
Starter Village? Dream On

[Game launch.]

[This is as far as I go. If you require any further help, well...]

[Good luck on your journey. May the name ´The Ancient One´ resound all over the world!]

After Alexander read this message his vision flashed and he appeared in.... a dark cave?

´Something doesn't seem to be right. Why am I not in a starter village?´

[First quest received!]

[Kill your summoner - As an undead that isn't wanted in human cities or other areas you have been summoned by a beginner necromancer to do his bidding. Something went wrong when he cast his spell though and you have kept you own will. Kill him before he kills you to undo his mistake!]

´Well it seems I should always check for fans before I take a shit.´

Because he was reading the notification Alexander didn't notice the hooded person standing in the cave with him. Not even mentioning that it was well, a dark cave.

„Runic Barrier"

Casting a [Runic Barrier] he jumped back, or at least tried to as he nearly stumbled over a rock as a [Runic Barrier] was slowly formed around him. Calling out „Fireball" he pointed at the figure as he steadied himself. The necromancer slightly confused why his own summoned undead would attack him threw himself to the side nearly dodging the [Fireball]. It still hit his shoulder though as he was throw to the side by the explosion and his shoulder was heavily burned. Only at this time was the [Runic Barrier] completely constructed and created a ring of shimmering runes around Alexander.

´Even though I chose the [Mana Conducting Bones] it still took this long to cast a [Runic Barrier]? It seems I can't use it as a life-saving skill then. I should probably cast it preemptively when engaging a target. I can also feel that even though I already used two skills I can still use a few more, unless I take too many hits.´

„Why are you, my summon attacking me?" asked the Necromancer before casting a [Lightning Strike] while retreating in the direction of the cave opening. The [Lightning Strike] was luckily blocked by the [Runic Barrier] but Alexander could feel a wave of sleepiness pass through him as his Mana got drained by the [Runic Barrier].

´Damn. Blocking Attacks consumes a serious amount of Mana. Also it seems you don't need to call out the name of the skill when using it.´ thought Alexander as he cast [Fireball] two times. He could feel that he only had about half of his Mana left.

Luckily one of the fireballs hit the retreating necromancer in his back and the explosion pushed him to the ground. The explosion and the crash to the floor seemed to have also knocked him out as he didn't move any more. This allowed Alexander to approach the necromancer from behind and cast another [Fireball] at point-blank-range against the head of the necromancer killing him.

[´Kill you summoner´ has been completed.


1 Level

Loot the body to obtain you reward.]

[Level up!]

After reading the notification and looking a the body before him Alexander realised why he had to show proof of being over 18 years old when he was buying the game and the VR-cabin. Before him laid a seriously burnt body and he guessed that if he didn't pick being an undead he would probably even be able to smell the burnt flesh.

´I have to search this body? Seriously? Can't they just drop the loot?´ Thought Alexander as he carefully lifted up on of the arms of the necromancer in an attempt to turn him over. It was at this moment that he really realised that first: he was a skeleton and second: that handling a dead body didn't disturb him as much as he thought it would. So he continued searching the body of the necromancer and found a staff with some kind of small skull at its end, three gold coins and the only other thing he could find that seemed to count as equipment was the robe worn by the necromancer which understandably was kind of burnt. But considering that he as a skeleton spawned well „naked" he didn't really have a choice. Also after checking his character info he found out that robes and capes are the only kind of cloth armour skeletons can wear. The types of armour he could wear were therefore restricted to either robes, capes or plate armour, which surprisingly even skeleton magicians could equip.

´This actually makes sense, since any other type of cloth armour like trousers and shirts could become stuck between my bones.´ He looked at the attributes before equipping the robe and staff. Well not really equipping, since he had to put the robe on by himself. Luckily the coins got absorbed into his inventory, since he didn't really want to walk around with a satchel.

[Necromancers Staff

Focus: Refined Rat Skull

Core: Bloodwood

Effect I: Increases magic damage by 10% and further boosts death attributed attacks by 5%

Effect II: Increases physical damage by 5%]

[Necromancers Robe (burnt)

Effect: Decreases magic damage taken by covered areas by 5%]

´Hmm doesn't the remark (burnt) mean that this robe could really easily be destroyed if I take too many hits from more destructive attacks like [Acid Splash] or something along this line of thinking? It seems I should either keep the [Runic Barrier] always active or at least always cast if before engaging.´

After checking out the equipment and putting it on Alexander started to walk around the cave looking for more potential loot, when he discovered a circle of runes that seemed to have been drawn using blood on the floor where he spawned.

[Summoning Array has been found.

Would you like to study it?


Alexander was slightly surprised but obviously clicked on ´Y´. After he clicked ´Y´ he could feel something rushing into his head and suddenly he could remember the structure of the array. He didn't know which part did what or how to operate it, but he would be able to at least draw it on his own.

[Find more arrays to unlock the profession of ´Runic Apprentice´]

´Reimagined´ didn't allow its players to just learn professions. They would have to either find an NPC or another player that was willing to teach them or study it on their own. There were actually many hidden professions and players weren't restricted in the number of professions they could have at once.

Next to the array he also found a flask that got identified as a [Flask of Human Blood] which was probably used to draw the array. After storing the flask Alexander decided to head out of the cave.

´Luckily I can see even though I don't have any eyes.´

So, after the first two chapters we have one that isn't a complete info-dump lol

TheUnseenMountTaicreators' thoughts
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