

Jonathan's POV.

"Mr Snow? Your father will see you now" Miss Khan's voice brought me out of my thinking coma as i nod with a smile of appreciation before heading towards the elevator that will take me to my father's office.

No sooner had i stepped into my father's office, his authoritative voice boomed through the four walls of his well furnished and spacious office saying.

"You don't need to set an appointment with my secretary before seeing me Jon, better still you could have come to the house. It's still your home too you know?" Straight forward as usual, why am i not surprised?

"Good day to you too father. And yes, i need to set an appointment with your secretary before seeing you. This is still your place of work after all, Plus; what i came here to discuss with you can't be done at home, i needed a place where you won't cause a scene, somewhere... neutral" He raised his eye brows like he was amused by my words before saying.

"Rich words coming from someone who has gone out of his way to disregard every words that have ever come out of my mouth. Still, somewhere neutral could have been a restaurant or better still a coffee shop?" Now its my turn to rise my brows in amusement after hearing his words. Was that a...joke?

"I guess its true what they said then, father? The apple surly doesn't fall far from its tree." He chuckled with a shack of his head as he clicked his tongue before saying.

"No, no...you and i are nothing alike. I have great values for our family tradition and i respected my father just as mine respected his..."

"I respected mine and i still do!'' I cut him off before he could go into details of how the Snows before me have worshiped their ancestors by following in their foot steps and becoming prestigious businessmen and such.

"No you didn't!" He yelled before composing himself.

"You refused to study business like i told you to, i asked you to work with me so that you could take over our family legacy one day; instead you went ahead and made your own company. You even got your own place when you could barely cook or clean after yourself, when the Snows have pride themselves in sticking together for centuries." He finished counting with his fingers and pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation refusing to give in to his plans to antagonize me. "Focus on why you're here Jonathan!" I chihed.

"Pretend all you want father, but you and i are exactly alike in every way. Our brand of stubbornness is divine, which means none of us would have yield to the other if i had continued living at the mansion, and that wouldn't have ended well. I accept the fact that i studied fashion design just to spite you at first, but i found my passion in it and i'm damn good at what i do. So if you still refused to accept who i have become and what i have accomplished just because i didn't follow the path that you chose for me father...that's on you, but i didn't come here to talk about me." He gives me a look that says he's not done talking about this but sighs while sitting straight before saying.

"Very well...what did you want to discuss then?" I'm glad he didn't push this further because I'd hate to lose my cool before discussing what actually brought me here.

"Its about Emily and PJ, i want them to come stay with me for the remainder of the year while Jennie is in Korea." The shock from what I've just said is evident in his eyes but he would never allow you the satisfaction of taking him unawares being the kind of man he is, so he smoothens his suit before saying.

"Hold on a minute, how on earth do you plane to house two kids that you have no form of intimate relationship or whatsoever with?" I try not to pay too much attention to what he just said before replying in a cordial tone.

"That is one of the reasons i want them to come live with me, it's not too late to build a relationship with them...besides, its better then them going back from school each day to an empty house or spending time with people you paid to look after them." I don't expect him to give in to my request easily but i didn't come here to take no for an answer either.

"I will have you know that my kids are well taken care of, and the people i pay to look after them is none of your business." I wanted to remind him of how well i know about his method of caring for his kids and how those people can do better parenting jobs than he would ever do, but i didn't want to start unnecessary argument with him so i held my tongue.

"Well, i thought you should hear this from me because I've already discussed it with Jennie, and the kids are okay with the idea of living with me and I've started making the necessary arrangements for their stay. That's all i needed to say, have a nice day father." He didn't say anything so i stood up and made my way to the door when his voice interrupted me saying.

"Take care of your siblings." One thing the Snow's density is known for is their pride, so i know how much struggle it took for him to put his pride aside and asked me to take care of the kids. I nodded as a way of agreeing to his request while making my way out of his office.

My father and i have never agreed on anything as far as i can remember, so I'm really glad he didn't fight me too much on this particular idea. I felt a vibration in my suit pocket as i reached for my phone to see who was calling.

Bringing the device out of my pocket, i couldn't help but smile after seeing the name of the caller displayed on the screen. "Yes, your majesty...how can i be of service to you?" Shifting my phone away from my eardrum because i knew what would come after, i waited for her to speak as she yelled through the speaker saying.

"How dare you keep something like this from me?" Yup! It never gets old.

Zendaya Coleman as Queen Amirah (aka crazy Amirah)