilis face turned red with anger. But before she could speak up, she was once more manhandled.

Ford turned her around to face him face to face and spoke in to her ear softly. " Now do to me the same thing that you did to brother. "

Confused by her brother's actions she did as he commanded and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Then to her surprise Ford kissed her on her forehead. Her face reddened even more, heart started to pound hard in her cheats as she pushed against his chest and said.

" Brother what are you doing? "

Pulling her against his chest forcefully he whispered into her ear saying. " I like you Lili. "

Left speechless Lili didn't know what to say. Ford the usually distant and reserved brother was now acting strangely. Never before had he shown her such intimacy.

Watching this from the side Felix spoke mockingly to Ford saying.

" Seriously brother you need to find yourself wife already and stop obsessing over your sister. Soon Lili will be married and start creating her own little family and you should also do the same before you become old and impotent. "

Huffing at Felix, Ford said. " Hah, just worry about yourself brother. With my looks and abilities I can get whatever girl I want. I simply just haven't found any as beautiful and lovely as Lili out there. "

Laughing at his brother's words Felix spoke up saying. " Hahaha, so you intend to never marry then. You know there are no noble ladies out there like Lili. While she trains her body to it's utmost perfection every day other noble ladies sit around having tea parties and starve them selves to look thin and beautiful. "

In affected by these words Ford simply said. " Well if that is the case then I'll just marry Lili and be done with it. "

Laughing at his brother's words not taking them seriously he said. " Yeah sure and get yourself excommunicated by the church. "

As he said this he waved his brother off and started to make his way towards the castles dining hall.

Left alone with Ford, Lili felt disturbed by her two brothers conversation. Both of them spoke of her as of she was just some object to be used and sold off to the highest bidder.

In his brother's arms she watched as Felix disappeared behind the tall bushes that separated the training field from the rest of the castle.

Then she felt chills run through her spine as Fords hand squeezed her thin waist and his other hand grabbed a hold of her toned but. Her whole body stiffened in response, she felt scared and remained still like a rabbit standing in front of an hungry wolf hoping for the best.

Her brother's arms lightly caressed her body slowly moving closer and closer to her private parts. In shock unnable to move he pressed her head against his chest and once again spoke softly.

" Just relax, I'm going to make you feel good. "

Then she flinched in surprise as his fingers brushed against her slit while his other hand grouped her large well developed breasts.

Unconsciously in response to this she let out a slight moan and screamed. " No Bother stop it. "

Pushing herself away from his brother's chest she then without thinking gave him a slap on the face.

Shocked by this Ford staggered backwards a step and released Lili dropping her on the ground.

" Ouch. " Lili exclaimed as she fell on her butt and then turned to look at Felix who's face seemed unreadable.

Touching his cheek that Lili had just hit Felix turned to her and as he looked into her eyes his face turned ugly as he said. " How fucking dare you! You ungrateful little bitch! I am the future head of this hose. You will not deny me! "

Looking at her brother yelling at her Lili felt her legs start to shake as fear crept into her. For the first time in this life she actually felt real fear and terror. Her brother wasn't being his usual self.

Then as if possessed by something Ford raised his open palm and before Lili realised what was coming he bent down and slapped her hard.

Lili stunned by this fell on her face with her ears ringing and stars flying in her eyes. She felt like passing out but managed to hold on.

Then she felt Fords hand grasp a hold of her head and pull it. She screamed in pain as she was lifted up slightly off the ground while Ford spoke to her in a angry tone of voice.

" Say it Lili! Say it like you mean it! Apologize! Apologize for hitting me! "

In pain and fear Lili spoke up desperately. " I -Im S-sorry brother. "

Not satisfied Felix pushed her head into the grassy ground and said. " What are you sorry for? Say it clearly! "

She felt utterly terrified and trapped as Ford now was crouching over her with his one hand firmly on her head as the other supported him while he pushed his head close to hers. Seeing no chance of escape Lili pleaded with him. " Please brother let me go. I'm sorry for hitting you ok. I didn't mean to it just happened so suddenly. "

Ford said nothing and simply pulled himself back and proceeded to turn Lili around to face him.

Now facing Ford Lili watched him sitting over her on his knees as his eyes lustfully roamed all over her body. Feeling exposed she placed her hands on her breasts and looked away.

But immediately in response to this Ford grabbed and pinned both of her hands to the sides as he spoke.

" Now I want to hear you plead for mercy. "

As he said this he grabbed a hold of her white sweaty shirt with his teeth and started to pull it off.

Seeing her brother's actions she couldn't believe her eyes until her gaze landed on the giant bulge in his pants. She screamed and pleaded and as she did so her brother just chuckled at her.

" No Brother! Please don't do it! I'm sorry! " She yelled and then without realising it her body acted on its own.

Feeling something moist underneath himself and smelling the fresh stench Ford let go of Lili right before revealing her tits and stood up. Looking down at the motionless and terrified Lili he saw the source of the smell. With his hand on his nose he said.

" Fucking hell Lili! Fuck sake! Did you just really piss your pants? "

Taking a few steps backwards in disgust Ford continued saying. " Go clean yourself up. Well continue this after dinner. "

Then he simply walked away as if nothing had just happened.

Still in shock Lili was left on the field alone to her thoughts and as she touched her face she realised that tiers had started pouring down her face.

Going into the feedal position Lili started to cry. Her body hurt and face hurt from her brother's slap. She could feel her left side swelling up and burn as she touched it. Fords strike was most likely going to leave an long lasting mark she thought to herself.

But as she lay there on the grass something strange happened. A feeling unlike any other enveloped her. She could feel a something in her very sole lighting up like a beacon in the dark.

Then the warm feeling of energy traveled from her core to her hands. Taking her hands of her face she saw a faint yellow glow in them and then she realised it. The stinging feeling of her brother's slap had seized.

Did she just heal herself she thought. Lifting her shirt she then moved from bruise to bruise and each time she could feel and see the skin turn back into its original form.

The process was slow but she was sure of it. She was really able to use healing magic. God had not abandoned her there was still hope for her getting out of this situation and I to a better one.

With this in mind she wiped away her tiers and felt her mood brighten. Then she heard Rose calling for her from somewhere in the garden.

Not wanting to let Rose see her in such a sorry state especially with her wet pants she grabbed her sword and started to run towards her room.

Running past Rose in the garden she heard her yelling. " Miss the bath is ready for you! Please hurry the others are already in the dining hall! "

She didn't say anything to Rose and simply waved at her and continued to run. She didn't know what had gotten into Ford and why nobody ever let her leave the castle but with what just happened she couldn't stay here any longer.

This had been the tipping point for her she had decided it was now time to leave.