
Chapter 2 - Rebirth

(Author's Note - For this, I plan to only cover Akira's first 18 years of him living in the forest to adjust to his powers, skills, abilities, and such. Also, I picked 19 years before the Great War ended completely since I really don't feel like writing what could be a war that lasted for a few centuries long as it was never clarified and such in the anime or stories as far as I know. Once again to make time to write this stuff I have to stay up late to write this so it's possible it's worse than normal as I'm already tired enough to pass out on the computer writing. Finally, the M.C. new name shall be Angus Apocalypse. I chose Angus as for its meaning in strength, a single choice, and I chose Apocalypse as the last name signifying his strength to cause an end to the world is he wanted.)


In a depressing, damp, and dark forest in the middle of seemingly nowhere. There laying in an inconspicuous corner of a small cave in the forest, there lay a small basket with a young male child who was seemingly born not to long ago. Next to the basket laid a young female woman seemingly in the early days of her adulthood. However, contrasting to the new life that laid there in the basket, was her dark expression while holding a bright light in the shape of a spear was in her side. This woman was Alvantain Apolcaypse a woman of a vampire clan known for their strength that was now nearly extinct with only her and her child surviving Alvantain is a white-haired woman, who had dark blue eyes, and a beautiful appearance.

(Alvantain) - "Oh, my little Angus. *Sob* I don't wish to leave you here so early. *Sob* But, this time it doesn't seem like your mommy can make it this time. *Sigh* If only father didn't decide to go join Maou in the war against God of The Bible."

For Alvantain who dearly loved her child, she was sad at the thought of her child so shortly after giving birth to him. Alvantain had already had many difficult childbirths resulting in her being unable to have another child after Angus. Her only wish was that her child would be able to live a happy life and live on.

(Angus) - "WAHHH! (Mother!)"

(Author's Note - I really don't know how to write out a baby crying sound so it's a wahhh cause that's how it sounds to me. I also put quotes to clarify what he is trying to say since you can't understand screaming. Also, how the fuck is it that I am crying from putting myself in their positions while writing this. I can only believe that it's cause it's easy to be more emotional when you are tired as crap.)

Crying at the sight of his mother dying now that he started to gain awareness of his surroundings Akira Shimizu who is now Angus Apocalypse was extremely torn at the thought of losing his only new family member in this world. At his current stage, he couldn't even move much, much less use the revised evil pieces he is calling Super Pieces due to their power increasing ability being able to push the target's powers to the Super-class level.

(Alvantain) - "Now, now, little Angus. Just wait for a little bit. *Sob* Mommy will bring you some blood to drink."

Alvantain who had the light spear in her side still slowly moved her body over towards her child Angus while slowly pulling the spear out of her body despite her pain. When she pulled the spear out she controlled her body's blood to continue flowing like normal using clan's unique vampire powers. Taking a little bit of her blood from the wound she brought it up to Angus's mouth and fed it to him.

(Angus) - "WAHHH! (Mother!)"

Angus who was screaming again wasn't hungry he was just sad at the pained expression of his mother. He didn't want to lose his family as he did in his past life when he was 16 years old. At this moment, Angus cursed his body's uselessness as he couldn't even move, use magic, or even summon his Super Pieces to help his mother in her time of need.

(Alvantain) - "Come on my little gem. *Sob* Eat up, grow strong, live long, and happy. *Sob* When you grow up I wish that you would be strong and happy. Now, eat. *Sob* Your mommy doesn't have much time left."

Angus who didn't want to do so had the blood forcibly moved towards his lips until he was willing to eat the blood. Alvantain seeing Angus finally eating smiled a gentle, yet sweet smile towards Angus.

(Alvantain) - "Now, stay here my little gem. *Sob* Mommy will make sure to leave you food before she leaves you for good."

Angus who couldn't hold onto the temptations of sleep had fallen asleep right as Alvantain said this and left the small cave in the forest. Alvantain who left came back with the bodies of many dead beasts. She continued to drain the blood of each other them and put them into glass containers in the cave. While Alvantain was doing this she continued to show an extremely pained expression as if she was careless for a little her blood magic would start to undo itself and allow her blood to start to flow out of her body again.

(Alvantain) - "Phew, that's enough food for him for at least a year. I should be able to last two years as well even if my heart was half crushed by that Seraph's spear. By that time I should be able to get Angus to at least have enough food until he is 12. Perhaps even 15 if I don't care for being found again."

Alvantain who was busy dealing with the bodies of the dead demonic beasts continued to work while there was the occasional spurt of blood coming out of her wound on her side. Angus who had woken up again just stared at his mother, however, he had managed to hear the part of her reason for coming death. It was simply because she didn't have the magic to keep forcing the blood to keep pumping throughout her body with only half her heart left. Alvantain was essentially a living dead at this point where only her willpower to forcibly use magic to continue to make her live on.


