
Regress For Revenge

Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"

Zxero0 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Zenrok, Heroes, Swords And Inner Realm

[In Noah's room]

I'm laying on my bed, it's dark outside since it's pretty late It's exactly 23:00 an hour until midnight. For now, I still haven't received any guests.

" I doubt that they'll do anything stupid since you can feel the mana and the ki coming from the estate. I probably won't have any visits for the next week. that's how much time it should take for them to report about the current situation and receive new orders from their respective kingdoms. I don't really have to worry since i can trust my family plus we even got one of the four strongest sword in the continent of Zenrok."

The continent of Zenrok is divided into four by four kingdoms. The kingdom in the northern hemisphere, that has received the moniker of the kingdom of snow: Valmund. The kingdom which is located in the eastern hemisphere, the kingdom that has received the moniker of the kingdom of cherry blossom: Ryoma. The kingdom is located in the western hemisphere, which has received the moniker of the kingdom of light: Fayrak. Lastly, the kingdom located in the southern hemisphere which has received the moniker of the kingdom of the seas: Sinbad.

Each of the kingdoms is named after the four great heroes clans that ended the time called Dark Ages. It was a time when there were no kingdoms only clans and these clans were constantly at war. During those dark times, four people appeared that wished to bring an end to these constant wars. Therefore they gathered people from their clans and the clans in the vicinity created an alliance and gave birth to the four kingdoms we now know of. The kingdoms were given the name of their clans and even now their descendants are the ones sitting on the throne. The kingdom monikers are something that they have possessed since their creation. The monikers were acquired due to the powers the hero that founded it used. For example, the kingdom of Fayrak is called the kingdom of light because its first king( the hero) used light magic. While some because of the environment for example Ryoma acquired the moniker because of their famous cherry blossom tree that only blooms there.

These four heroes each wielded a sword so powerful that it was unexplainable therefore people said that these swords were given by the gods to the heroes in order to bring peace. The four swords then became national treasures. The sword that belongs to Valmund is said to have killed countless dragons and absorbed their blood: Balmung. The sword that belongs to Fayrak is said to have basked in the sun and contains its power and heat granting it the light of the sun itself: Excalibur. The sword that belongs to Sinbad is said to have bathed in each of the sevens seas giving it control complete control over water: Laevateinn. Lastly, the katana belonging to Ryoma, it is said to have bathed in the moonlight granting it the silence and the cold of the night which resulted in the blade gaining the ability to control the cold: Kusanagi. The four swords were wielded by the four heroes: Arthur Fayrak, Siegfried Valmund, Shinki Ryoma, and Trey Sinbad.

This is something that will be known in the future. Each of the swords possesses an ego or in other words an personality. While the swords were wielded by the heroes it doesn't mean that they have accepted to be wielded by the descendants of their first wielders in fact ever since the first heroes the swords still haven't accepted someone else to wield them however this will change in this era. People that the swords will acknowledge were born in my generation.

" There is no point to think about all that since I wasn't able to wield any of the four swords. Rather I should train right now. My problem is not my Aura purity since my body is not strong enough. Even if I cultivate and increase the purity of my Aura all that will happen is that I won't even be able to use Aura since each and every spell, martial arts, or anything else would be too strong for my body to handle. My body would probably break before I can use whatever I'm trying to use. Right now what I need to do is strengthen my body reconstruction was currently too risky my body hasn't matured enough and the pain is excruciating everybody would hear my screams. All I can do is physical training. "

Suddenly I get an idea.

" Bright, Dull ! Do you hear me?"

After my last visits, Bright told me that they could hear me as long as I called their name. I didn't actually need to call them out with my voice since I could also do it with my thoughts.

I get a strange feeling of somebody pulling me inside of me.

"That's the feeling I always get when I'm pulled into my Inner Realm."

[In Noah's Inner Realm]

I open my eyes and as always what appears before is the usual beautiful and untainted green plain.

" Whenever I'm here I feel so good and so at peace."

- Geh!

I turn around and the person I see is not kind, gentle, and always smiling Bright, no. The person I see is non-other than the one that's always mad, always grumpy, always gets on my nerve, and always calls me a weakling EVEN TOUGH I AM NOT. The demon, Dull.

- Geh? What do you mean by Geh?

" A few seconds ago I felt quite good and now I already know ill be either extremely annoyed or extremely mad."

All of sudden a black ball appears in front of me and explodes making me go flying.

I get up.


- I guess you are more of an idiot than I thought. I can also guess you don't remember that in here we can hear your thought.

- Tch! I did forget but... WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!

- Just like I piss you off and annoy you the mere sight of you grants me the same feeling.

"I can't believe this guy."

- Beleieve it, Dumbass.

" Be the bigger person Noah right now its not the time."

I get up and look at him. It seems like he notices that I'm serious.

- Why are you here, Kid?

- I need to train since my body is unable to withstand to the power of my spells.

- If you're here to train your body then you're at the wrong place.

- Eh... Why?

- This is your Inner Realm.

- So...?

- There are four stages when it comes to the Inner Realm usage. The first one is Mind Immersion. It literary means to enter your Inner Realm with your mind and only your mind. The second one is Full Immersion, when you reach that stage you are able to fully enter your Inner Realm mind, and body. The third one is Pulling Immersion, when you reach that stage you are able to pull people into your Inner Realm. The last one is Summoning, to make it simple upon reaching that stage you are able to summon your Inner Realm to the outside world.

- WHAT! isn't that too powerful?

- Sometimes I really wonder are you really an idiot? Since you asked that question it means you already understand what it entails. When someone is able to reach Pulling Immersion that means that they have full control over their Inner Realm in simpler terms anything goes for the wielder. If you are able to reach summoning that also means that the rules of the inner realm remain. You control and decide everything that goes on as long as they are inside your territory.

- What is the territory?

- Calling the entirety of your Inner Realm is impossible no matter how much mastery you have over it so the portion of your Inner Realm that you summon is called Territory.

- I see.

- You don't have to worry since you are not even at the first stage because you need our help to enter your Inner Realm. But we can only pull your mind in here so physical training is impossible.

- Then let's start.

- What?

- Inner Realm Mastery training.

To be continued

Zxero0creators' thoughts