
the vampire love Siri part 2

dear diary to the Lord I'm happy for everything you do for me Lord and Jesus and thank you making me wake up another day but I just hope the school to go fine with me today but I love you. I'm just got to get you something Regina breakfast is ready I'm coming mom and dad there is my daughter ready for school again yep I'm ready this be safe in school today please will you be there okay all right if I believe y'all just be safe okay I won't get in no trouble I love you I love you too Mom and Dad you know what does hope she be safe what she just told us I just told you be safe with the Lord and Jesus Keep Us Bill I just hope is she be safe in school today please I just hope so she wants to school safe and stuff like that I just want that she will baby walking to school safe where are you girl I am coming this wait prayers are going to the coffee shop to get myself a coffee oh give me one and give me a call my muffin after work all right I will yeah let me take a a coffee and a muffin you know it's for a special friend who been my friend for a while or maybe forever it's 82 butts 82 butts okay have a good day thank you oh do you got me muffin yep I know you mean you can have a muffin together and stuff and a coffee it'll be great for breakfast synonym for waking up in the morning and being a blessed day yeah what you don't like about the school the still out of the book bag I don't care this stills well I know that Emily the school getting very bad might just need to have cops in there like police's I know girl but the the cops got to do something because they can't have the kids the glow up folks acting like this in school well the Bell Wall for us we have to go to class now hello Regina oh hello teacher well your mother and your dad was saying what happened on Monday on one month towards you yeah I understand do you want to have a talk with that we going to have meeting soon yes I'm meeting okay I hope he's fine can I ask you a question when is the bigger test is coming up oh I don't know about that yet but we will let you know we will let you know sooner when it come up did they not make an announcement you about it yet okay good to see you Regina good to see you too bye wait I see you at the metting later okay I'll see you at the metting so you told the teacher no the teacher found out easily Emily wow by who my parents my mom and dad well absolutely it was my mom so yeah I am so sorry girl it's fine but they got to know the truth somehow I'll see you later at lunch I'll see you later at lunch too are oh yeah it's on the open your textbooks if y'all have y'all math textbooks I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I'm talkin about all y'all yeah I have my textbook are you are you okay we Regina yes I'm fine I'm just going through something all right is all I want to hear so everyone we're about to do some math so hard math today hey girl all the lunch Regina told you you can meet us at the so are you happy no what you got for lunch today a bologna sandwich with with white bread mayonnaise and some chips and some pasta will you got for lunch today I got a burger and french fries for McDonald's 002 went to McDonald myself yeah I know you should I went to McDonald's since when I went to school with small I'm with you we also drink a Sprite soda what you have for drink just what apple juice and grape juice and a salad for lunch too wow you got a lot different choosing a food stop by my parents pack it up for me today like yesterday for dinner wow okay your I was happy oh my bad I just need to pray pray yeah put your head down father God bless me over this food is stay for it I love you father God I love you Jesus I said both of my friends everyone on this Earth and I love you father God for ever and I love you Jesus forever and let us enjoy this lunch together and let us be safe when we come home today amen amen are you on your boyfriend's going to prom together this year don't know oh no Emily why not Emily this is the best school why I want to go to prom with him in the school for I mean he's very popular but he don't care about popular I know where he did not been why don't you from a while yeah because you got another things to do in life I mean he got worried about basketball wow basically I mean he practice every day and every night for basketball I am not know that I mean you play football the same time to I don't know he's taking me to the prom oh no oh yeah I know he believes in God and Jesus that's why I believe in towards them oh hi again oh hi again your Mom and Dad's here oh my God I am so happy you are alive yeah do they have stuff that happened in today now no not at all okay I want to transfer her to another school I another School yes another school I never will want her come back to the School ever again are you sure about that yes I'm sure you got to talk to the principal for that I'm not in charge for that Delta meanest Desai yes she can go to another school Justice at the Sunday's paper so I hear and she go to another School what are we Regina like to do the most I mean she believe in God she believe in Jesus don't believe evilness or anyting I mean she like the paint do you like to sing she reading the Bible okay she can you can go now and stuff like that we going to miss you a lot we Regina well good luck

thank you very much helping us so heard are you going to another school girl yep I am and I'm so happy with God's help me this day forward and Jesus without them my life would be very bad that's good girl mama is fixing dinner the gas shower and brush my teeth and stuff and comb my hair out comb your hair yeah I just doing that girl well I see you at the new school then I don't know I going I still got all my things to do well okay I guess I'll see you the whole my mind or the third moment of it Lego City I will tell you right of course girl alright sorry girl by Regina on the phone my friend Emily she's saying that the bass school oh I'm happy you not at the school because the school is very bad and they need to change the the school over