Soon days continued to pass, then days passed into weeks, then weeks passed into months. Finally, from months to half a year. After half a year Avantain had clearly started to appear more and more haggard as the days passed by. Each day was harder to live as the consumption of magic was hard to maintain the delicate balance of holding her body together. Although her skin finally grew back a thin layer where she was hit, her heart was still completely at half left. Angus feeling the increasing feebleness of his new mother continued to train his shadow magic skills to become stronger. Angus's goal was to get to 50% of his character's shadow magic skills from the game. At that point, he would have the ability to create a shadow gate in which time doesn't move inside. With that, if his mother passed before he reached the needed strength to bring the Super Pieces he can at least stop the time of his mother and bring her back to life.

(Alvantain) - "Come now my little Angus. It's time for you to eat."

(Angus) - "AHH! (Yes!)"

After being fed Angus' body as a baby caused him to start to tire out and fall asleep again after eating. Alvantain once again continued to go out to hunt for her son Angus while he was sleeping. By eating more herself she managed to preserve her life for a slightly longer period of time. Today while out heading out she never expected to encounter a problem to arise.

(Muriel) - "Halt there woman! I am the dominion, Muriel! I shall put your wicked self to rest in the name of God!"

(Alvantain) - "No, no, no, no! Why did an angel have to appear here in the forest now of all times! I can't let him touch Angus!"

(Muriel) - "Repent in the name of God! Amen! <Light Spear> Pierce the wicked vampire!"

(Alvantain) - "<Blood Magic: Blood Blade> Let thy enemy feed your hunger!"


Hearing the explosion from the sounds of combat Angus had woken up. Although in the cave he could still hear the sounds of the yelling, fighting, and realized that his mother Alvantain was fighting very shortly after hearing what was said right when he woke up.

(Muriel) - "That magic! You're of the Apocalypse clan! Seems that the Seraphim Jehoel-sama failed to kill you last time you wicked vampiress!"

(Alvantain) - "I will never let myself fall! Not while my child is still depending on me! I shall have you die here for me! <Blood Magic: Deathly Blood>!"

(Muriel) - "A heavily wounded Ultimate-class thinks she can me! I am already at the Half-Ultimate level and you think you can beat me at your current level! Laughable woman! <Light Spear> pierce!"


(Muriel) - "ARGH! How was it possible that she still can use so much power! My angelic eyes can clearly see her heart's wounded!"

(Alvantain) - "Now die for me already! AAHHHH!"

(Muriel) - "ARGHH! Die for me wicked Vampire! You fake human's disgust me!"


The sound of explosions could clearly be heard inside of the cave where Angus was hidden. Worried for his mother he continued to stare at the hole towards the outside of the cave his mother left from.

(Alvantain) - "Ha... ha... ha... He finally died. I need to head back and hide for now. It shouldn't be long before more angels appear. It's impossible... for dominion to be alone during this war. He might have been the leader of the troops... but if he's just one of the soldiers I won't be able to fight much more. Much less... a stronger one."

Heading back immediately Alvantain quickly went back to the cave with a few wounds on her body. A line down her left arm could be seen on her skin where she got cut with the Light spear of the dominion Muriel. With that, the amount of time Alvantain had left once again reduced as her magic had reduced to very dangerous levels now.


Soon, half a year in the new world had passed into a year. Angus now had the ability to crawl. However, his magic was still lacking severely to reach 50% he was only at 30% currently. However, his mother Alvantain would likely only last for another half a year after that fight with Muriel the Dominion. With this, Angus continued to be motivated to work on learning to forcibly use his magic powers to at least 50% state as soon as he could. During this half a year his mother Alvantain although she had fought a few times they were all at the low-class level resulting in them being killed easily in comparison to a dominion such as Muriel who had a much higher level and holy power in his arsenal to wield.

At this time Angus finally managed to learn to speak in his new body. Although he could speak fine. He still decided to pretend that he wasn't able to speak completely normal Angus figured at his current age it would be unusual for him to be able to speak so normally in front of his mother. This might be able to be played off as genius smarts, but, that's not something he wants as he wasn't a genius. It was just due to his memories that he decided against it.

(Angus) - "Mama! Happy?"

(Alvantain) - "Yes, my precious little one. As long as you are."

As always it was the amazingly kind and sweet smile of his new mother. It's not like Angus had a mother-complex or anything. He just simply didn't want to lose his only family again.

Around that time a bird happens to fly by the top of the cave and drops a roll of paper out of its mouth randomly into the forest. Alvantain seeing it was the news bird decided to go over and collect the news since it was near the cave for once.

