
Chapter 3.

After spending his morning training, Revan was passing through the village checking for something new to try for lunch. He stumbled upon a place selling some amazingly tasty ramen. After 3 bowls of the stuff he left satisfied and returned to his own personal training ground where he spent the rest of the day working on his techniques, hoping to come up with as many tactics and combinations as possible to keep any enemy on their toes. He knows that he could potentially become op quickly, but that doesn't mean he is going to slack off too much. Besides, what fun could it be if he were to completely wipe the floor with his opponents?

Revan returns home at noon and after a simple, yet healthy feast along with a shower, he goes to bed. For tomorrow he has to go back to the academy. But for him since he had awaken his Force powers and past life memories, it would actually be his first time in class. Luckily his life was on autopilot and he was able to memorize the Japanese language, reading and writing, so he doesn't have to relearn it all. After all, in his past life he wasn't Asian so that would have been a problem.

"At least I wasn't one of those people who was reborn before the birthing process." Revan says with a chuckle, "That... would have been awkward and uncomfortable. Especially the uncontrollable bladder and bowels, the breast feeding." He shudders at the thought and recalls from his memories of his life here before gaining his past life memories about an event that had happened a few years back. "If I were to have been born an Uchiha... I love life too much to die young!"

He leans back on the bed and stares at the ceiling thinking about his home and his dead friends.

"Did you guys get revived too?" He wonders, "Here in this world? Or perhaps another? Will I be able to see you again?"

Sighing sadly, Revan closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

The next day Revan heads off to school after completing his daily routine of a shower and some breakfast. Since he had woken up early he spend 30 minutes doing some basic exercises to work off any excess calories and fully wake himself up before leaving for the academy. The trip through the village from his apartment wasn't all that bad, a lot of people greeted him politely as they would a normal child, however some were weary of Revan due to the shared surname of the village pariah. But at least they aren't trying to chase him down with pitchforks and torches like his distant cousin.

He makes it to the academy early and is surprised to find that he isn't the first one to arrive. The honor goes to Mr. Broody of the year himself and his twin sister. He makes eye contact with the both of them and nod as politely as possible, a greetings they return in the same manner. Revan briefly admires the attire Saya wears and thinks to himself, 'At least one of the girls in this class takes things serious, unlike the Yamanaka heir and that annoying pink civilian girl. Those colors would stand out and they'd get spotted easily by someone with at least some sense of perception.' Revan chuckles inwardly before taking a seat at the back of the class and waited for the class to start.

To pass the time Revan pulls out an introductory book on fuinjutsu he bought yesterday on his way home. His mother's inheritance should last for at least one more year before it dries up, but by then he would be a full fledged shinobi and can earn money on his own. Saya glances at Revan from the corner of her eyes discreetly and is curious about his choice of reading material.

The other students start to show up gradually with a few unremarkable classmates, followed by the first clans students. A lazy looking boy with his black hair tied up in a ponytail that one could say resembles a pineapple, the heir of the Nara clan, Shikamaru Nara. Then comes his friend Choji Akimichi from the Akimichi clan eating from a bag of chips. Then comes a boy in a hoodie with a small puppy on his head, Kiba Inuzuka. A boy wearing a trench coat and a pair of sunglasses Revan recognizes as the reclusive and quiet Shino Aburame. Surprisingly showing up and not late, Naruto Uzumaki himself shows up and sits down in the empty seat next to his fellow Uzumaki. Soon the heiress of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hyuga sits down on Naruto's other side and occasionally sneaks shy glances at the blond all the while blushing furiously. Revan can obviously tell she is infatuated with the blonde whispered boy.

Soon all of the students start piling in and annoyingly enough at the last second the two most noisy and obnoxious Uchiha fan girls race into the classroom hoping to get the empty seat next to Sasuke. The pinkette wins the race leaving the platinum haired, pupil-less green eyed Ino Yamanaka frustrated, stamping her feet furiously before sitting down next to a bored looking Shikamaru who seems to be ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice.

"Ha... So noisy. Can't believe you actually like that shrieking banshee." Revan says to Naruto sitting next to him, "Especially when there is a beautiful girl sitting right next to you who would gladly accept your advances."

"EEK!" Squeaks out cutely in surprise before hiding her face shyly with her hands/

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto asks with his head tilted in confusion. As dense as they come when it comes to the opposite sex causing Revan to sigh, looking at Hinata with pity.

"On nothing dear cousin, nothing at all." Revan says changing the subject, "I do hope you have been studying and practicing, for exams will be here before you know it."

Naruto just grins confidently, "You better believe I got it this time! I won't fail this year for sure!"

