
Chapter 14

"Codex?" Revan asks as the tiny palm sized orb circles around the couple. Studying them carefully in curiosity, just as much as they were curious about it.

[Correct. I am an artifact created by the beings known as the "Scholars" to survey and keep records of potentially powerful world's progress and growth. Recording and compiling information to be studied and sorted within the Scholar's sanctuary, Academia. A majestic city that exists between world, outside the influence of even the higher powers themselves.]

"Amazing." Revan remarked. "To thing that such a force could exist without irking even gods."

[Scholars only desire knowledge, so in retrospect they never act on that knowledge. The gods are never given a reason to act upon them, for they are not causing any harm to the world's growth and functionality.]

Saya asks, "Then why are you here?"

[I was sent here to survey this world's growth and record it's progress up to a certain point and return to compile the data. Normally my task would only last for no more than a millennium, however complications occurred, further preventing me from returning back to Academia.]

"Complications?" Revan asks.

[Yes. As I gather knowledge I also simultaneously draw in natural and supernatural energy that builds up until I've gained enough to return. Upon completing my original directive, I am able to expend a large portion of the gathered energy to grant whoever is fortunate enough to encounter me a single "Wish". Upon the completion of that wish I will then be summoned back to Academia. The Scholars use this as the price in exchange for the information they use me, the Codex to gather. Not even the Scholars will accept such valuable data without offering a form of payment for it.]

Revan nods and thinks about it briefly, "I see. So why are you still here? From the build up of power within you I can definitely tell your late by a few thousand years."

[Embarrassingly enough I have really underestimated the greed and superstition the humans of this world share. When an artifact capable of granting wishes circulated among the masses two things occurred. A bloody fight over the artifact and the desire to seal away such a "cursed" artifact. Needless to say I haven't stayed in someone's hands for a long period of time. There were even periods of hundreds of years where I ended up lost in some dark chasm. The fact that the Root Agent sent to investigate you possessing me was purely coincidental. He had found me along the way and held on to me to pass on to his lord.]

"Lucky us." Revan says with a wryly smile, "I cannot imagining someone on the civilian council or this Danzō guy making a wish for the good of the village. They have far too many desires and ambitions for that."

Saya nods, "I agree."

"Moving on to the previous subject," Revan looks at Codex, "You said I could give my.. Saya access to the Force?"


"How?" He asks.

[I don't quite know what kind of entity granted you that power you possess, but I do know that they gave you full reign on how you can grow it and who you can allow to wield it. From my initial scan of your body and this "Force" power of yours I came upon one result.]

"That is?"

[There are these "Force Seeds" that you can implant within your chosen person's mind. From there you can nurture it with your own Force until the seed awakens and giving them their own aspect of the Force. Of course as the progenitor of the Force, your control and strength with it will be on a whole other level compared to those you grant it to. From my estimate you have 3 different types of seeds, each with a certain amount. Those granted a seed will be able to pass on their aspect of the force biologically to their descendants.]

Revan nods understandingly, "What kind of seeds are they?"

[I will compile you a chart...]

Equilibrium Seed 3/3: Those with the Equilibrium Seed can use both aspects of the Force without limit. These are recommended only for those the Lord of the Force choose to walk the path along side him.

Sith Seed 10/10: Those with the Dark Seed can only access the Dark aspects of the Force. They are known to be more aggressive and emotional.

Jedi Seed: 10/10: Those with the Dark Seed can only access the Light aspects of the Force. The are known to be compassionate and composed compared to the more hot headed Sith.

[Each seed can only be granted a certain amount of time. But unlike the origin source, you do not have to worry about any of those you grant the abilities to getting corrupted, as their power of the Force would have originated from you originally.]

"That's good to here." Revan says. "I would hate to have been responsible for creating a modern day evil empire."

Revan looks into Saya's eyes and smiles.

"If I'm doing it for you, it will only be the best." He says. Following the instructions provided by Codex, he was able to successfully plant an Equilibrium Seed within Saya's head. He looks at Codex and asks, "Why is planting it in the head the best option anyways?"

[Those who wield the force often use an aspect of the mind and soul, which in some cultures is centered in the brain. Telepathy is often considered a mental art, as if mind reading, the Jedi mind trick, etc. Plus the mind is also the safest place for a power source. If you remember those old Chinese martial arts novels you read, which I might add is based on real legitimate universes, then you would know that the source of their martial power is often stored in an organ called the Dantian, also known as the Elixir Field, Sea of Qi, or Energy Center. Some say the dantian is either below the navel or at the heart level. Sometimes even depicted between the eyebrows. But the safest place is definitely the mind.]

"I can understand the reasoning," Revan says with a nod, "If you get hit in the navel or some cases the heart, depending on your fortune you could potentially survive. Albeit crippled if you have a power storage located there, but one hit to the head and it's over, so most people protect the head the most. Even more so than other vital organs."


Revan gazes at Saya with a warm smile and asks, "How are you feeling?"

"A little lightheaded," She replies before leaning closer and kissing him on the cheek, "But mostly happy that you shared your deepest secrets with me. Even going as far as gifting me the seed of the Force."

Revan chuckles rest his forehead against hers.

"Consider this my engagement gift." He says with a sly smile.

"E-engagement?" Saya stutters with a blush on her face. Eyes filled with expectations.

