
Adieu (1)

Naruto stood in beside of a grumbling Jiraiya, they were on their way to Tanzuka town, where Jiraiya had, with so much conviction that he could 'feel' his old lover Tsunade calling out to him. They had been hunting her for over a period of two weeks, this 'feel' wasn't a new thing to Naruto. She was needed back at the village for the many people that needed professional healing, like Rock lee. At first she had been needed for both healing and leading the village, but the council wouldn't allow an unstable Sannin to lead their precious Konoha, so they took the next best thing…Jiraiya, he being a legendary Sannin with great power and leading Konoha, it would be a great image for Konoha to the outside world and a good morale builder inside the village. But Jiraiya being the 'modest' person he is, he rejected the offer, he needed to take care of his spy network and keep potential enemies at bay.

The council understanding this decided to go for Kakashi, but his nonchalant attitude rubbed many in the wrong ways. Council woman Koharu out right spat at the motion, saying "I would rather serve a child than that shell of a Konoha shinobi! What will he do in times of war? Sit back and watch as invaders siege our village while reading that smut of his?!" hearing this Jiraiya immediately held her to her words and said to her "well now that you mention it, there is a child strong enough for you to serve…Uzumaki Naruto…Namikaze." Many shinobi gasped at the last word uttered by the Sannin and questioned his sanity. But after long streams of curses and debates, Jiraiya finally gave enough proof to back up his claim. And many felt a great guilty slap them in the face, of course the people who knew in the council and yet set stigma against the boy lost whatever trust they had in the beginning.

The idea of Naruto being the Hokage begun to make sense in many minds, after all he loved Konoha even after all the suffering it caused him. He would make a great leader. He was strong too and could get stronger, he defeated a bijuu after all. He is indeed the fourth's son. It was decided, a thirteen year old Genin would be their Godaime.

And so it came to pass that Naruto had been given the title mere hours ago and was awaiting his coronation.

This Tsunade woman wasn't anything close to what he thought she would be like, she had hate and had a stench of naivety. She didn't know how she hurt her ancestors, her grandfather, her granduncle, she hurt their ideals, she hurt his ideals, she hurt his father's ideals and worst of all she didn't care that the old man was dead, her own sensei, called a fool by those vile lips.

As Godaime Hokage it was his job to slap the sense into his subordinates and shinobi. He would do his duty.

"Hey, old hag!" Naruto half screamed at her. She turned with droopy eyes and stared at him like she was staring right through him…the temperature dropped a few degrees as she smiled "who're you calling old hag, shrimp"

Taken aback by the jab to his height, Naruto pointed accursedly at her "I may be short, but unlike you I have a heart as tall and as wide as the earth, you practically spit on the old man's grave, you spit on the name of Hokage, how dare you call the Hokage name to be curse? How dare you betray your village? How dare you betray the ones who sought after you?"

Her icily gaze mellowed down, she stared at the young blond and sighed. He made her feel sad, guilty, and mortified. "I…I…I apologize for forgetting about the children, you are just like my little- ugh." A tear dropped from her eyes and Naruto's hateful glare disappeared, replaced by a look of confusion. He let her continue.

"How could I subject you little children to a live in a world filled with fools?" Jiraiya and Shizune stared on in fear and confusion, not knowing where this was going. "I should have stayed back…" that brought joy in Shizune's heart and great confusion the toad sage and his apprentice. "…and I should have spoken to the world of how foolish they all are and taught them that being a Kage, being someone ready to lay down their life, and dreaming and aspiring to be one, will bring nothing but sorrow, I see that now, my reluctance to share my knowledge with the world has created people like you shrimp all over the world"


Complete silence

Naruto was shocked to the core. He couldn't believe such a sober person could exist.

He raised his head up and cleared out all signs of shock away "well then, it seems you like to gamble…how about I make you a bet?"

Her mood lightened and her ears perked up "what type of bet?"

"If I become Hokage in the next three years, you will have to live in Konoha for the rest of your life and your descendants will be banned from being anything less than a ninja, and if I don't…I will resign as a shinobi and be a slave to your every word"

Jiraiya couldn't believe it, he was already Hokage or did he hit his head on a stone or what?

"Ha! Making such a deal like it means nothing, a real Hokage would never bound himself to a person's word, this is just more proof of how people like you are fools! It's a DEAL!" she grinned her teeth out as they shook hands and Naruto had a stern face, as if he was struggling to keep himself from making the deal null and void by screaming how he is the Hokage in her face.

"In fact if you become Hokage, I'll give you this necklace, it's worth more than ten mountains!"

Naruto just Hn'd and walked away.

Scurrying feet could be heard as Naruto walked away cooling, he didn't need to turn back to know who was behind him, he purposefully lead the way into the woods so he and Jiraiya could talk, it was obvious he wanted to ask him about his little gambit.

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