Today, a piece of unexpected news arrived today by the news delivery bird, that drops the news randomly throughout the place, in the forest, it usually drops the news monthly in a random location. In the news, the two heavenly dragons Ddraig and Albion were finally taken down during the temporary cease-fire between the three sides fighting. The result of them killing and sealing the two heavenly dragons resulted in significant amount damage towards the God of The Bible, two Ultimate-class Seraphs, the loss of four ultimate-class fallen angels, and the death of one of the four Maous. The one who died during was apparently the lustful demon lord Asmodeus, and the extinction of the remaining 72 pillars' Marbas clan.

(Alvantain) - "Another one of the 72 pillars are gone again. The other sides lost six ultimate-classes, however, our side lost one of the four Maou finally. Now with only three supporting us can we really even beat the God of The Bible. I just don't see it happening."

(Angus) - "Mama! Sad?"

(Alvantain) - "Mnnn... Not really. I just hope for the best for my little precious Angus. You're the only thing I care for now my little one."


Soon another half a year had passed. Alvantain at this point looked extremely worn out. It was clear that her body wasn't going to last much longer. Perhaps just a few days longer at most. This was extremely evident as she even had to stop herself from sleeping for the last few days in order to continue to maintain her magic on her heart to keep it beating blood throughout her body. At this point, Alvantain's once beautiful white hair had seemed to be dried and hardened, her eyes had shadows hanging under them, and her once beautiful appearance could not really be seen any longer at this point. Angus, however, was panicking at this problem that was arising now. He had only managed to get to 49.9% in magic. He still five days at least. But if Alvantain passed away today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he wouldn't be able to preserve her body until he reached 70% of his magic capability. Regardless of how his current powers would be able to match a High-class being he still needed to continue training.

Another day passed. With Angus' training his magic as hard as he could and stopping the training on his physical body he managed to reach 49.95% by whole heartily working on his magic progression. He was happy that he managed to get .05% in a day as that was faster than he had estimated it would've developed.

(Alvantain) - "Training your magic again little one? Just don't strain yourself too hard my little Angus."

(Angus) - "Yes, mama!"

(Alvantain) - "Good boy. Your mommy will be here watching you from the side okay?"

(Angus) - "Okay!"

Alvantain just chuckles at her son's behavior clearly not taking him seriously. Meanwhile, Angus continued to wholeheartedly train his magic as much as he could to adapt to his body, magic, and mana in the air.

Soon another two days passed again. Angus due to a bit of inspiration while using his magic finally managed to be able to use 50% of his magic. With that, his inventory function was finally able to be used. Although there was nothing inside of the inventory besides the locked Super Pieces until he reached 70% magic proficiency there was plenty of space he could put stuff in the future. Just like that he finally reached his earliest goal. However, it was this day he would feel the most sadness.

(Alvantain) - "Little one. *Sob* I don't think I can hold on anymore."

(Angus) - "Mama?"

(Alvantain) - "I can no longer see you my little one. *Sob* Please, hold me. *Sob* I don't want to leave you alone yet! You're too young to have to suffer like this! *Sob* I'm so sorry!"

(Angus) - "Mom!?"

Angus ran towards his mother and was holding her tightly while they both cried.

(Angus) - "Mom!? Please! Please don't leave me! I don't want you to go!"

(Alvantain) - "My little one. Leaving me with such words. *Sob* What am I to do with you. I can't hold on anymore. *Sob* I'm just so sorry. To ... have to ... leave ... you alone..."

Then the hand that was lightly stroking the face of Angus, dropped. Alvantain's body finally went limp and she passed away. Angus while crying used magic to store his mother's body.

(Angus) - "<Let the shadow's gate of lost time arrive before me. Shadow Magic: Shadow Gate>."

Before Angus appeared a shadowy gate in the shape of the cave's wall. The gate was around the size of 100 meters tall and 500 meters wide. Angus gave one long last look and kiss to his mother before setting her inside the Shadow Gate to preserve her body.

(Angus) - "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *Sob* I swear I will kill you Seraph Jehoel! I will make you pay for killing my mother! Just like you did to her, I'll crush your damn heart!"

Making a promise to himself Angus decided to have his revenge on the Seraph Jehoel for leading his mother to her death.

At this time, in the underworld, a male Seraph with the appearance of a young man who had bright long blonde hair, and blue eyes, but in contrast was covered in blood, could be seen to suddenly shuddering and looking around despite that there nothing but dead bodies of demons around him. Feeling an ominous premonition this Seraph wondered what was going on with itself. Unknown what was this feeling this Seraph felt that he needed to go back and just clean himself off perhaps it was the blood making him feel unwell was all this Seraph could believe.

