
Chapter 13

After staying one final night in Wave, they are seen off by practically everyone in the whole damned country. Gato was that terrible of an influence and they were happy he was gone. A badass swordsman and his adopted daughter was able to get through this event alive, returning to assist with a rebellion on it's last leg with a lot of money and some serious firepower in the form of scrolls, refurbished and improved to fuck a Jinchuuriki up. If activated before the the Mizukage transforms, then he is practically dead already. If he transforms? Well, his power is going to ended up reduced by 80% and they just have to bombard him with as many high powered jutsu as possible.

It turned out well enough for everyone. Broody unlocked his eyes, Sakura may have eased up on her annoying fangirl tendencies, still there and annoying, but at a barely tolerable level. Hinata is speaking more to Naruto, more open and confident in herself, possibly with the aid of the might Force. But Revan isn't gonna confess about that one. Kiba is still sulking because another cute girl had shown no interest in him, as Haku is returning to Mist with Zabuza. Shino found a few awesome new bugs and is quite happy to share the details with anyone who is interested, mainly just Revan. People had finally noticed that Revan and Saya were closer than ever, especially when they returned home the night before hand in hand. The girls squealed at the sight and dragged Saya off, however Revan just shrugged and said nothing.

The Jounin, Kakashi and Kurenai are thinking about something entirely different.

Who is Kylo Ren?

Zabuza did mention the hidden benefactor, but was unable to explain anything as he wore black clothing, a metal mask, and could rob a place as guarded as Gato's base, and trick the greedy tub of lard into willing passing out his banking information. To the Jounin of the Leaf, this is an individual of interest that the village would gladly try to recruit or avoid at all cost.

After all, when you have the ability mindfuck someone like a Uchiha using their Sharingan, or the powerful genjutsu from the Kurama clan, then you should be considered a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The team immediately reported to the Hokage after returning to Konoha.

"Ha... So you are telling me that instead of fighting to the death with an enemy nuke-nin, you just sparred with them, then proceeded to play a game of Uno with them?" The Hokage asked?

Kakashi and Kurenai nods.

"Truly. I am at a loss on how to respond to that..." He sits there silently for a moment enjoying his tobacco before asking, "What is Uno?"

Revan goes to answer, "Oh I can answer that? You see its..." But the hokage interrupts and says never mind before the red head could go on to explain anything.

"At least there was some good to come out of this." He sighs and looks over the team, "Sasuke awakened his Sharingan so that ought to make a few councilmen happy, we get a trade agreement with Wave, and no one was hurt... badly at least."

"Revan and Saya are dating now!" Naruto added in before getting a bop on the back of his head by the laters.

The Hokage just shrugs, "That's nice, as long as you take your duties as a shinobi of the leaf seriously.

"Eh, were always serious." Revan says."

"Take the next week of to recuperate." He ordered and dismissed the all too happy to obliged genin who left shortly after. Kakashi and Kurenai stayed to continue on with the report.

"So, Zabuza Momochi," He halts for a moment before continuing, "He could not offer much information on this.. Kylo Ren was it?"

Kakashi nods, "Yes. All we know is that he has access to a very powerful genjutsu that can bend the will of the victim, which I believe the strength is determined by the victim's strength of mind. He apparently used it to convince Gato to freely give up his banking information. The man never really even knew it happened to him."

"He also had access to the Shadow Clone technique." Kurenai added.

The hokage sighs and shakes his head, "Ordinarily the fact that someone unknown, who is in position of the ability to bend people's will to his whim, that also has access to one of our village's forbidden techniques, I would be worried. But considering he did more good than harm, I could possibly overlook it. I'll send out a request for our spymaster to try and find out more about this Kylo Ren. In the meantime get some rest and prepare for the upcoming exams."

The two bow and leave. Thinking about everything that happened in Wave, he couldn't help be be glad everything ended ok.

"Although the civilian council won't be too happy about their relationship progressing. Especially Danzō, considering a number of his Root agents have disappeared when it involved those two. He may start active recklessly after this."

##Revan's Apartment.##

Revan and Saya returned as fast as possible, as the Uchiha girl wanted to interrogate her new boyfriend about what she had witnessed that night in Wave. At this point he decided to come clean, if he couldn't trust her after becoming a couple, then he couldn't trust anyone in else in the world. He moves around his bedroom and starts activating and upgrading every single seal he has set up to ensure the maximum privacy. He even found a few surveillance seals planted after they left for the Wave and promptly erased them with little trouble.

Sitting cross legged on the bed face to face, Revan looks her in the eye with a smile and asks, "What do you want to know first?"

"Hm..." Saya thinks about her question first, "That power, it didn't use any chakra. You were able to use it and... kill that man."

"Hehe!" Revan chuckles, "That's because it has nothing to do with chakra, or jutsu, or anything involving the shinobi arts." He explains, "This is a power I was born with that recently manifested itself. It's called the Force and it dwells inside of me."

"What does it do?" She asks.

Revan goes into great detail the abilities and possible applications of the force, of what he is capable of using the power. That by using the Force, he was able to study the jutsu he possesses on a deeper level, mold it, alter it, and perfect so that he consumes less chakra for more power. It's also due to the Force that he was able to wield jutsu without seals, comprehend and improve fuinjutsu seals, and also better perfect his Kunai Dance technique, that he just renamed Warp, saying that it was a rip off name of something from some FFXV title or something like that. She was confused and he was too lazy to explain it further.

Needless to say, she was amazed at how powerful such an ability was. The Force gave him perfect chakra control, better comprehension of jutsu, and aids him and perfect them to a whole new level. normally should would be envious if her life was the same before they met, but now that they are together, she is happy for him, proud even. She would support his rise to power.

"If this power is going to take me to the top," He looks at Saya and smiles, "I'd rather have someone there by my side."

She smiles and nods, "I'd be delighted to stand by you."

"Hm..." Revan thinks and sighs,"It's too bad that I can't share the power with you. together we wouldn't have anything to fear."

"It's fine. I'm just happy that you would consider it." She says resting her hand on top of his giving him a reassuring smile.

[Actually it is possible to give your mate access to the Force.]


Revan and Saya hear a mechanical voice echo throughout the sealed up room and immediately go on alert.

"Whose there?!" Revan shouts coming to a stand. Glancing cautiously around the room.

No one answers for a minute until a light starts shining from Revan's pocket. The strange palm sized orb flies out of his pocket and hovers before them. The light in the lens shines blue and a series of holographic runes appear orbiting around the orb.

"The orb from Wave." Revan says.

[Hello! I am the Codex. I am delighted to finally be able find myself in the company of an intelligent species of this world.]

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