

It was a regular Monday morning just like any other. After taking a shower to freshen up and having a quick breakfast I left the house.

Riding my bike through the usual route it only took 10 minutes to get to the local community pool.

Pool Manage: Good morning John, you ready to save some lives today?

John: Always ma'am.

Although I loved my job as a lifeguard, the pay wasn't great and so I would always say that I was going to look for a better paying job but I never did.

The morning went smoothly, all the kids were playing safely which made my job easier.

Then as if an act by an other worldly being the ground started to shake. Quickly I jumped in to try and help everyone get out.

Waking up a week later in the hospital all I could remember was that as I helped the last kid get out a sinkhole was created in the middle of the pool and as I was dragged down all I saw at the bottom was a brightly glowing crystal.