
Chapter 1:Reincarnation

"How the hell did this happen?"

I who used to be a normal human being now find myself floating in the void of space. Not only that, but now my body is a mass of silver energy.


Let's recap a bit.

My name is Richard, I am a university student studying architecture. Nothing special and if all went well I should be able to finish my studies at 22.

I wasn't very ambitious so my dream was simply to save enough to start my own business and retire before 30. Life is short and I don't expect to spend my whole life working.

But the world gave me the middle finger.

Just when I was going to deliver my fucking final project of the year for which I stayed awake almost three days. A shitty model where I spend more money than neurons to make it.

And what follows is how they suppose it.

Having not slept for so long, I made the typical mistake of crossing the street without looking at the traffic. Serious mistake especially if you live in Latin America where traffic is shit and everyone drives desperately.

I was not run over once but 4… Or so I think, since I died there. Who knows, maybe more cars hit my body more.

Those were almost 10 seconds of pure pain and boy am I sure that my death will come out in "A thousand ways to die". If that show has a sequel of course.

Dying felt different than I expected, all my emotions bursting forth. Anger for the bastards who ran over me, sadness at separating me from my family, envy for my friends who will be able to fulfill their dreams, and happiness at finally leaving Latin America.

It was all gone as fast as it came, the next thing I knew I was plunged into endless darkness as I heard people screaming and laughing.

"I never had a fucking girlfriend..."

I didn't know how long it was after that until I woke up as a mass of energy floating in space. I know I'm in space because I see damn stars in the distance and comets passing by from time to time.

Back to the present*

"This is bullshit"

Richard was angry with his current situation. Not only did I not understand what was going on, but drifting in deep space isn't the most relaxing thing.

A normal person would get nervous and begin to lose his mind little by little, but from what he observed, nothing was wrong with him. That is what bothered him the most.

"This state….is very unique"

It felt totally different than when he was human. He was much more serene and calm than he ever was. Honestly, it felt amazing, but that's by far not the most striking change.

What surprised Richard the most is the total change of his being from a body of flesh to one entirely of energy. It didn't even have a definite shape, it was just a mass of chaotic energy.

He had no idea what it was, but now all his senses were fired.

You can see, touch and hear from any part of your body. The only bad thing is that he lost his sense of taste and smell.

"Still, I doubt those two senses are very useful now, there's nothing here to smell and eat."

He didn't even know if he was moving and even if he did the universe is huge, it would take millennia to get to the nearest planetary system.

"I need information …! AHCI!"

As the seeker finds, waves of information entered Richard's consciousness. I had no idea where it came from, but it was certainly a great help.

After who knows how long Richard was able to digest the information and if he had eyes they certainly had them wide open.

"I am a cosmic force"

Richard could only stand in shock for a few minutes before regaining his composure. It was too ridiculous, from human to cosmic force.

"It's like in those superhero comics. I'm like the Phoenix force from Marvel or the speed force from DC. Of course there are still many differences."

Even in this strange situation he couldn't help but compare himself to those comic book characters. Well, their resemblance was enough but at the same time different.

"First organize the information I have."

In only a few moments he went from being someone lost to being fully aware of the situation in which he found himself.

It was a rank 1 cosmic force, a living force of the universe that devours different types of energy to grow.

Being able to obtain different types of powers during his growth!

"Unfortunately, I have very little choice as I'm low-ranking."

So is. Richard right now is just a newborn cosmic force. In outer space most energy sources are too dangerous to eat directly.

You could end up being destroyed by mistake if you're not careful.

"The safest way would be to stay close to a star and slowly absorb its solar energy! But it would take millennia to rank up like this!"

Richard quickly dismissed that thought. Even if his mentality has changed, ever since he stopped being a human, he doubted that he would be able to retain his sanity if he was left floating for millennia in space.

You only have one option left. Get your energy from living things.

More specifically, from planets with life.

"But I can't just do it myself. tch! What a bummer."

As a low-ranking cosmic force, I can't feed myself…no, that's wrong, it's better to say that it's not viable to do it myself.

Here comes into play one of the main abilities of those of my race, the use of hosts.

Empower different beings to wield our powers in order to feed on their life force and soul when they die. Growing little by little the more hosts you devour.

So I don't have to do anything for myself and I don't lose anything.

"Let's get to work."

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