
Chapter 1

WARNING: first novel / fanfic that I write, please have me patience and tell me my mistakes, besides English is not my strong


My name is Christopher Romero I am 24 years old, single and without close family, I work as a worker in a construction of a skyscraper in New York, I am currently about 1300 meters above the ground on one of the beams making sure that all the bolts are correctly positioned and accommodating those who do not, some of my colleagues who work in the lower part sometimes ask me if I am not afraid to be so tall and without any equipment to hold me, I simply respond with a simple "No" and it is the truth, from I have had a lack of fear towards dangerous situations, it is not that I say that I am not afraid of death because that would be a lie. I have always thought that my brain processes information in a different way in a dangerous situation, for example, there was a time when they robbed the bank where I was and pointed a gun at me, I did not feel any fear since my brain process that " Maybe you can die "instead of" You're going to die "as any normal person would do and manage to take the weapon away from the subject. Well leaving those things aside, everything here was perfect and I also had plenty of time to do what I wanted, so I sat on the beam and started listening to classical music looking at the city that looked so small from this height, this It was one of those moments where you were thinking about how vast and fascinating the universe is, and how small and insignificant you are in it, but at this moment there was only one thought in my head.

"Beautiful" I mumbled to myself.

It was 6 o'clock in the afternoon and it was already getting dark, a part of the city was still illuminated by the dusk that was retreating and by the lights of the buildings I know they were lighting up, while in the other part the darkness was settled, devouring any trace of light that remained as small as it was, as if it wanted to plunge the world into itself. I was enjoying such a beautiful landscape when suddenly the beam trembled, it was not just a slight tremor, which sometimes happens, so I ignored it and continued to enjoy the landscape, however, the beam trembled harder and almost made that I fell, then I set to parame and when I turned around I saw that the whole structure visibly trembled and that several bolts were loosening, I immediately knew what was happening.


However, oddly enough the first thought that appeared in my head as I watched the bolts come loose was not "I'm going to die" or "The beam will fall and I'll die" if not "E? I'm sure they were well placed. " And during those seconds when I was lost in my thoughts the bolts that were holding the beam I was in were loosened, the beam began to fall and I next to it, I do not know how long it was that I was falling, maybe it was a few minutes or maybe only a few seconds, I do not know, but for me it felt like an eternity, as I fell I saw my life pass before my eyes, if there was a word to describe my life it would be boring, yes, it was simple and purely boring, I saw My childhood, when my parents died, my time in high school, among other things, but what I saw the most was the monotony of my life, for example: Waking up, eating, working, going home, eating, sleeping and repeating the cycle. I closed my eyes and gave myself to death to rest, the last thing I felt was a light blow on my head and that's how I died.

Recover consciousness thanks to a slight, but uncomfortable heat, as when it is noon and you are under the sun and you are sweating just like that, try to open your eyes, but I realized that I could not, seeing that I could not open my eyes I tried to move my right arm to my face to see if I had something that would prevent me from opening them, but I could not move my arm either, it seemed strange to me and I tried to move my other arm; nothing, legs; nothing, fingers; nothing. I could not move anything, it was as if I did not have arms or legs even eyes, I still felt that they were there, but also as if they were not, I tried to speak or at least make a sound, but nothing came out, I changed a lot and I started twisting, screaming or something to see if something happened, but everything gave the same result as before: Nothing. After several minutes of useless effort I managed to calm myself down and began to think about what was happening to me and a possibility occurred to me.

"I'm in a coma"

If that was it, it was the only logical possibility for what was happening to me and on my arms or legs I will have lost them because of the fall, yes! Everything was logical and perfect, however, there was a question that bothered me and could not get out of my head no matter how hard I tried.

"How do you manage to survive a fall of about 1300 meters?"

While I was thinking about it, I realized that the heat was increasing exponentially, before it was a slight annoyance, but now it was as if my whole body was a few centimeters away from the fire and kept rising, I started praying to any deity, god or spirit that I remembered, asking that it not increase since I could feel my blood boiling and my skin beginning to burn and I knew that if I continued to increase I would surely die. Unfortunately, the heat continued to increase and there was a point where I felt as if I were in the sun itself and I fainted because of the pain.


I woke up and I heard a loud sound of metal crashing into metal, unfortunately it was not the loud sound that made me recover my consciousness, but I felt like my whole body was hit by a huge weight, as if I had been hit by a truck or I would have fallen a building on top, I could hear how some of my bones were broken and I felt that others became dust, then as my organs exploded, mashed and tried to leave my body by any means, then as my eyes exploded and my teeth broke. Then the weight returned and the few bones that remained were turned to dust, my organs left my body, my skull broke, my brain went out and I fainted.

-Some time later-

It is common sense that if someone has the bones made dust. the pureed organs, the broken skull, the exploded eyes and the brain left, then it should die. Or if someone burns until their blood evaporates, the flesh disappears and the bones turn to ashes, then it should die ... Right? ... Then! Why do not I die?

Instead, I am in this damn cycle, in which I first have to endure a hellfire where my whole body burns until there is nothing left, then something hits me and I turn the bones into powder and organs into puree. However, there was something in common in both and it was hellish pain. What I have not managed to do is to know how long I've been here, maybe it's days, months or even years. I do not know how many times I have fainted because of the pain, the pain was the only thing I could feel and the only thing I could think about, sometimes I just wanted to die to free myself, but in my most lucid moments I remember that I already died.

"If dying brought me here, then dying again will not send me to a worse place?"

And in a moment while I was supporting my burning body suddenly I started to cool down, I was very happy and I thought "I just torture myself?" For a long time nothing happened to me and I came to believe that it was over and I relaxed. Serious mistake because suddenly I felt that they put something sharp in my arms and they began to move starting with my arms and then my chest followed by my legs, when I thought they would get them deeper and they started again this time my legs then to my chest and finally to my arms, it seemed that they wanted to separate my skin from my muscles and then the muscles of my bones, I could not hold it anymore and I fainted.

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