
life on earth

Hello my name is Chris Robinson. I live in New York City. I was an average guy. I grew up in the projects, so growing up i didn't have a lot. I was the youngest out of my three brother and three sister. My Momma was a strick women. She and dad both work in an convenient store. They made little money. I was always getting bullied as a child for wear hand me downs. The only thing that comforted me was Anime and Manga. I usually read every manga that came out and watch many anime. I really love Naruto and Bleach. Now i am 24 and i still love it. I work as a cashier in Wang Convenient Store.

One morning i woke up and felt that something was gonna go wrong today, but i still went on with my day. I kiss my Momma and went to drop off my niece in her Elementrary school. Then i drove my self to my job. It was a pretty normal day, but at 12:22 i finished my lunch break and i was coming back into the store, that when i saw a huge black man with a black ski mask holding a gun to my boss face.

"Give me the money", He said

" Ok, ok" said ,Mr. Chang my boss.

" Aye man just put the gun down", I said as i slowly backed off

" Shut your black ass up punk", He said tuning his head towards me and then pointing the gun at me

"Aye man ", I tried to run back out the door and then i heard a loud bang and felt a bullet entering my back..

I hit the floor face first. I could see blood crovering me as i lie on the floor.

I heard heard the masked man run towards me and then i felt a pain in my hand. He stepped on me. Then i herd Mr. Chang call 911. i could feel the life escaping form my body. I slowly lost my consciousness.

" This is how my life end",I said," I wish i could live longer just just one more chance"

<????> "Binding host body to the SHINOBI GOD SYSTEM"

plz tell me if you guys want anything ion the strory. iw ill add thing that i like

immortalwriter2creators' thoughts
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