
Da who?

"Shut up , you are kidding right? There no way this is real ?" I started sweating bullets after what I just heard "You are scaring me , aren't you ?"

His voice became so deadpan serious that it sounded like robot talking over the phone .

"No. Counting the case that happened 3 days ago then we just had our 5th victims . All of em are killed mercilessly"

Right now , I'm starting to feel myself drenched in my own sweats . It's feel like something is suffocating my lungs . In that moment of silent , Kolnis continued.

"Everything seems to be turning from worse to worst after the 4th case , when the Feds can't cover this case to the public eyes no more and the media started to get their hands on it . Even the Chief of the PD (Police Department) personally came to our campus to start helping with the investigation."

"It's that the reason why the nightclub is paying so damn generous ?"-I asked

"Yeahhhh . But don't worry about it to much, cause I think the cops are getting on this maniac tail . The knife that used for the homicide has been found , so we are safe for now at least."

"All right fine , tell the boss that I'll start next week."

I hung up as soon as I finished my sentence , then I throw the phone on to my bed . Slowly dragging myself to the table at the corner of the room , I open my laptop . The touchpad had just been broken recently so it took me a while to get a wireless mouse for this piece of junk . If we gloss over that fact , then this laptop was a pretty good deal from a second hand store here . In short , she's still running well n fine and she's my trusty companion during my "private time" 😉

After starting up for a few seconds , the infamous " Green Hills with Clouds" wallpaper has appeared on my screen . This wallpaper is a relic from a better time , the WindowXP era , time sure flies . To treasure those memories when I was younger , I decided to use it as my wallpaper as a way to cope .

I wanted to verify what Kolnis said was true , I hopped on a social site called "Polokis" . It's was founded by the people in this city . The site with the most precise and credible source of information and news . And wouldn't you know it , the information about these homicides is popping off on Polokis like a bomb . From the top of the website to the end is filled with info about these cases . There are even some people expressed their concern in the comment section , such as :

[ Yeahh nahh , I'm not getting out of my house ]

[My brother just bought a handgun for self-defense . He usually come home late from work which is understandable !!! ]

[Fucking psychopath , can anyone stop this lunatic.]

[ I heard that the police has caught the killer , is this true ??? Please be true ]

But then since this is the internet , you got these intellectuals with such comments like :

[I'm here! Kill me! Come on! Kill me! I'm here!] ( The Predator ref)

[ Well well well , I might just take a stroll downtown tonight and check this shit out ]

[Man fuck these attention seeking shit-head . Why the hell should we be scared about em ?]

But overall, these cases are the hottest topic that everyone users and members are discussing about . It might just triggered a massive wave of fear, anxiety and public unrest to every civilians in this city

However , I have yet to find what I wanted to see . Most of the information that were provided on the website only mention about the time and the location of the crime scene, along with some general info that can be found on any other websites . Strangely , everyone is only talking about the 4th and 5th case . Completely forgetting the facts that there are 3 other victims.

If I wanted info more relating to all of these cases, I had to rely on these not so credible blogs from the so on so called "News reporter" on Polokis . After some digging , I found an account with the name "@Iwon" and they also share a link that documented everything related to the murders .

Usually, normal people wouldn't try to stick their nose too deep into these cases . But then there are people who are private investigator or just people who are just doing these kind of stuff as their hobby – I'm for sure are none of those people.

As soon as I clicked on the link , my whole screen went black . Then the tittle appeared: "The Srimnet's Massacre, CLASSIFIED FILES"

Usually , when you see a tittle like this on the Internet. 9 out of 10 times they are just clickbait tittle to pique the viewers interest. But this post was made by @Iwon , who up till this point has been providing a substantial amount of trustworthy info relating to these cases. There are rumors, speculating that @Iwon is actually a criminal investigator which explain how he got his hands on these classified information. Others believed that , @Iwon is actually the murderer due to how accurate these info are .

