
Chapter 4 - A Vengeful Final Battle

(Author's Note - Man, I'm so tired. I really want to sleep but I know I need to stalk up on some of these stories because of how needy some of the readers are. Forcibly trying to talk down on me just cause I wanted to actually put my studies and health in front of writing my stories. Now I can't even tell how these stories are going to turn out as I'm starting to write these two hours after I'm usually asleep by now.)

Today, the final battle broke out. It was completely no holds barred anymore as everyone was going all out against the other sides. However, for Angus, he just continued to zip through the crowds and tried to find the Seraph Jehoel from the crowd. He only knew that Jehoel was a Seraph so he had 5 pairs of wings, while Jehoel was also a male, and that was about it. However, Angus only knew two male Seraphs out of the ten taking the field in battle. The only two he could exclude instantly was Micheal who was God's right hand Seraph as he had also seen Micheal from the anime show and Metatron who was just a big ball of holy light aura flying around most of the time. At this time Angus went straight towards the nearest male Seraph and confronted him.

(Angus) - "Are you the Seraph Jehoel?"

(Cassiel) - "Huh? Jehoel? I'm not Jehoel, I'm Cassiel! I am-"

(Angus) - "Oh, the wrong seraph. Goodbye. <Shadow Magic: Traveling Shadow>!"

(Cassiel) - "Huh?! He just left me mid-sentence like that!? How rude."

Angus completely ignored Cassiel and moved onto the next male Seraph to try asking.

(Angus) - "Are you the Seraph Jehoel?"

(Raphael) - "I am not. I am one of God's main four main Seraphs Raphael! Now-"

(Angus) - "*Sigh* Wrong one again. Goodbye. <Shadow Magic: Traveling Shadow>."

Angus ignored Raphael leaving him with his mouth open still staring at the spot where Angus disappeared into his show at with a look of disbelief on his face. Meanwhile, Angus headed towards the next male Seraph.

(Angus) - "Please tell me you're the Seraph Jehoel."

(Uriel) - "I hate to disappoint you. However, I am Uriel one of God's Main four main Seraphs!"

(Angus) - "ARGH! Another wrong one! <Shadow Magic: Traveling Shadow>!"

Uriel just could only smile bitterly at the fact that he summoned his light spear to face off against Angus for no reason as Angus just disappeared into the shadows on the ground without caring about yelling at Uriel for no reason. Once again Angus headed towards another male Seraph.

(Angus) - "You the Seraph Jehoel?"

(Zadkiel) - "Sorry to tell you this but I am not. I'm Zadkiel the seraph leader of the Dominions. If your here for Jehoel that idiot he's not here on this side. If you don't care who you fight I'll take you on. However, if it's a feud with the idiot Jehoel he's the one the second to left side right now. I don't like him either. Feel free to give him an extra few hits for me even if it kills him."

(Angus) - "... You really don't like this guy do you?"

(Zadkiel) - "Of course not, Jehoel that idiot tried to kill before during a mission God gave me. Why wouldn't I let him have a test of what he tried to do to me as well when given the chance."

(Angus) - "Then, thanks I guess. <Shadow Magic: Traveling Shadow>!"

After learning of Jehoel's location from Zadkiel who although is a Seraph as well seems to hate him for Jehoel messing with him. Angus then quickly traveled through the shadows on the ground of the countless figures fighting and quickly appeared out of the shadow nearest to Jehoel's shadow and shot into the air to fight him.

(Angus) - "You must be Jehoel right?"

(Jehoel) - "So what if I am? Do you think a mere brat like you can kill me? I can see from your wings that you're a vampire. Tell me. What vampire clan is it that wants revenge on the great Jehoel-sama himself!"

(Angus) - "Hahahaha! So it was you! The bastard who killed my mother! I'll make you pay! I Angus Apocalypse, son of Alvantain Apocalypse and Alvares Apocalypse, hereby declare that you shall die a tortuous death here Seraph Jehoel! For the blood feud of my dead clan!"

