
Tell Me


Euric sighed upon seeing his little brother who only realizes his presence after picking Timber.

"Is your health fine?"

Eugene nodded, "It's good, thanks to his excellency, I recover earlier than expected."

Euric patted Eugene's head and look at Kaizer who is standing behind without speaking and just looking at them, "How about your young excellency? Is your body alright? I heard you had a mana outbreak, it must be difficult."

Kaizer just nodded, "It's good."

The surrounding is silent.

Eugene didn't want to bother Kaizer anymore especially since he don't really like staying beside him [Kaizer], if it weren't for the duke then he won't pretend, but after all the duke treated him carefully, and even asked his preferences and the servants in the castle make him happy. Who is he to act arrogant in a place that treated him right?

"Kaizer thank you, also tell the duke that I'm really grateful to him. I will leave with my brother first because I haven't seen them for a while."

Kaizer clench his fist and nodded.

"T-Then I'll see you for tomorrow's selection."

Eugene let out a sigh of relief as he watches Kaizer walk away and turn his gaze to his brother who is staring at him silently.


Euric shook his head.

"Nothing, I think you need to see the selection list first and prepare for tomorrow."

Eugene nodded.

His brother is probably worried about tomorrow because he just recovered. Nonetheless, even if he doesn't practice he knew that he can do well and pass the test. After all, he came back to the past and even experience countless worlds where he is living his life dangerously and is always on the brink of death. A mere selection that he had already experienced is nothing but a practice to recover his strength and prepare his body for war.

Following his brother while holding Timber's hand.

Eugene stood in front of the bulletin board and couldn't help but grinned.

As expected, he's a leader and Timber is actually under his wing?

"Surprise? I told you I can do it!"

Timber happily encircles Eugene, while boasting about the test battle that happened and how he defeated his opponent. All thanks to his friend to teach him and told him how to observe the competitor's movement. If it weren't for that trick then he [Timber] would get injured in participating in such an event.

Eugene is really amazing!

"It's really a good job."

Eugene chuckled if only Timber knew that he [Timber)]became his right hand with a swordsmanship comparable to Clarence.

It's really a talent.

Euric: "Warfare selection is dangerous, as a senior I'll be one of the watch-out, an observant to prevent students from cheating. You two better behaved well and not cause trouble to me."

Timber pouted, "Who will cause trouble?! You better step out of our way!"

Eugene just chuckle.

——Going back to the dormitory, Brother Euric said goodbyes and separated his way. Tomorrow is a big day so almost no one in the academy fools around. Students are either in the practice room or resting in the dorm for tomorrow's big fight.

Eugene decided to send Timber back first before going back.

"It's rare to be this quiet."

Eugene: "Hmm. After all, tomorrow is the day of competition."

"Yes. I'm also practicing every day while waiting for you to go back. Brother Euric is also there to teach me so I really improve a lot."

Eugene grinned and patted Timber's head, "It's good, but you don't need to worry, under my wing you are protected."

Timber's heart beat fast and the thought that his friend is too cool so he couldn't help but give a hug and said, "I love you so much~"

Eugene hugs back and both laugh right after.

This scene was seen by Casimin who happen to be on his way back to his dormitory.

Seeing the happiness of both people, Casimin turns his head to look at his twin little brother and sighs: "Look at other people, not related by blood but have more siblings love. What to do? my twin is not cute like others, I couldn't help but look at others."

Cadmus kept his expressionless face.

"If only my twin can act so spoiled to me, I'll be the happiest brother."

Cadmus still kept his expressionless face while staring at Eugene, clenching his fist. He doesn't know why whenever he looks at that person there is this feeling of anxiousness. He hated that there is a lingering fear in his heart as if once something happen to that person, he'll be greatly affected. But why? Why is this feeling coming to him upon seeing that person? A stranger who had nothing to do with him but always gives him an off feeling.

"Look at othe---"

Cadmus glare at his twin brother and said, "If you like people that much why don't you go and ask him to be your twin brother."

Casimin widens his eyes, "Really, are you jealous?"

Cadmus retracted his gaze and started to walk away but Casimin run towards him while saying: "Come on I'm just joking, you are my only twin little brother, you know brother loves you so much don't be angry alright? I'll buy you whatever you want but you can't let Dad know or he'll be angry again."

"I don't need anything."

Casimin chuckled, "Come on don't be shy to ask your brother to make you a new weapon. You know that I only make weapons for you even though you don't know how to act cute."

Cadmus gritted his teeth, "Stop bothering me! Ask that person if he wanted your weapon, not me!"

"No way, are you really jealous?! Come on I'm just joking, no matter what you are my only little brother, no one can change your weight in my heart----"

"Stop it, it sounds disgusting."

Casimin stops his footsteps and sighs while watching his twin little brother walk away in a hurry, wanting to get away from him.

Really, it's not cute at all.

Humming, he turn around and decided to go back to the dormitory to talk to Kaizer about tomorrow's upcoming selection. However, upon turning around he met Eugene's gaze. For a moment the world seems to stop and his heart starts beating fast. There is this feeling of knowing someone for so long despite not meeting many times so he couldn't help but smile and wave his hand, running towards that person.

