
LI: War, war never changes.

The sound of thousands of men in metal armor pounding the ground to the rhythmic beat of a finely calculated march echoed through the Forest of Death. There was not a creature, animal, or vegetable, magical or otherwise, that could stop the inexorable march of these knights. Magical power burned within them, for they were all knights, and even if they were not as powerful as those outstanding figures, the spectacle was undoubtedly something incredible. 

Even though nature was not destroyed, it bowed down before the march of this contingent, as if the forest itself thought it was not a good idea to stop these super-developed hairless apes. And it was this marching army that worried the beautiful elf queen. 

She looked into a mirror, gazing at the terrifying march of humanity until the face of a hooded woman suddenly appeared in the mirror, and as if sensing the elven queen's gaze, she smiled, and soon the mirror was unable to receive any images of humans. 

"Why do queens like to look into mirrors? Damned cliché," replied the hooded woman, who turned out to be the mage who was Susie's teacher, a beautiful woman with greenish hair and a broad chest that could not be hidden by her black sorceress robes. Her name was Natasha.

Next to her was her student, Susie, who waved the demon tail behind her, curiously watching her beloved teacher rant a few things before the woman turned and looked back at her student. 

"I already got rid of the annoying look from that elven bitch, go tell Chad of the knights to prepare for a possible pre-emptive attack from the elves," Natasha ordered her pupil, who nodded and ran to the vanguard where that knight, one of Marie's teachers, was standing. 

An old woman appeared next to Natasha, holding an orb of black light that emitted a strange miasma of the same color, both women then concentrated on the orb until certain unknown letters appeared on the object.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, now this bitch is going to have menstrual cramps for quite a while!" sneered Natasha after reading those words, causing the old woman next to her to get a bit annoyed at her companion's lack of politeness. 

"Stupid girl, that's the most a curse can do to that queen, if I had more resources I could make that eared broad suffer," the old woman complained as she clenched the orb in her hand, then popped it into her mouth and swallowed. 

She was Jessica's teacher, an expert in curses and black magic whose teachings gave the girl a vast knowledge of cursed energy. In addition, the old woman, named Wanda, considered Jessica to be her granddaughter and was quite overprotective of her. 

By the way, when she met Axel that day, she knew that there was some chemistry between her sweet granddaughter and the archer, so she also gave the young girl an awkward talk, trying to keep her from being hurt by a "pretty-faced punk", though it didn't seem to work quite right. 

Wanda could not be sorry that her poor granddaughter could not escape from that foolish hunter, although she admitted that the young man was beautiful, she did not get along well with Axel's mother, the best hunter in town and leader of the Hunters' Guild. A quite powerful woman named Sonia. 

Thinking about that bitch Sonia and how she didn't want to give him the blood of the unicorn the hunting team had hunted a few hours ago, his already wrinkled face couldn't crumple anymore in annoyance. 

"Don't let the pressure get to you, Wanda, not all of us are lucky enough to have his student listening to him," a man who had descended from the sky said with a mocking tone in his voice. He was John's teacher, a rather accomplished elderly wizard with blond hair, though it was beginning to take on shades of gray due to his advanced age. His name was Anthony. 

"Sure, but let's selectively forget that your student ignores you when you insist he doesn't sleep with the noble widows in town," Natasha said provocatively, causing the old man to almost stumble and scratch his neck as he smiled nervously.

"Well, everyone has their bad points, don't they? Reminds me of my old days when I..." Ignoring the escalating story the angry old man was telling in front of her, Natasha began to chant a spell in a low voice, followed by some mudras, soon a whitish sphere appeared in front of her.

"Stop talking and send your report to the City Lord," Natasha interrupted after finishing her spell, making her two companions concentrate as they saw the white sphere floating in front of them.

"Wow, I never expected a spell to have a bureaucratic function, but what can you do?" Wanda complained quietly as she transferred her magical power to the sphere in a special way and passed on the information she had gathered.

So did the wizard Anthony, who had recently scanned the sky, so he had a lot of information to transmit, since there was nothing interesting left, why don't we see other sections of this war march?


Susie, running toward the vanguard, had taken on a much more demonic appearance than usual. Her ears were elongated, but unlike the elves, they stood straight up, and the tips were covered in green flames.

Her legs were covered in dense green lines, and her feet did not look like hooves but like claws, emitting green sparks as they passed. Her tail wagged constantly, keeping her balanced with her mammoth speed, but the succubus was not at full strength. 

Technically, she was the fastest of the group, even faster than Seone using the Belmont Clan's techniques, so she quickly reached the front of the pack. She was not stopped because of her privileges, so she quickly made her way to the horse Chad was riding.

Chad was talking to Marie's two other masters, the fat man named Romeo and the woman covered in runic tattoos named Vanessa. The three seemed to be discussing something while Marie stood beside them, wearing her trademark silver armor, although she was now wearing a red skirt. 

