
Ranting (because I can) - Will also contain spoilers

(Author's Note - This is just me ranting about problems I have writing this that I'm figuring out now after starting to write.)


1) The time I have to write... it's always really a late time cause of college right now. Like honestly, I'm usually busy with a class from when I wake up until at least 3 to 5. After I finally eat the one fucking meal I get a day which takes me an hour as I gorge the fuck out on my one free pass. I go home do homework and study. It literally takes me until fucking at least 11:00 at night. I'm not a smart guy I have to spend more time so most days rather than 11:00 it's usually up until 1:30 in the morning when I get done. Then when I'm tired and stressed as hell I finally try to write some shit to destress not to please everyone but since I fucking accidentally posted the wrong one because I had thought that was my rough draft of my Power Levels in Apocalyptic Nightmare I posted it without looking and started this story months earlier than I planned on I now don't even have backup chapters so I'm pulling stuff out to the point I don't even know If I want the main character to have multiple lover interest or not. Literally, when I got started the only things I knew so far was "Hey, I'm still in the research phase. But let's start getting ideas down. I want the M.C. to be a vampire as that's a different path from other writers who usually pick to follow the dragons (although it is cool to think and read about). However, I wanted to try to incorporate a character who experienced the Great War unlike the other stories because they always start at DxD's main story or a while before it to easily incorporate it into the story." Then, I came up with the idea of the Apocalypse vampire clan as being a strong vampire but low in number vampire clan who were prophesied to change the world because that sounded fucking fun in my head. Then I had to delve into the whole name business as it's fine with random names for other characters but the M.C. had to had a reason for his name. As most parent's when they pick a name they fucking know why they picked it. Which in this story Angus is named for Strength and a singular choice which represents his strength and the known strength of the Apocalypse vampire clan while the singular choice represents the fate of having to kill God or be killed himself as he would be the change in the world. While at the same time, his heavily non-holy attributed body distribution would also fate him to have problems with holy attributes in the story because it only makes sense to at least give him a weakness to make it so he has some problems.

2) My knowledge of DxD is based upon my inferences I got from the anime show mostly. That and some more knowledge from reading pages on the wiki for research for the novel. So, to be fair it's possible there will be quite a few things off, power levels (as let's be honest they are not very conclusive as if you have a special ability you can cross ranks), personalities (as I can't accurately take another person's personality that isn't my character. I can only try to emulate certain parts of their personality that sticks out to me.), and storyline (to be honest, the storyline will likely be really random as its not defined at all what happened in the past not even much chronology to it even though some of them lived through it. I mean literally even in the wiki it's defined as "countless millennium" ... how am I supposed to guess how many that is in order to connect the end of Great War to start of the story.)

3) Although I want to write a full-on Great War Arc from start to end. It's likely that the war lasted for at least a millennium considering the three sides sizes and strengths. Therefore it was to much work, so I can only try to emulate a little bit of the ending and try to include the few known events in there. In other words, the death of the Biblical God, 4 Maou (never specified when they died so I'm creating my own version), and then I decided to include a reference to the battle between Ddraig and Albion as well as it's one of the few known events.

4) I never really experienced the loss of a family member so it's hard to emulate the emotions a person would actually feel. Therefore, I'm just writing what the hell ever comes to my mind.

5) Do I want to write a harem? Yes or no? I don't even know yet to be honest so that would be something you should tell me. But, I know sure as hell I ain't adding people already in a relationship because then I would have to find some way to create a loophole in their relationship and then somehow break them apart it feels like a terrible move to do regardless if it's a story.

6) I'm exhausted literally every time I've been writing at night so far in order to build up chapters as I work in the summer at my family's place as well. So, I only got one day a week off and often times when I get back my friends keep coming to visit me so I have to at least build up a few chapters. Otherwise, I will feel bad for already having a weekly release schedule for both series and yet having to drop it for a week if I can't build up enough. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

7) Let me tell you guys, taking Physics 1, Calculus 1, Intro to Computer Programming, and 2 Literature Classes at once sucks like hell. What kind of schedule did I cram myself into FFS I just want to sleep but if I do try to rest like a normal person I got roasted for fucking trying to break a series I didn't mean to post shit for yet as I accidentally published the fucking chapter of power levels thinking it was my other series I was writing because it was fucking 3:48 in the morning when I remembered to post that shit after writing essay due the next day.

(contains spoilers more spoilers)

8) ... People still want me to cuck characters even though I said it would feel weird to do so... Although I like Grayfia, Shuri, and Venelana as well, ... it just kinda conflicts with my plans... or my own sense of self. Cause Grayfia and Venelana have a child already ... and don't really have any problems with their relationship as far as I can tell. However, if someone can find me some source material from the Light Novel that I can lead to them breaking apart in a reasonable way then I wouldn't mind adding them later down the line. However, the problem with Shuri is that I planned on having the main character appear again in the world after her death. My planned reappearance for the M.C. was sometime after Kuroka's ramage in the underworld which chronologically in my head happens after Shuri's death as Akeno is older than Koneko is by a few years, with both characters being a child when it happens. Therefore, it's kinda hard to try to add her in.

--------- Rants after 4/24 ----------------- (contains spoilers, most likely)


9) Man, I've been having almost no time at all recently and I've been feeling so tired as well I just crash as soon as I get home after work.

My rants about this experience in posting stuff on this website have been really all over the place. This is my ranting because apparently, people feel that me thinking my paused series not being able to release a chapter causing a problem and me telling them it's in hiatus because it wasn't meant to come out till fucking next semester is a problem. Finally, I am a college student I ain't got all day to write stories screw off! I got essays to write!

Raikou1688creators' thoughts
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