Angus after another few days finally managed to stop crying at the loss of his mother, besides when he drank blood as he would always remember his mother silently working to gather his blood in time preserved bottles sold by the Agares clan known for their time manipulation. These bottles his mother left him each had the function of slowing down the time in the bottle by an enormous amount. But that's all their function was. It also only worked on fluids and solids that fit in the container with the lid on.


Soon the months passed into years. Then a year turned towards a decade. Then after a decade in the world, it turned to become past a decade and more. Angus was now 16 years old. Now Angus reached a bottleneck in his magic powers. He was only able to reach 65% with no improvement since he was 14 years old. His physical capabilities, however, continued to break through without a problem. At this time, Angus' powers had reached the Ultimate-class level. During this time, whenever the news delivery bird dropped the news in the forest he would always go and take it to stay updated on the happenings of the war. After all, he wouldn't be able to happen the Seraph if the Seraph has died in the war before Angus got to the Seraph for his revenge.

During this time period, the most important things happening was that the Maou Beelzebub died fighting the God of The Bible leaving Leviathan and Lucifer left. However, at this point, the God of The Bible was also heavily injured along with many of the 10 Seraphs he brings to battle with him God had lost 5 of them. The fallen angels which are also known as the Grigori lost a few of their commander Ultimate-classes although put in a slight disadvantage was still doing better than the Devils were doing. The war was still picking it up to its highest point still. Angus knew that the war would only end after the final battle when the God of the Bible, Lucifer, and Leviathan died.

Angus stood before a grave he made in the cave where he and his mother lived. During the 16 years besides for the first few years where he whole heartily trained in just magic alone in the cave after his mother passed away. Now, Angus was able to head outside and train his body, magic, and fighting skills against the random wanderers of the other two sides, the demonic beasts, Devils that tried to attack him even though they are on the same side. However, for those who few rare Devils that tried to break into the cave where his mother's grave was. Angus killed them all without mercy even though quite a few of them were from the near-extinct 72 pillar clans such as the Alocer, Caim, Murmur, Orobas, Ose, and Bune clans. They all tried to break into the cave only to be wiped out mercilessly by Angus for trying to disturb the gave he made of his mother.

(Angus) - "I still can't bring mother back yet. My powers in the Ultimate-class are now close to reaching the Maou-class. Another few weeks and I should be able to break through. Just a couple more years and I should be able to reach the Super-class. Then I shall have my revenge on that Seraph. I might not be a dragon, but, for me, those I care about is my reverse scale that you must never touch. Otherwise, they shall end up like Jehoel when I'm done with him. Hehehehe. Once I reach the Super-class level I wonder how you will survive when even the normal Maou-class are already stronger than you are Jehoel. Hahahahahaha!"


Soon another two years passed by. Angus had already reached the point Super-class and his strength was still growing. However, Angus' magic was stuck at 67% now. He needed to leave the forest and learn more about magic to progress now. There were gradually becoming fewer enemies for him to fight as time went on. This was due to the fact that the final battle had started to arrive. It was likely to break into the final battle a year or later. Which would then quickly lead to the armistice between the three sides for temporary peace where it's no longer war but only skirmishes between the three sides at most. Angus had also started to run out of food. All the prepared food by his mother was now long gone and the demonic beasts outside in the forest had started to all been killed off resulting in less food as well. So, Angus finally decided that it was time to leave the cave and forest to head out towards the rest of the underworld. Angus decided to say goodbye to the grave of his mother before leaving.

(Angus) - "Mom. I'm 18 now. The war is about to end soon. I think it is time for me to head out as well. I know you want me to live strong and healthy. But, I just can't leave this revenge unpaid. I shall see you again later. Next time... *tears start falling* we shall meet again, it shall not be as son and mother's grave. But Son and Mother. Face to face with each other once again. I promise you this mother. As the Angus Apocalypse... I shall ... leave my mark in this world as the one who killed a Seraph to avenge his family. Hehehe... who knows. Perhaps I might even be the one who might bring down the God of The Bible. I'm now stronger than the Maous by a not just a little bit, but rather I'm stronger than them by a lot now my precious mom."

Angus with only a few bottles of blood from what few beasts he killed the last day finally headed out towards the Underworld. Towards the war in which he shall have his revenge against the enemy who made a blood feud which could only be paid back with blood.

(Author's Note - That's the end of this chapter. Also, I should really consider using a new kind of music while writing. Emotional music makes it so much easier to get into the mood and crying while writing. T-T I also can't help that I'm writing so late as well which shouldn't be helping either.

Also, I got a Patron for shits and giggles to see if I can actually somehow have any fans. The link's this https://www.patreon.com/Raikou1688)

Each chapter I release my goal is at least 3k and if I have to go less then I don't plan to release it unless it reaches 2.5k words at least unless it's an auxiliary chapter. Also, I'll be honest. I cried at like 2:00 while writing this chapter from putting myself in my character's shoes while writing.

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