Yet, they are just speculations. @Iwon never replied nor post anything about their personal life. The only thing that this person ever do is post the link to his personal blog , which contains everything you needed to know about the case.

The details surrounding these five cases is all his post. After a quick glance , I have compiled some useful info.

There are 5 victims : 4 males , 1 female ranging from 16 to 54 years old , most of them are office workers and students who work part-time , they are all usually come home late from work . The most peculiar thing about these cases is Mr.Masuda , a Japanese politician who is the 4th victim . He went to this city to travel with his wife and was reported missing 10 days ago.

The most surprising thing about this man , it's that he's a Judo master who has experience is close quarter combat . But what @Iwon describe at the crime scene , doesn't suggest anything form of conflict before the murder.

There are only 2 possibilities to explain how man like this could be killed if not for having a conflict with another master. Either the man got attacked from behind , or he could have been kidnapped and killed . With anesthetic of course.

Based on this post, Masuda was found after he was killed at least 8 hours prior . His body was filled with multiple stab wounds. There are at least 5 vital stabs , around the neck and the stomach area . His nape was stabbed with such force that it severed his spine, and the throat was gashed apart. Blood spilled all over his dead body.

To make matter worst, @Iwon also included a picture that was taken at the crime scene before it got blocked off by the cops. The picture although small, but very high definition. I can see the body of a big burly man, around 1m9 lying motionless on the small alley pavement. Just looking at it, gives me the creep. Then it all just clicked in my head.

Now I understand why Penor was tasked to check the body by the chief himself. Simply put, this is something straight out a horror movie. Cases like this should be handled by professionals, not by the hands of some newbies playing Surgeon Simulator. The body was so severely damaged that it was almost impossible to identify the victim. This is just straight up nightmare fuels for the younger generation.

Then for a second, I thought to myself: Could the killer be someone close to Masuda? That's quite a possibility. Which explains why he didn't fight back when he got murdered. However, that explanation is quickly debunked when I moved over to the second case – which happened on the day before this case. And @Iwon once again, described it thoroughly.

The victim is a female student, named Janethan Morlyn, 17 years old and the only female victim in all of the five cases. Last seen around 23:00 pm, right after she finishes her shift working in a convenience store that is not too far away from the crime scene.

"Hmmm, kinda understandable since a lot of students at this age are working part-time"

As I thought to myself , I scrolled down . The picture of the victim appeared as I looking those the report . Hot damn! She's smoking hot , such a shame that a beauty like her has to bite the dust at such a young age . I bet there are plenty of guys , who are willing to risk their life to save her . Shit!! If I was there , I would be able to save her from Death's grasp.

"Wait a second, if Penor is responsible for the body examination then he must have a bunch of pictures of her, right?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and just having these random question.

The strangest thing about this case that caught my attention is the fact that this is the only case that was recorded by the city CCTV system.

@Iwon also included a link to the video , right below the picture of Janethan . The video quality is quite bad but I can still make out what's going on since the CCTW was installed on one of the street light

It's a short video , around twenty second. Despite of the poor video quality , the audio in the other hand was quite clean. Even though , I'm using the laptop speaker , I can clearly hear the sound of footsteps and the pouring rain . A person wearing an orange sport jacket appeared , walking slowly forward. I figured that this was Janethan since she was also wearing the same jacket in the picture that was provided.

At first , I thought I was being hoodwinked when I saw this video. She clearly wasn't being chased, since she's not running away from anyone nor showing any signs of fear. But at the 15 second mark, things took a sinister turn.

Janethan turned into an alley , she just stand there for 2 to 3 second then just suddenly dropped on the floor. The orange jacket slowly turning darker and darker as it soaked more blood . And the video just stop , it couldn't have been end on a worst note.

My hands feel numb, my eyes locked it vision onto the computer screen . To see if my eyes are not deceiving me , I played the video back over and over and over again for the 8th time . Nothing , nothing have changed , The video timeline is still running , which means the footage was unedited and it's bother me to the very core .