(Jehoel) - "HAHAHAHA! You're from the Apocalypse clan?! I thought I wiped them out when I stabbed that last whore in the heart! HAHAHA! Guess that whore who thought she could escape finally died huh!? HAHAHAHA!"


(Jehoel) - "Come and give it your best shot brat. As far as I know, there has been no more Ultimate-classes created amongst you young Devils and Demons ever. There's no way you can beat me with your strength that hasn't reached Ultimate-class!"

(Angus) - "You really think that I'm not at the Ultimate-class!? I shall show you what a Super-class's power is!"

(Jehoel) - "What lies. <Light Spear>, <Light Enchantment>, <Light Pierce>. Let's see you deal with this attack!"

(Angus) - "<Create thy arrow and thy bow. Shadow Weapon>, <Create thy sword. Shadow Sword>, <Manifest before me my shield of shadows. Shadow Shield>. Now to best your attack this shall be enough to break your attack and destroy those wings you seem oh so proud of! <Let me dedicate this hunt to the moon. With the moon's protection grant me your powers. Pierce thy enemy with thy illusive arrow of death. Artemis>!"


An explosion shook the air in the western side of the battlefield when the two attacks collided before Angus' Shadow Magic: Artemis destroyed Jehoel's Light spear that was enchanted and had a skill used and continued forward destroying his entire right wings.

(Jehoel) - "AHHHHH!! My wings! Ahhh! How is it possible that a little brat like you has such strength! It's not even your clan's special blood magic! Ahhh the pain! My wings! I'll curse you from the abyss you brat!"

However, before Jehoel fell into the abyss Angus wouldn't let him die so easily so he decided to push him to a side of the gorge.

(Angus) - "<Push thy enemy. Shadow Force>. Who said you would get to die so easily. I'm here to make you regret your decision in wiping out even the ones in the Apocalypse clan that didn't wish for war such as my mother. I'll make you pay for each and every last one of them. I'll make you suffer pain for every damned time my mother cried thinking of her clan's people!"

(Jehoel) - "You think your whore of a mother was so great!? Clearly your the one who's blind you brat! Your grandfather was the one who started this! I just ended it!"

(Angus) - "That's why you shall suffer for them. We won't see eye to eye for sure. So I shall satisfy myself. This was never a transaction. It was single-sided bullying of a Super-class for his revenge against an Ultimate-class who believed he could everything he wanted with just a slightly above average strength. I shall engrain this upon you through this pain I bring you."

(Jehoel) - "Hahaha! Your clan was the one who deserved to die for defying God in the first place by joining these mere rebels! You'll see how wrong you are when God wins this war!"

(Angus) - "Hehehe... we shall see about that my torture subject."

Angus finally landed on the ground with the rolling Jehoel still screaming and yelling at Angus who was approaching him.

------------------------------------------------- Torture time -----------------------------------------------

(Author's Note - So I'm going to try to write a torture scene. Wonder how this will go.)

(Angus) - "Slice time weakling-kun."

(Jehoel) - "Who are you calling a weakling!"

Angus ignored Jehoel and used his Shadow Magic's Shadow Blade that he had already summoned and pulled it out and sliced off his arms cleanly and quickly. The two arms that fell a little ways away were laying there on the ground, with the blood soaking into the dirt turning it into a reddish-brown mud.

(Jehoel) - "ARGHH MY ARMS!"

(Angus) - "Now, now, now. It's time you suffered like my mother did to try to bring me up."

Angus then walked up to Jehoel bound Jehoel to the ground using special chains created by the Devils for their convicts they capture.

(Angus) - "Oh, would you look at that. *Stomp*!"

*Boom* *Cracking Sound*


(Angus) - "Hmph, not like as an angel you're using them anytime soon. What difference does it make? Other than the fact you have a very bloody pair of nonexistent balls in your pants now."