Noticing Susie, Marie ran toward her to meet her in the street. Then they returned together to the leaders of the Knights of the City.

"Oh, little Susie, what brings you here, have you heard from your teacher?" asked Chad, who had finished talking to his companions, who turned their attention to the incoming succubus. 

"Yes, my teacher asked me to inform you that you must prepare for a possible preemptive elven attack; earlier my teacher had interrupted the elven queen's spying through the mirrors," Susie reported, having returned to normal. 

"Oh, those arrogant elves will do something," Romeo said mockingly as he patted his huge armor-covered belly to emphasize his words. 

"Especially their bitch of a queen, you know, keep the elves' dignity and shit. If they would just agree to give us what we want, we wouldn't be wasting our precious time in a war against their filthy species," Vanessa said dismissively as if she couldn't stand to talk about elves much, showing once again the contempt the humans of this world had for elves.

"Well, we'll stop and prepare for the skirmish. Marie, lead your team to ambush these stupid ears," Chad ordered his student, who nodded and left with Susie, they had to gather the group and contact Monic's team. 


Seone, dressed in somewhat tight black clothes, with his sword on his back, two spinballs on his belt, and a distinctive flintlock at his waist, was joined by Axel and John. The three of them were perched on the branches of a tree as if they were the ninjas from a certain anime.

"Seone, did you sense an elf here?" asked John somewhat doubtfully, though his doubt was not about his companion, but about the fact that the elf might not be around anymore. 

"Yes, it was a fleeting flash, but I have executed enough elves to be quite accustomed to their unique presence," Seone replied normally, but his answer was as sanguine as his profession.

Seone's eye glowed red, heightening his six senses slightly as he searched for traces of the elusive elf, but it was Axel, an experienced hunter, who found a small trace in the distance. A slightly broken dry leaf, as if it had recently borne weight. 

Though elves can control their weight, this does not eliminate the fact that they leave tracks when they stand in one place. Axel reported his find to his companions, confirming that someone had indeed been here recently, possibly an elven scout. 

The three approached cautiously, Axel holding his bow, Seone his sword, and John's eyes had turned golden, glowing magically. The three were ready for a possible fight, although they weren't too nervous, it was only one elf and they could fight him. 

Even if there were more elves, they could flee and seek support from the nearby army, so there wasn't much pressure on them. So they confidently approached the path. Axel bent down to pick up the dry leaf and put it to his nose, taking in the faint scent it gave off.

"Smells like an elf," the boy said succinctly, getting up and coating the arrow in his bow with whitish energy. This preparation on his part caused Seone to do the same with his weapon, coating it with his red vitality. John, on the other hand, quickly cast a spell that would come in handy in this situation.

"Life appears," John whispered, and his body emitted a wave of magical energy that spread around him. 

Soon a smile appeared on his face, and with a gesture he pointed in a direction, indicating to his companions the desire to attack, and the first battle of this war began.


Deep in the forest, and when I say deep, I mean the part unexplored even by elves, a huge being lay on the ground under the canopy of giant trees that covered the sky, creating a perpetual darkness. Then its eyes opened, those huge blue eyes seemed to see through space, exactly Seone, John, and Axel, as well as the elf the three, had discovered.

It was as if the conflict the humans were going to bring against the elves had awakened this being, and if we could see it clearly, we would notice that where its mouth should be, there was a smile showing terrible teeth. 

His huge figure began to move, standing on 4 majestic legs covered with white hair. 9 tails at the end of his body waved gently, and blue flames rose from them, chasing away the darkness. A huge 9-tailed fox looked into the distance with a horrible grin, then sniffed the air as if he smelled something, detecting a scent he hadn't tasted in a long, long time. 

"She's here... maybe I can pay her a visit after I see something interesting, after all, it seems you're still in love with me," the booming but feminine voice came from the fox's mouth. 

After stretching his body for a few moments, he turned his gaze towards the elven realm, his eyes full of mockery as he watched those ants with long ears preparing for war, but he simply ignored them, focusing his attention on an object that looked like a huge steamboat placed in a river that flowed into the sea at the end. 

"If this ship is capable of sea travel, that would explain the conflict going on, although nothing is interesting on the other side, just more annoying ants," the fox sneered before his figure shrank to a humanoid form.

You'd expect a super voluptuous and sexy woman..... I can't deny it, she was a naked woman with an incredible physique covered by her lush white hair, plus 9 dancing fox tails made of energy on her back.

"I don't know why the bastard who created this spell designed her like that," the humanoid fox complained at the sight of her exaggerated, charming figure, especially the size of her breasts. But supposedly, the transformation spell reflected your mental image in a humanoid incarnation, although he had many doubts about it, there was no need to have such a big chest, right?

The beautiful fox's inner complaints went unanswered. Now, her attention was focused on the conflict that was about to take place, the conflict that had awakened her.


AN: Tomorrow's chapter~ Please enjoy this week's chapters! 

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