In three second , in that minuscule second. There was nothing there that could have potentially harm Janet and yet in the end , she dropped dead on the floor with her jacket soaked in her own blood . There was no resistant , no screams nor cries for help. The killer took her life in just three second , it all happened so fast that she couldn't even fight back or defend herself – th..this is just ridiculous !!!

This is just impossible , even if the victims was being taking vital damage to the brain , they still have a 3 to 5 seconds time span to react before dropping dead. Now to think about , Masuda also show no signs of conflict , it's possible that the same had happened to Masuda – quick and silent.

Rubbing my chin , I started to look at other sections of the file. Then I stumbled upon the victim forensic examination report.

She has been stabbed maybe well over 20 times. The deepest one is reported to be almost 9cm. Similar to the other cases, the victim throat is slashed repeatedly. The thighs and arms are filled with deep and painful gush of open wounds, the back of the victim was slashed mercilessly.

Another picture was taken by the witnesses at the crime scene, proved that the victim abdomen and throat was severely deformed and damaged. My initial impression on how attractive she was, has now been replaced with confusion, grief and a general sense of uncomfortableness. Those bone chilling images of those deep stab wounds trickles with her own blood. That horrified look on her face as her eyes were wide open from the fear and shock. Her whole body was soaked from the puddle of water made by rain mixed with her own blood.

This just bring me more questions than answer. I closed my eyes and start scrubbing my head in confusion.

In just three seconds, to inflict that much damage in such a short amount of time is impossible, that's not the kind of speed of anyone that any human could ever achieve.

And one more thing to mention, according to @Iwon , The crime scene of both Masuda and Janethan looks oddly "clean". These alley ways where they found the dead bodies of the 2 cases, there were no sign of blood splattering nor sign to indicate that these two bodies were dragged here. It's like the killer just teleported the victims to another place to kill them then brought them back to their original position. In all of the 5 cases, they're all played out the same way.

On the 5th case, the investigation took a huge turning point. The killer murder weapon has been found at the crime scene.

Tyson Jacline , 35 years old , a high school PE teacher . His body was discovered lying dead in front of his own resident 3 days prior. Next to his body is a bloody kitchen knife. But there is this particular thing about this case is that there was no picture provided about the case, there was just the police report and the result from the anatomy exam.

I looked over the guy reports with my eyes squinted.

Different from the case before , Tyson only took 3 stabs and one of them is a vital strike to his nape. There are also evidences that indicate there was a struggle with the killer before he took his life and ran away . They discovered sample of wood splinters within the palm of the victim when they took his body in for examination. And not so far from the crime scene , the police found a half-broken wooden pole which seems to be about a meter in length , that could be evidence for Tyson self-defense.

"A sharp kitchen knife ?"

As I read that line, I let out a small chuckle.

A kitchen knife is not really an ideal murder weapon for this kind of cases. If the weapon was something like a machete or a katana, maybe it would be more plausible, based on the cutting and slashing wounds. A common kitchen knife can't really achieve such feats.

A sigh in relief was let out of me. They have the murderer's weapon in their hand.

Besides, if they got the murder weapon in their hand then finding the killer is going to be a matter of time since his fingerprints are going to be all over it. The case is going to be closing anytime soon.

Although, the conclusion for this article is what surprised me the most: All five cases happened during a rainy night , and the result of their autopsy said that in all the victims throat they found a piece of fruit flavored candy that hasn't been dissolved yet .

I exited the page, close my laptop and start lying down on the floor, letting out a tiring yawn while my eyes are lock onto the ceiling , where the fan is spinning at a snail pace . A sudden feeling arise from within me, like spontaneous combustion. My upper lip started to move unconsciously and then, the craziest thought just flashed into my brain.

"I wanna meet him, this killer"

My sixth sense is telling me that , he's a member of the Mutants Institute. A city urban legend that I really like ever since I came to this town…

Next chapter