Meanwhile, while this was going on many of those on the western side stopped and watched what was going on only to stop fighting to comfort their aching lower halves from the nonexistent pain they got from watching it happen. On the main front the Maous, God, and Azazel were to busy to deal with the other sides. While on the eastern front their own sounds of combat covered the sounds of the battles and screams on the eastern front leaving them to continue fighting.

(Angus) - "Hmm... Don't worry... This isn't the end yet."

Angus then went over to Jehoel's legs and forcibly pulled every single nail off his feet leaving a mesh of blood flowing down Jehoel's legs while he was screaming.


(Angus) - "Hahahahaha... Didn't I already tell you... I would make you pay for the suffering my mother went through for the 1 and a half years she suffered to stay alive to make sure I lived on. You better think this was nothing.... this is... hehehehehehe... it's only the start. Now let me make you feel a little bit better."

Angus pulled out a small bottle and waved it in front of Jehoel. He picked up Jehoels arms and threw it there where it was almost connected to his body. Then he poured the drop into the screaming Jehoel's mouth which forcibly made him swallow under the sudden impact of a fluid entering his mouth while he happened to swallow when he was screaming. Jehoel's body then started to heal together.

(Angus) - "Phenex clan tears. Can revive a person from a near complete death state or if they recently died. Wonderous things aren't they. Now, tell me Jehoel how long do you think you can suffer the pain of having your body destroyed and healed over and over, and over again!"


(Angus) - "Yes. Yes, I am. I am the monster you created when my mother died. To me, she was the only person I cared for in the world since I was just born there's no reason why I shouldn't make you suffer like she had to. Although she might not agree with this. However, I don't think as a son I can live with myself if I don't avenge her like this for what she had put herself through for me."


(Angus) - "Funny considering you're the one restrained right now, aren't you. Don't worry, this blood feud between us has not been nearly close enough to have been paid off yet. Hehehehe... just remember this ... you are the one who created this monster before you!"

--------------- End of my failed torture writing attempt it was torture to write this ---------------------

After another few hundred iterations of destroying Jehoel's body to the point of breaking his mind, Angus had finally stopped and pushed Jehoel's body into the gorge as he was tired of looking at the bloody mess that was now Jehoel's body on the ground. This scene had caused even all three sides to show feelings of apprehension against what happened as the torturous screaming of pain and begging for it stop had lasted past a few days while the battle was raging. This led to even many of the western front members to move from the western side of the battle to join the other sides just to get away from the sounds of screaming and begging from Jehoel for it to end.

(Angus) - "Ha... revenge complete. Phew, all in a few days work."

After Angus finally cleared his anger out that he had been holding since he was born by finally taking revenge he felt a sense of relief as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and his heart. As if waiting for Angus to have finished his business with Jehoel a change happened in the battle shortly after he finished his revenge. Hearing a change on the other side after calming down Angus turned to see what was happening.

(God) - "<Holy light! Smite thy enemy! Corroding Light!>"

(Lucifer) - "Leviathan move!"

(Leviathan) - "Huh?"

(Lucifer) - "Damn it! <Acceleration>!"

Angus who had just turned around to see the all-out attack of God to kill Leviathan when she was stunned when Angus saw Lucifer speed up and push Leviathan out of the way only to be pierced through by God's attack completely tearing through the waist of his body from the chest down. Taking the chance while Leviathan was holding the dying Lucifer, God backed away to let himself recover.

(Lucifer) - "You idiot! Pay attention in battle!"

(Leviathan) - "72 Pillars attack! Don't let him rest I have to go back to help Lucifer recover!"

(Lucifer) - "Stop... there's no point." Said Lucifer shaking his head. "His attack is corroding my body even now. Don't waste the Phenex tears. It won't heal my body enough. It will just stop my body from being corroded away. It's useless. Save them for yourself Leviathan."

(Leviathan) - "Why did you save me then Lucifer? You're stronger than I am! Why would you sacrifice yourself for me?"

(Lucifer) - "*Cough* I got too ahead ... of myself in the battle. *Cough* You have taken less damage than I have. You still have ... more magic than I do. It was ... more logical ... to have you ... be the one fighting still."