"I-I believe y-you can do it N-Naruto" Hinata squeaks shyly, shuddering as she speaks. Revan believes she should work on her confidence problem, for her potential as a kunoichi would blossom if she were more confident.

"Thanks Hinata! Your the best!" Says Naruto with a bright smile causing the infatuated girl's blush to deepen.

Soon the instructors come into the class. Iruka Umino and his assistant Mizuki.

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Iruka yells causing everyone in the class to shut up. Revan was surprised to see the instructor's head inflate as he yelled. 'Chalk it up to anime physics I guess.' Revan thinks.

The class itself was pretty straightforward. Reviewing the history of the ninja world, including the past wars the village has suffered since it's founding, our previous Hokages. Revan was disappointed to find that there were far less information and details on the Uzumaki clan, considering the shared a close relationship since the founding of the hidden leaf village.

Throughout the whole class Revan feels as if someone was watching him, but every time he glances looks around the room he finds either his fellow classmates are either watching the lectures, reading, taking notes, or annoying enough sleeping in Shikamaru and Naruto's case. The blonde sure can snore. So to find out who keeps watching him, Revan coats the classroom with the Force and waits. At his level he could probably hold it for an hour before it starts to exhausts him.

He finally finds who keeps watching him.

'Why does she keep looking at me? Did I offend her or something?' Revan says inwardly as he catches the Uchiha girl glancing at him from time to time. But as he continues to keep watch on her he senses no form of hostility, just.... curiosity. Why would the girl be curious with him? He never even once spoke to her outside of the mandatory class spars, makes sense considering how hard to approach either of the siblings. Sasuke is a man driven by hatred with a pursuit of vengeance, after all his brother did massacre their clansmen leaving only the 3 of them alive. Saya on the other hand seemed to have shut down emotionally. Cold, aloof, only speaking when necessary. One sibling following the path of vengeance, the other... Revan isn't quite sure what drives her to begin with. Perhaps when his Force powers advance he could read her thoughts. An invasion of privacy for sure, but if he doesn't get caught it's not a problem.

Ninjas don't play fair anyways.

After the morning classes ended everyone heads out to lunch. Naruto has developed bonds of friendship with some of the clan heirs and often hangs out with them to eat. As for Revan? He heads up to the roof to eat his personally homemade cooking. He remembers quite a few recipes back from his last life so his meal is quite delicious.

"Thank god for modern Earth cooking!" Revan says as he devours his lunch. He is sitting against the rooftop railings while watching down at the yard. He still occasionally feels Saya sending curious glances his ways.

After lunch the class goes outside for practical practices. Taijutsu sparring, kunai and shuriken throwing practice. Revan spars with Shikamaru who sighs and just says, "Troublesome..." much to Revan's amusement.

Both of them take their stances, the basic academy martial arts style. After Iruka says go the both of them dash at each other. Revan throws a quick punch, but Shikamaru tilts his head to the side to avoid it. He counters with a knee to Revan's stomach which is blocked by a palm. Ducking under a spinning kick Revan leaps up with a knee to Shikamaru's chin causing him to stumble back. With a discreet motion with his left hand hidden behind his back, Shikamaru finds himself being pulled towards Revan who grabs his arm, kicks out his legs with a sweep, and throws him over his shoulder, slamming him hard into the ground.

"Match!" Iruka declares Revan the winner.

'The Force makes it too easy.' Revan chuckles inwardly with a smirk.

Shikamaru gets up and sighs with his trademark "Troublesome." And looks at Revan after his sparring partner offers a hand to help him up, "What was that?" Shikamaru asks. "I felt something pulling me forward, even before I stopped stumbling back."

"Your guess is as good as mine buddy." Revan says feigning ignorance. "Good match by the way. It was.... enlightening."

"Yeah..." Shikamaru says as he ponders. The Nara clan were known for their intelligence, hell even Shikamaru himself is a genius, it's just that he is as lazy as it comes. If his mother never threatened to bash his head in with a frying pan, he would be content with hanging out at home cloud watching.

Revan was focused on his spar with Shikamaru that he didn't notice that his sleight of hand was noticed by his curious new stalker.

Next up everyone is practicing their throwing skills with kunai and shuriken. As Revan practices himself he finds that his accuracy is less than satisfactory and frowns. "This isn't as easy if I don't rely on the Force to guide my aim..." He murmurs and continues. He glances over at his cousin and notices him struggling a little, his shots missing more than they logically should have.

"Hey Naruto!" Revan walks over to him, getting the blonde's attention.

"What's up?" Naruto asks.

