
Thread 1: New Fate(cont.)

It's my first day of high school at Sutakuros Academy. I'm a bit nervous as this will be the first time I'm "On my own", away from my family and friends but I don't like it get to me. Although I do feel a couple gazes in my direction from fellow students, as I do stick out rather obviously because of how I look. Nothing that I'm not used to.

I would guess that quite a few of them already assume that I'm a delinquent or something along those lines. Which will hopefully change as the year progresses, but for now I'll deal with it. I look at my phone to check the time, "There's a while before the ceremony starts. So I might as well take the scenic route while I have a chance." I say as I give quick stretch and turn down a different path than the other students.

I've already studied the map of the island so it's not likely that I'll get lost. I walk pass a few tourist sites, then arrive at the shopping district and take a quick note of a few book stores and cafés that I might want to check out later. After a bit, I stop at a shrine and offer a prayer of good fortune for my school life. In that moment, I have a quick flashback to when I was younger giving another prayer but I forget it just as fast as it came to me. "I feel like I just forgot something." I think out loud while trying to remember what I forgot but ultimately give up and shrug it off. I look at my phone again, "Oh. Better head over now. Don't want to be late."

As I'm about to turn to leave, I notice the sound of someone running at full sprint towards my direction. I scan for the source of the sound and see a girl bolting down the sidewalk with a panicked look on her face. From the quick glimpse I took looking at her appearance, she looked like a "Gal" with the typical wardrobe of: Shirt tied exposing her stomach, leggings, and her skirt was rolled up to make it shorter (her skirt came to the middle of her thigh while the full regulation length is usually just above the knees). 'I didn't expect someone to dress like that at this Academy', I think to myself. I hear the girl saying "Dammit! Dammit!! DAMMIT!!! Stupid clock!" as she runs and I already have enough information to understand why she in such a rush, oversleep. I turn to leave, but then get an idea that, if I help her, she'll tell her friends that I did, and then it will spread around the school, since high school girls love to gossip, that I'm a helpful person and not a delinquent. 'Yes!', I thought to myself. That's a perfect way to star off my school year AND dispell all those negetive rumors before they even start!

As I turn to enact my master plan, I noticed she had her shoes untied and was about to run next to the shrine steps. Now that wouldn't be such a big deal...if there wasn't approximately over 200 steps between her and the ground below!! As she got closer, my gut kept turning in tighter and tighter knots. Setting off ALL of the wrong flags. I wanted to warn her, but either she won't hear me, ignore me, or just won't stop in time. I pictuered the worst.

As I was about to give in to my thoughts of not being able to save her, I feel my body jolted into action, racing towards her with reckless abandon. I don't know what's happening to me. It's as if there are strings yanking at my limbs, forcing them to move. I ran. Faster than I've ever gone. At this speed, I would get to her and be able to stop her. Meanwhile, she continues to run, when suddenly her shoelace caught on something. At that angle and speed, she spins and is basically flung towards the steps.

In that moment, she finally notices me heading right for her. "LOOK OUT!!!!", I yelled as I jumped and reached out and grabbed her. In midair, I start to process all the options of my current situation, 'Shit! What now? What now?? What NOW??? Why didn't I think this through?!?', my thoughts are going a mile a minute as I try not to panic, as that would only make the situation worse.

As I try to keep my thoughts in order, I get another flashback. This time, I could vividly remember what this memory was. It was from when I was in grade school. I visited a shrine and prayed for....prayed for...what again? Time around me froze as I began to recall. I was praying for at least one of my "personalities" would help me find my "true love" someday. I dreamed of how amazing our meeting would be and how we would get married ect.. 'That's right.', I think to myself as I remember. 'I dreamed to be...A HERO!', with that thought shooting through my mind, I began to examine my surroundings to try and get this girl out of harms way. Time slowly begins to move again and I started to frantically analyze everything! Our positioning, fall speed, angles, and surroundings. Anything and everything that was around was noted and analyzed.

In the next moment, time moved normally again and I didn't have the luxury of hesitation. I continued towards her and leaned forward, wrapping my arm around her waist. Then, planted my front most foot on the ground and began a hard pivot, using the momentum of me falling to give my turning more speed. Next, I thew my free arm behind me to force my torso to turn back to the shrine. Finally, I pulled her back as I spun and gave it everything. With the momentum built up from my pivoting foot, up to my waist, then finally my torso, I threw the girl back to the shrine to safety. She fell with a small tumble but was otherwise unharmed.

Meanwhile, my footing wasn't stable and the recoil of me throwing her pushed me back, further away from the steps. The girl sits up and sees this. She scrambles to try and get to me in time but I'm too far, and I disappear from view as I fall.

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