1 001: TASK

Year 2032.

Days Since Outbreak: 9495.

Jon Doeth sat on his couch, staring at the cracked wall of his small apartment. The zombie outbreak had been going on for weeks, and he had been surviving by regressing back in time to before the outbreak occurred. It was a risky move, but it had proven to be the only way to stay alive.

"Another day, another dollar," Jon muttered to himself, running his hand through his messy hair. "Or rather, another day, another lifetime."

He stood up and began pacing around the room, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The apartment was small and cramped, but it was home. He had lived here for three years, and he had grown accustomed to the peeling paint and the creaky floorboards.

As he walked, Jon's thoughts turned to General Zhu, the leader of the regressors. The General had called him earlier that day, giving him a task.

"Jon, we need you to go back in time and find the place where the virus originated," the General had said. "We need to know where it started so we can stop it."

Jon had nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities. He had always been a curious person, and the thought of exploring the past was exhilarating.

"But how far back do I have to go?" Jon had asked.

"As far back as you need to," the General had replied. "Just find the source of the virus and report back to me."

Jon had nodded, his mind made up. He would do whatever it took to help the regressors and stop the virus.

He sat back down on the couch and closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts. He could feel the familiar sensation of his consciousness leaving his body, floating back in time.

As he regressed, Jon felt a sense of freedom wash over him. He was no longer bound by the constraints of his physical body. He was free to explore the past, to uncover the secrets of the virus.


Year 2006.

Days until outbreak: 100.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing in the middle of a bustling street. The year was 2006, and the world was a very different place.

Jon took a deep breath, his senses taking in the sights and sounds of the past. He was determined to find the source of the virus and put an end to it once and for all.

He began walking, his eyes scanning the crowded streets. He knew that the virus had been created in a lab, but he didn't know where. He would have to search far and wide to find the answer.

As he walked, Jon felt a sense of purpose wash over him. He was on a mission, and he was determined to succeed.

He would find the source of the virus, no matter what it took. And when he did, he would do whatever it took to stop it.

The world was depending on him, and he would not let them down.

Jon Doeth, pulled out a compact device from his pocket—Bulbhul. Activating it with a quick press, the small screen flickered to life.

["Hello, Jon Doeth,"] a synthetic voice greeted, emanating from the device. ["How may I assist you today?"]

"I need clues, Bulbhul. The General wants me to find the origin of the virus," Jon said, his tone resolute.

["Searching for virus origin. Scanning database,"] Bulbhul replied, displaying a concise list of clues on its screen.

["Clue 1: Unusual seismic activity reported near Mexico research facilities."

"Clue 2: Elevated radiation levels detected in proximity to patient zero's initial outbreak site."

"Clue 3: Unexplained temporal anomalies coincide with the virus's initial spread."

"Clue 4: Unexplained temporal anomalies coincide with the virus's passive spread."]

Jon absorbed the information, a plan forming in his mind. "Thanks, Bulbhul. I'm heading out to investigate. Keep scanning for updates."

["Understood, Jon Doeth. Stay vigilant,"] Bulbhul responded as Jon pocketed the device and prepared to embark on his mission.

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