Revan points to the kunai in Naruto's hand, "Mind if I borrow that for a moment?" Naruto nods and hands the kunai to Revan who compares it his own. He then frowns when he notices the difference. "Where did you get these kunai and shuriken?"

Naruto replies, "The academy shop."

"Hm... This kunai is heavier than my own and it's also duller." Revan says, he has lost all respect for the clerk who sold these tools to the blonde. He takes Naruto's kunai and throws it at the target, hitting it shy of the center. The weight really affects the performance.

"Try my kunai." Revan passes his kunai to Naruto who then throws it at the target, hitting it directly on the bullseye. Naruto jumps up and shouts out in joy, for this is the first time he has hit the bullseye.

"AWESOME!! I really did it! Right in the bullseye too!" Naruto shouts out happily.

Revan smiles at his cousin's antics and just shakes his head, "Great work. Listen Naruto," Naruto looks at Revan who continues, "Take your kunai and shuriken and show them to Iruka sensei. Not Mizuki or anyone else. You need to get better equipment and with him there you will get them."

Naruto agrees and nods.

"Great! Now I also need to point out that your martial arts skill needs a lot of work! Your stances are all wrong. Your footing is off, the position of your hands. Everything your doing is... leaving you open to some easy counterattacks making your opponents beat you easy."

Naruto just frowns and starts thinking to himself.

"But this is what I was taught to do it..." He says quietly.

"Who taught you to do it this way?" Revan asks.

"Mizuki sensei did!" Naruto replies, "he even gave me the guide book and everything!"

"Hm... Mizuki is it?" Revan thinks for a bit, tapping his chin with his index finger as his arms cross his chest. "Okay then. After school I will give you my personal academy martial arts guide book. Take it home and compare it to the book Mizuki sense gave to you." He says, Naruto nodding. "If the information is different for both books then get rid of Mizuki's copy and use mine. I have a feeling that his copy is bugged."

"But why would Mizuki sensei..." Naruto goes to ask but Revan interrupts him.

"I've seen the looks the civilians give you Naruto. Mizuki may seem like a nice guy on the surface, but the look in his eyes say otherwise. It's the same hostile look the others have."

"No way..." Naruto lowers his head down sadly.

"Listen cousin, just go see Iruka about those kunai. Ask his advice about whatever problems you may have that would hinder you in the exams next month. What else would you have to worry about when taking the exam?" Revan asks.

"Hm... I can never get that damn Clone jutsu to work no matter what I do!" He says. "I could probably pass the whole thing just barely if I could get past that one!"

Revan nods understandingly. Uzumaki are known to have more chakra than most other clans, so to them chakra control leaves a lot to be desired. Naruto possesses far too much chakra that trying to use such a low chakra cost jutsu like the Clone Jutsu, that requires very little chakra, Revan's revised version included, would fail considering Naruto has low control over that abundance of chakra.

"Naruto, when you talk to Iruka sensei about your tools. Mention your clone problems to him, ask if there is a different kind of clone jutsu you can use instead. You have far too much chakra to use for a technique that requires very little. You obviously cannot control that little amount of chakra."

Naruto nods.

The class continues as normal and as Revan leaves he notices Naruto running to meet with Iruka and smiles.

"Maybe this can improve your chances next month dear cousin." Revan says with a chuckle and goes to leave. When he leaves the academy grounds he finds Saya standing in his path, staring into his eyes with a look of curiosity.

"Why?" Saya asks.

"Huh?" Revan tilts his head confused.

"Why do you hide your true talent when you could easily compete with my brother for the top of the class?" Saya asks.

Revan looks at her and just asks, "What are you talking about?"

She points at him, "I saw you yesterday training in the woods when I was passing by. You were using the Substitution technique so skillfully, switching places with many of the kunai you have flying around. Almost like you were teleporting." Saya says. "Then you would just wave your hand and pick up your kunai as you pass by them without leaning down to pick them up with your hands."

"Ah crap... I got careless and forgot to stay vigilant. How do I explain this..." He mumbles to himself while tilting his head downward. He rubs his chin for a moment before looking back to her. "It's... hard to explain so... Are you hungry? My treat?"

"Will you answer me?" She asks and he nods, "Okay."

Revan finally understands why Saya Uchiha had been staring at him all day. She was curious about his skills and wonders why he would conceal his strength. Unknown to her, Revan never really concealed his skills, it's just that he gained an unfair advantage over the others in his class and choice to exploit it to the best of his abilities.

Thus they head off to a not-so-romantic dinner, with Revan trying to come up with as many excuses as possible. This is going to be the first time they have an extended conversation and he doesn't know much about her. She isn't quite as power hungry as her brother, but even still, he doesn't think it would be wise to reveal his power to her on the first date after all.

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