
Chapter 1

[Alira's P.O.V.]

I'm walking here on the street when I see something and It's the dress that my mom really likes.

I really want to buy that dress and I promise myself that I will work for that. Oh! by the way, I'm Alira Honsan I'm just a simple girl in my little town, I like reading books as other people did, my favourite stories are fairytales, where the Princess finally meets their Prince Charming.

Enough from that. I have different eyes from other people. It sparkles like there's a glitter inside I tried to use contact lenses but it doesn't work it the colour is still there like its turning into a transparent colour.

As I entered my house, as always there's food at the table "Hi sweety, how's the day" my mom said, she's always like that and that's why I love her so much but same with my dad, you know I don't want him to become jealous hahaha just joking "It's fine, Oh by the way I have a good news" a smile draw in her face "what is it dear?" she asked "Guess what?" I said

"Is it your new job?" I smiled "Absolutely right!" I said and her face turned like a thinking detective "what kind of job it is?" mom asked

"Oh at the coffee shop near our town," I think that fits me a lot "Just remember to be careful, I don't want you to be in danger, you know what I mean" ugh mothers "I understand Mom" I smiled at her and went to my room.

I remember what she said that when I was young there is something happened on me but I don't remember any of it, I just know that she left me playing with my toys and nothing's happened.

I read the book on the shelf and I didn't realize that I have such a book like this, when did I get this? and how? "UNTOUCHABLE" that's the Title I'm very curious right now is the story good? oh! it's about a girl who has power against the darkness.

It's an interesting story, I think I'm gonna like this. while reading the book I saw a man standing under the tree he's quite strange. why is he standing there and watching me? when did he get there?

somebody came to him and I'm shocked because it's my Mom walking towards that strange man.

I'm just looking at them.

suddenly I hear a voice, I don't know where it came. why this day is so weird?

"Alira~" I looked around and saw nothing, that's strange.

I went downstairs but before I reached the last step I fell down and everything went black...

[Raina's P.O.V]

I'm so worried about Alira so I called Mr Kim to know if everything will be fine

I called him but there's no answer to my call. I call him for the second time but still, there's no response

I saw someone standing through my peripheral view, and I'm right it's Mr Kim I think I know the reason why he didn't answer my calls. I go outside to meet him and ask him what is he doing there.

"Mr Kim, what are you doing there?" I asked while walking he didn't answer but give me a smile after I reached him he gives me a sign to follow him

we went into a tree house near the river, I didn't know that there's a tree house next to the River

"Mr Kim do we need to talk here?" I looked at him, there's something strange and I didn't know what it is. He's not talking but I can feel that he's telling something.

"Mr Kim are you okay?" after a minute he's changed and He is not Mr Kim.

I run as fast as I can and shout for help "Help! please help me!" I shouted as if there's someone who can hear me, I run and run until I find a bush and hide there.

"Raina! I know you're here" the man said. I covered my mouth with my hands so that he can't hear me panting. He gathered his energy and makes a force toward the bush where I hiding, but before he throws that to me I ran faster again.

I run and hide until I fell into a hole I tried to get up but I can't feel my body I can't feel anything. I'm crying because anytime he could be here, and anytime he could get me.

suddenly there's only one person that comes to my mind.

"Alira," I said and everything went black.

[Alira's P.O.V.]

I woke up and saw a man sleeping in the chair I tried to get up but my head is aching

"Alira are you okay?" the man asks "who are you? what are you doing here?" I think I saw him and if I'm not wrong he's the man who talks to my mother a while ago "where is my mother?" I asked "I saw you talking to her, under the tree" his face change as if he doesn't know that.

"under the tree?" he asked, "I came here because I saw your mothers call that's why I came here and suddenly I saw you on the floor" he continued, I remember that.

"who's the man with my mother?" I said "You said that man looks like me right?" he said and I nod "there wrong, It can't be" I'm confused what's wrong? I can't understand the situation right now.

"a shapeshifter," he said "Alira you can't stay here, for now, it's dangerous for you if you will stay here, we have to get out of here, I will take you there tomorrow morning" who? what? where? and why? that's the question encircling my mind right now.

"where are you taking me?" I asked "no more questions," he said.

"stay here and do not go outside unless I'm here okay, Oh! before we could forget, pack your things right now and when I come back we will go" the man said and he goes

[Someone's P.O.V.]

"YOU FAILED TO GET THE GIRL," said the man sitting in a throne

"Y-yes my lord, but they're not together, the mother is dead and you can do whatever you want on that girl," his servant said

his lord smiled and laugh like a devil, "SHES DEAD HAHAHAHAHAHA, SHES DEAD" the Lord said "SHES DEAD ARE YOU FOOLING ME, YOU TELL ME THAT THE MOTHER IS DEAD WITHOUT ANY PROOF, WHERE!!!.....IS!!...THE!!!.....BODY!!!" he shouted

and the servant tells his lord where he hides the body.

"That's great, you can go now" the servant went away with anger and rage.

the servant looks like he's hiding something from his master.

his eyes are full of anger when he left

Is he hiding something

the master know that he couldn't trust that servant but he know that he can use him.
