
Chapter 4: Hunting +Short story (Edited)

*~Growl!~* My stomach growled in hunger, cultivators below the fifth level of Martial Master still need food. Though it costs qi to keep their hunger away so the experts above the fifth level of Martial Master usually eat less than most only when it's a celebration or something else like a funeral they eat.

Thank God Eva told me that there is qi inside the flesh of Martial animals, I can cultivate that while I cultivate the qi in the environment.

I washed my clothes and went to look at the amount of food I have, I just have one tiny carrot and barely any rice.

"*Sigh!* I forgot father barely gives me an allowance of 5 bronze pieces, I tried to plant some of the vegetable I bought, but the farm isn't going so well.' I walked behind my hut to see a little clearing with dirt dug up and with a farm tools propped up behind my house.

"Guess I'll have to hunt." I went back into the hut and picked up the sword, and hid my money below the flooring of my hut. I then ran off at amazing speeds, I was amazed at how fast I was moving. I can easily tell I'm currently faster than any Olympic athlete. It's amazing the kinda things martial qi- No these special energies can do from different worlds can do. 'Eva can I learn haki?'

[Yes you can but it cost thousand of system points.]

Damn I guess I'll have to kill multiple low level martial beasts for system and skill points. 'How do activate the sharingan? I'm sorry if I ask too many questions.'

[To activate the sharingan just concentrate your martial energy to your eyes and it's fine sir, I'm here to answer what you don't understand but do know I don't have all the questions to all your answers.]

'That's okay and thanks, you've been really helpful your like an awesome secretary!' A smile came onto my face I'm truly glad I made the system wish.

[I aim to please!] she jokingly said.

'I then came across a low level Martial beast it looked like chicken, it had flaming pattern on its comb and wattles which had a like pattern flame like pattern on it. This martial beast is one of my nemesis from this life, before I transmigrated Len Hai tried catching these as he wanted to save money.

I'd get humiliated by this chicken daily as it's at the third level of Foundation level. Anger immediately consumed me, but I relaxed my breath I can't let Len Hai's short fuse get the better of me.

I activated my sharingan and slowly my perception sped up, I could see the leaves slowing down. I smiled and drew my sword it was your average Chinese sword but then I stopped. I don't want attract any stronger martial beast. Like animals martial beast are sometimes underestimated as their smarter than their given credit for.

They know to stay away from human territory and the blood might attract them. I doubt I could handle a martial beast above the fifth level of Foundation Realm. 'How do I cast a genjutsu on them?'

[Just stare it in the eyes and concentrate your martial qi on them. You can manipulate whatever you want them to see.]

While listening to her explanation a few more appeared and got out of hiding and stared them in the eyes. They looked at me mockingly. So they are aware of me. I simply did as Eva said and their eyes slowly morphed into sharingan. What the chickens saw no one knew.

I then led them to my hut and broke their necks before feathering them, I had Eva guide on me these things, as I was too broke to buy meat or too weak to hunt. While I was gutting and draining the blood of my final chicken I found small orange stone.

"My luck couldn't be this good, I actually found a beast core!" I said in joy only martial beast with cultivation in Martial Disciple can from beast core, finding one in such a weak beasts could only be the heavens looking down on me. 'Eva can I cultivates it's energy?'

[Yes you can.]

I immediately started to draw energy from the stone, I began to do the same as I did originally and compress it making it denser. Soon a flames began to light up all round my body it was a small amount though but but I still panicked.

They slowly receded. I didn't want to burn down my little shack where would I live then?

[It seems due to your pure qi you've unconsciously changed the element of your qi fire due to being in contact with it. Interesting really interesting!]

I tried to conjure up a fire ball but nothing happened only my hand set on flames. I forgot I can't emit martial qi. Only channel it. Sighing I stored the blood in one of basins and closed it, I then wrote some runes on it. Eva said the energy might escape so I don't want that.

I stored four out of five of the chickens I'm hungry I'm gonna eat it. I have enough points for some spices. They are pretty cheap only costing one points, I also got 5 system points from each chicken and 4 skill points which I rammed into cooking.

I then got the fire ready, and cooked up my chicken, with the knowledge I gained from points I added to cooking, I knew when exactly to place each spice. After a few minutes of rotating the chicken over the fire. It finished cooking, my mouth was watering.

I grabbed a leg and took a bite out it "Soooooo gooood I've never ate anything like this it beats all the best restaurants I've ever been to!" I then wildly scarf down the entire chicken.

*Short story*

The five chicken gathered in Flowing river forest to hunt for food as usual, when suddenly Len Hai jumped out. Chicken A laughed and pointed his wing at him.

"Look fellow brother chicken it's the trash who has always tried to capture us." said the chicken. Another chicken stepped up and said. "Don't worry fellow brothers I shall show this trash his place!" huffed the Chicken B, he had an air of arrogance around but him but suddenly Len Hai dissapeared and what appeared next was the most beautiful chicken they've ever seen, it had beautiful snow white feathers with flames one them.

"Elder brother chicken, have you ever seen such a beautiful chicken before?" asked chicken E.

"No never little brother I have never seen such a Goddess before!" said chicken D the beautiful white chicken looked at them and smiled before walking off almost teasing them follow on. They all had illusions of 'playing'' with her not even knowing they're already dead.

Moral of the story simping is dangerous, don't simp!

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