(Leviathan) - "Please, don't leave me! I know I'm not as strong as the other three of you who left me! Please, don't leave me alone! The four of have been together since we were cast here in hell! Then, pervy Asmodeus died helping to seal the two heavenly dragons, while, fatty Beelzebub died protecting the two of us, and now you're dying to protect me as well! I hate it! Why is it that the people I care about having to die to protect me!"

(Lucifer) - "*Cough* *Cough* It's my time soon. Leviathan... You have always been our group's little *Cough* ... princess. We had always been willing to ... give ourselves... if it meant... your safety."

(Leviathan) - "No! Please, don't leave me!"

(Lucifer) - "Hahahaha ... can't do it this time princess... Make our dreams come true. Damn, just my chest and above left. Leviathan... kill God and make our dream of peace a reality. This shall be my last request. Hahahaha..."

Lucifer lightly pushed himself out of Leviathan's weak hands as she was currently to shocked by the death of another one of her friends. Lucifer then quickly spread his wings out and flew towards God, leaving the stunned Leviathan behind him.

(Lucifer) - "HAHAHA! TIME TO GO OUT WITH ONE LAST BANG! <Self-implosion!>"

Right as Lucifer reached near God. He ignored the 72 pillars fighting and used his magic to forcefully use his body to self destruct himself at God without caring about the rest of those around him.

(Leviathan) - "Lucifer! No! *Sob*"

(Angus) - "*Sigh* There goes another Maou... I should join the main front to help now that they are down a Maou and a few other 72 pillar clans who got caught in Lucifer's last attack."

Leaving the western front Angus headed towards Leviathan.

(Angus) - "Hey, Leviathan."

(Leviathan) - "*Sob* Hi, Angus."

(Angus) - "Let's do our best. We have to make sure what Lucifer did wasn't wasted. If the two of us team up. I'm sure we can beat God and make him pay."

(Leviathan) - "*Sob* Yeah, make him pay..."

Angus seeing the clearly crestfallen Leviathan felt a bit helpless at the situation. Had he not wasted time breaking Jehoel's mind apart as revenge, although it was already agreed upon they would let Angus do so, it still made Angus feel like had he just stopped a little earlier he could've helped Lucifer. However, what was done was already done. It couldn't be fixed now. This fight made Angus wonder how they would've killed God in the first place. The only thing Angus could think of was that perhaps in the original world if his mother didn't have Angus then she would've gone to the war's frontlines and had plenty of Phenex tears to recover and helped fight God and perhaps saved Beelzebub at that time resulting in a different history. This was all speculation on Angus' part as there was no conclusive evidence.

------------------------------------- Continued in the Next Chapter ---------------------------------------

(Author's Note - I've been messing up Angus and Agnus so many damn times while writing this after I finished my homework and studies for my tests. You have no idea how useful this CTRL + F function has been for me when writing this when I am tired. Honestly, this search function is one of the MVPs after the wiki. Also, I know my writing ... sucks like terribly bad. I can't help it. I'm not used to writing narratives. I'm used to writing essays and logical sentences about sciences, literature, and some stuff so it's hard to try to write a narrative style story where I have to emulate emotions I have never experienced, will experience, and such as I'm not actually living in that world in that time frame. Finally, I just fucking heard my family suddenly planned a trip the week after I get back so I have to split this chapter in two and hope whatever randomness comes to mind is something that makes sense when I write as I need to build a few extra chapters before the vacation so I don't leave you hanging. My story skeleton I planned on doing has been dumped down a toilet as I forgot to save that thing so what I planned on doing is vague as hell.)

T.B.H. I actually know someone who laughs with a hehehe style laugh. It sounds kinda self-deprecating when he laughs so it's usually kinda depressing to hear him laugh unless he's laughing crazily like a jolly old man (aka Santa). My apologies I meant to set it to 5 minutes after the first one released but I remembered to do so too late and it wouldn't let me.

Raikou1688creators' thoughts
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