"Eugene right? Did Kaizer already back to his dorm?"

Eugene stare at Casimin and nodded: "Yeah."

"That's good, I thought he will go back tomorrow but I didn't expect him to recover this early. How about you? I heard you are one of the students present and are affected by Kaizer's outbreak, are you alright?"

"It's good, not much affected."

Casimin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good to hear."

Eugene tilted his head, "I saw your name in the list, I thought you'll be in the Magus selection so I'm quite surprised."

Casimin widens his eyes in surprise and a sense of happiness arises: "You know me?"

Timber pouted when he heard such a stupid question and said, "Who wouldn't know the genius magician of this academy? Be surprised when someone asked your name instead of knowing."

Casimin scratches his head and laughs, "You're right, that's silly of me."


Eugene smile and patted Timber's head, calming the mad kitten.

"I just thought that my father would be one of the judges in Magus Selection and it's quite unfair so I decided to join my twin little brother in Warfare selection but I didn't expect to be put in the same group with Kaizer." It's probably his father who learned about the matter and in exchange for allowing him, he's not allowed to get close to his twin.

"Well, Kaizer's team looks unfair to other players."

"Is that so?"

Eugene chuckled, "Kaizer group is full of talented students, usually in one group there must be only one top student as the leader but I don't know why Kaizer has it best."

"Right, as one of the top students I saw that you're a leader, that's quite impressive."

"Still not good as Kaizer."

"How can you say that, you don't need to compare yourself to Kaizer, you have your own strength. Look at me I don't even know how to wield a sword but I was accepted in Warfare selection just because I can manipulate my mana and turn it into a sword as a weapon."

Eugene's ear moved and said, "Mana as a weapon?"

Is that possible?

"Yes. It's the ability of a Del Viltaria to use mana and turn it into a physical weapon. This is why despite not being good with archery and swords we can still fight as long as it's our magic used."

Timber and Eugene both show amazed expressions.

"But it's still not possible to be called a dualist because only the family of Dela Vallier is able to use magic and physical weapon, only them is acknowledged and they are the only dualist family in the empire so their genes are quite sought after many."

Eugene gulp.

Magic as a weapon sounds interesting.

——Casimin didn't bother the two more because he was in a hurry to talk to Kaizer.

Eugene on the other hand sends Timber back before going back to his dorm. It was then he suddenly recalled what Casimin said so he couldn't help but close the window and put down the curtain while browsing the magic book that he brought out of the Shradinza household.

Yes, Shradinza Household is a swordsman's clan but somehow there is this one big shelf dedicated to magic books, it's probably for curiosity purposes because Shradinza can't use magic, and they just wanted to understand the world that magicians see. After all magicians and knights are partners in battle, so it is best to understand each other,

This is the reason why dualists are so much appreciated and looked upon.

"Found it."

Eugene's eyes sparkle as he read the chapter.

In order for magicians to depend on themselves the process of mana forming into a physical weapon is studied. That is to prevent the endangered race of magicians who had no knight partner to die.

Seems like back then, a magician would need to find a strong knight to combine with them to be protected. This made the knights to have power over them and a record of magicians male or female being mistreated is passed down to history.

Good thing is that when the existence of the church appeared and religion started to exist then this happening was prevented. The church which makes its way to gain the trust of the tyrant emperor announces a prophecy that makes the emperor write a decree.

The empire will face a catastrophe that only magicians can save so if the magicians disappear the empire will fall into ruin as they are a special existence gifted by the heavens.

Countless knights who mistreated their magicians faced execution starting that day.

And the magicians who gain freedom started to find a way to protect themselves without relying on knights, thus magic called mideva created by the very first Del Viltaria existed.


Eugene licks his lips and clicks his tongue.

Mideva is the type of magic that the magicians use but the Del viltaria used a different one which is Anova, the magic style that only the blood of Del Viltaria can use.

Eugene had no idea about the difference in magic styles, as long as he learn magic.

But it is automatically known to people that magicians who had no direct blood of Del Viltaria can only use Mideva and other magic styles. There's no way someone with no blood can use anova which Eugene also thought so and couldn't help but admire Casimin who is a well-known genius after his legendary father.

No wonder despite many talented magicians, no one can par on the Del Viltaria family.

"Concentrate and think of a weapon you desire before letting your mana run out of your body and..."

Eugene gritted his teeth...

He can't... Staring at the ring on his finger, Eugene use his trembling hands to remove it.

It's hard to form a weapon using mana if the mana is too small, he had no choice despite hating the idea of pulling it out, and so the moment the ring was removed the familiar red strings appeared.


"What the hell is this."

These red strings are so annoying, how can he practice magic with these threads wrapping around his body?

Raising his hand, he tried to grab the wriggling strings and froze.

"My child..."


What the hell is happening?

He is just in his room earlier and suddenly, he is now standing in a strange place.

And this place...

It's familiar.

Next chapter