Revan nods.

"I gave you an Equilibrium Seed, so now your stuck with me for the long run." He said, playfully sticking his tongue out her and laughing when she pouts. Soon they are both laughing.

"I guess I'll have too live up to your expectations as your fiancée since you pretty much proposed." She says bopping him playfully on the shoulder. "You still need to hatch the seed and teach me the ways of the Force."

Revan glances down at the Jedi tattoo and nods, "That can be arranged quite easily. I have manuals for all of the known Force techniques for both the Jedi and Sith, plus lightsaber combat styles, martial arts, and other goodies. You might not have as strong Force as I do, but with training it will become easier. Plus the Force also benefits our own ninjutsu abilities far more than you could hope for."

"Is that why your able to understand and eventually cast jutsu without voicing or using seals?" she asks and he nods.

"Of course. The force is there to guide you as well as offer you strength. It's our power so why not use it for every advantage we can get. The Force will keep all of this information locked up tightly that not even the best Yamanaka mind walker can even find it."

Revan turns his attention to Codex.

"You said you need to grant a wish before returning to this Academia place?"

[That is correct. However, the wishes are dependent on how much energy is absorbed during my stay on any world. Normally I would be summoned back to Academy within a thousand years, maybe two thousand years. However human unpredictability has lead to me being contained on this world for far longer than the allotted time. So I technically have the energy built up to grant not 1 wish, but rather 3 wishes.]

Revan whistles at that, "Three wishes. That is a lot to take in. so can it be anything?"

[Other than returning life to those who had already passes, then yes. Anything.]

Revan sits silently to think about it, "Give us some time to think about it and do a little research. We will come up with something to wish for and send you on your way."

[Very well. I've been here for thousands of years, so a few more won't hurt me.]

"Thanks!" Revan then looks at Saya and smiles, "We got three wishes and I think it would be best to use them after knowing what we really want. I have an idea of a wish I want to use for you."

She looks at him questioningly, "Me?"

"Yes," Revan nods and gets serious, "I've heard a lot of stories about the awakening and growth of your Sharingan during my info gathering with my Force powered shadow clones and I want to do something to help you with that."

"The sharingan's growth?" She asks and he nods, "I know that strong emotions are require to awaken the Sharingan, something I haven't experienced yet, but also to strengthen it to maturity."

Revan nods, "That's correct, but to evolve into the Mangekyo Sharingan form, your require to experience the trauma of loss. That isn't something I want you to go through if it meant gaining power."

"I-I see. I have heard of the Mangekyo evolution, but never expected it to require something so strict to awaken it." She looked at Revan conflicted, "You and my brother are the only two people close enough to really affect me on an emotional level so.."

"Don't think about it too much." Revan says interrupting her with a chuckle. "This is why I'm considering a wish to get around all of that."


Revan continues, "To further evolve it to the Eternal Mangekyo is even worst with it's requirement. It requires you to transplant another pair of Mangekyo from someone close to you, like a sibling. Do you see how stringent the requirements are to further evolve your eyes?"

"T-thats horrible!" Saya is shocked at the revelations. "I could never ask of that from either of my brothers!"

"I know." Revan says solemnly, "nor would I ever ask you to make that choice. I don't want to leave you alone, nor does your siblings wish for your life to be lonely and sorrowful. So this is why I considered using a wish to bypass all of the grossly requirements."

Saya smiles at his thoughtfulness and hugs him tightly.

Revan looks at Codex silently for a moment before speaking.

"Okay Codex, the first wish." Revan pauses, "I wish for Saya to be able to awaken and evolve her eyes without having to suffer through loss, sorrow, and sacrifice." Hearing his wish, Saya gazes at Revan thoughtfully and smiles lovingly before burying her head deeper into his embrace.

[.... Very well. After doing a detailed scan on her chakra network and lineage, I may be able to do something better for that wish.]

Revan tilts his head in confusion, "Better? How?"

[You see, all of the current dojutsu, or eye bloodline inheritors from the Uchiha and the Hyuga share a common ancestor, that ancestor is also the progenitor of the Senju, Uzumaki, and Kaguya. Essentially you all share a common ancestor. What I intend to do is purify your bloodline to match that of your ancestor. Your eyes will evolve naturally without the negative suffering, you will be able to bypass the Mangekyo and go straight to eternal, and a few other benefits.]

"No side effects or changes?" Revan asks with worry, "She will be okay right?"

[Certainly. No harm will come. Just a few physical body changes, nothing too noticeable.]

"Okay....." Revan gazes into Saya's eyes and smiles before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll be right here with you."

Saya nods and looks at Codex with a look of determination giving the orb the okay.

[This process will not take long. I advise you to seal this room up so that no one may notice what will occur here and investigate. This village is filled to the brim with corrupted souls that would find this interesting.]

"I got this place sealed tighter than the Pentagon." Revan says with a confident grin.

[If I recall the Pentagon has been infiltrated on numerous occasions.]

"Well shit..... Well, I got this place sealed up tight so carry on."

[Very well. You may fall into slumber for the time being, but when you awaken you will immediately know and feel the changes.'

Saya nods and prepares by laying back on the bed. Sitting next to her, Revan holds her hands gently and smiles reassuringly to her and eases her nervousness.

"You will be fine, I promise you love."

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