

Hello my names Jackie. I know it is a boy name but im a girl. My parents Expected a boy but then I came instead. After I was born they never loved me either treated me like their own child. Some couple years later I got a little brother named Jack. My parents adore Jack. I dont care if they like him more, just see them happy is enough. Anyways when my brother came to our family as I already said, I started High school! So I didnt visit my family too much. I got 2 Roomates named Felicia 'n Leon. They became my best friends. Soon I got a little Crush on Leon but I noticed he was gay so I got heartbroken for some days but we are still best friends. Felicia is a youtuber and I can say that we done a lot of fun stuff on that channel togheter. Then it was time to gradiuate from high school and we all lost conncect with eachother. Right now im home and studying.