
Hello, Death.

I felt restless lying there in the rain. There was something I needed to do- had to- but I couldn't find it in me.

That was unbecoming of me, so I turned around and crawled my way over to Clintarou. His corpse was getting drenched by the offseason rain. I covered his body up with the bulletproof vest and grabbed his paw. It was the only thing I had on me.

I knew Clintarou since a month after birth. I saw him as a puppy and he saw me as a baby. I saw him during his chaotic childhood years. I saw him in his later still chaotic years. I had never been separated from him.

Maybe I wouldn't have complained had he died a peaceful death. Maybe this wouldn't have hurt so bad. But right now my heart stang like someone had popped it with a needle.

I ran my fingers through the pad on the bottom of his feet. Looking at him reminded me of something I never said.

"Who's a good boy?"

Not saying that once in the 15 years we spent together? I was a pretty terrible master.

I wonder how he would have responded to that. With his dorkily happy looking 'W0@F' perhaps? But today he was silent.

It was undoubtedly the rain, it was. But my eyes were wet. I couldn't get myself to cry.

Cruel. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be alive. A bullet manipulated with momentum? It would have easily gone through me. And yet Clintarou was the one who had to take my place. I patted his damn cold head.

"You're a good boy.."

I loved him so much. I played around with him and doted on him. But that wasn't enough to show him that I cared for him. I was insufficient. My body curled back up as I put his head on my lap.

There was no need to be scared of the terrorists anymore, no one would ever be able to touch Yuuno. I knew how strong she was. I contributed to her strength. And if someone could even land a blow on her, we would have all been dead by now.

My guard was as far down as it could be.

I dragged myself further and further back, with Clintarou in my lap before I got to the dome. I turned it on and the forcefield went up again. I wasn't scared of an attack. The only reason I put it up was to make the rain stop. Like it was meant to do.

Looking at the rainy weather and the flickering lights I felt a sense of calmness. It was empty and unnaturally quiet.

I took the braces off my limbs and wiped my eyes.

They burnt from all the gunpowder and smoke.

As soon as I opened my eyes, there was a gate that led to nowhere. Inside the protective dome. In the middle of nowhere on farmland. The world was clad in shades of black and white.

I sighed.

"You really couldn't have picked a better time?" I said. My voice was hoarse.

A muscular pointy appendage pushed through the door and a creature trodded outside. 'The Grim Reaper'.

"You can see me?" The grim reaper asked.

"Yes, I can see. Just call your master, okay?" I tightened my grip around Clintarou.

"I can't do tha-" Instantaneously, a breath of dark air escaped the creature's mouth as his muscles started to shred off to reveal deep black bones. A golden robe started to draw around his bones.

Right in front of me stood the God of Death. To meet me in person.

"It looks like your little experiment worked out, o Demon Lord."

His voice was soft and so were his mannerisms. For the God of Death, he was polite beyond compare.

"Stop acting like you didn't know." I looked at the Deathos. "Also, I go by Mao now."

Deathos stopped for a second.

"You're right, I knew." He bowed slightly. He wasn't my subordinate but after seeing so many people meet grim fates he became humble.

"Why are you so boney? This form pales in comparison to your human form." I tried to delay the inevitable parting.

"It's just more convenient." His absent eyes showed that he already knew what I was trying to do. "I apologise for not being able to help you out."

He referred to the dog in my arms.

"I know. 'No one shall interfere with the ways of death', was it?" A saying that he told me about all those years ago.

I gave up.

"Yes." Deathos was a principled man. I respected him even back then. Sure even he had a harem, but instead of all the gods who held debauchery above all, Deathos remained sincere to his duties. And if he could bring happiness to all his companions who was I to complain?

"Sooo... Can you bring him back?" I asked but I already knew the answer. Deathos remained silent.

"Then I'll ask you for a favour."

"?" He didn't have muscles or a face, but his mannerisms were enough to get his emotions across.

"Please preserve his soul. I will come back to take it once you hand over Hell to me." I was on my knees. Even though I didn't need to be. It wasn't a request, it was a fair deal.

"Are you saying that you will take up the offer to guard the underworld?!" The skeleton was surprised. This was an offer he presented to me the last time we met. He wanted me to control the strength of souls to become the ruler supreme. But back then I declined. I had nothing to gain. But now- I could let this Clintarou live again someday. That was enough of a motive. I could give him a better life than before.

"I can't promise, but at least before I die, I will take the reins from you. You can finally retire after that." That was his only wish. I mean he has seen death for longer than I have lived. Much longer.

Of course, I still really adored my peace. But at the same time, if a little discomfort after death meant that I could live a fulfilling life, so be it.

"I shall preserve his soul!" He almost jumped. I wouldn't say this was the most appropriate time to be happy, but to him, this was just another death.

He extended his arm towards the dog in my arms.

A little ball of light came out from Clintarou's heart and floated into the sky.

"I can leave some of it with you if you wish. He will be able to stay with you instead of the void." The ball of light split into two as the smaller piece turned into a golden koi fish that swam around me. "Just treat this with some mana and it should eventually become strong enough to sustain itself."

"I see… Thanks." This didn't mean that Clintarou was alive. He was dormant. In the form of a soul. Like I was for 3000 years. But he wasn't gone for good.

"Umm… Mao."


"As a senior at life who has lived through more than 10 millennia and as someone who has seen many a death… Whenever someone gets hurt, run to them, and not for revenge. Spend their last moments by their side."

His words hit a rather uncomfortable place in my heart.

I was reminded of how quickly I lost myself the second I realised that Clintarou died. I missed his last breaths. I was incompetent. But it was my first time caring for someone.

I won't let it be my last. People are to cherish.

"I will keep that in mind." I said.

Deathos started to move towards the gate to hell and the other half of Clintarou's soul revolved around him. The other half would be the consciousness for a body I presume.

"Ah, and also this imaginary space is free from anyone watching… I'll keep it up for a bit, so let it all out." He passed through the door. "Until later, then."

"Bye bye."

Deathos was a commendable man. It was vexing that the only God worthy of prayer was not prayed to while humans prayed for the pieces of shit who allowed and caused the terrorist attacks like today. It was vexing how the existence of a God who treated life so gently was considered an ill omen, while the Gods who couldn't care less about life were revered.

I blinked and the door was gone. But the world persisted in monochrome.

I pushed my face into Clintarou's fur. This time it wasn't the rain. There were tears falling down my face. There were tears soaking into the fur.

I don't know for how long I wailed and sobbed.

I never checked back on the time before my consciousness started to fade.

The world started to get its colour back.

"MAO! MAO!" Two gentle hands shook me. Just from the touch, I could tell that it was Mom. "Honey, he's not getting up!"

"I-I'm fi…" I tried to tell them but my voice wouldn't reach them. I was too tired.

"I'LL CARRY HIM HOME! YOU HELP YUUNO OUT!" My body got picked up by firm arms.

"You don't need to- I'm already here." Red lightning permeated through my eyelids.

"Are you done with them already?"

"Yea..." The words faded out.

'I'll rest.'

----end of the terrorist arc.

tomorrow ill take a day to edit this volume up to shape. before i start the next one the day after tomorrow.

bligboicreators' thoughts
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