
Chapter 10

##Revan's Apartment - Midnight.##

Two figures are watching the apartment from the roof of a building across the street, camouflaged in the shadow, their presence hidden to the minimum. Nothing about them stands out much, except if one looks closely at them, they would notice them wearing porcelain masks with paintings on them. Some may confuse these two as operatives of ANBU, but in truth, the two of them are agent's of Konoha's shadowy underworld, Root. Founded and operated by the ambitious and power hungry Danzō Shimura himself, also an elder of the council. Danzō had always had his eyes on the powerful Uchiha bloodline, desired to even have such a power under his control to do his bidding.

Saya Uchiha, twin sister of Sasuke Uchiha, younger sister of Itachi Uchiha, is the last known female member of the Uchiha Clan and her body could potentially birth a new breed of Sharingan shinobi. After the massacre, the girl all but shut down on an emotional level, which in turned hindered her growth as a kunoichi. Much like the civilian council themselves, Danzō has a desire to have her birth him some powerful soldiers to command. With his training, they would become emotionless, cold blooded soldiers who would answer to his every call. The trouble with getting an asset like her under his control was great, for Danzō, the pacifistic fool of a Hokage would shut down any request he made.

Does the fool not know that the girl has a better chance at reviving the clan under their thumbs than her vengeful, single-minded brother?

Danzō has been working on many plots that could lead to him having the girl in his grasp, even going as far as siding with the old fool Hiruzen when he proposed to set her and the Uzumaki kid up as a team of Support Genin, much to the civilian council fools who want to use her to build up their own influence. Fools even hired a Chuunin to plant a letter of threat in the boy's apartment to intimidate him, yet the boy just laughed in their face and threw the burning letter out of the apartment window with a smirk. Danzō finds the boy's fearless attitude amusing, yet always had an interest in the Uzumaki Clan's massive stamina and life force. The boy didn't inherit the abundant chakra reserves, but everything else was there. Increased healing factor, nearly limitless stamina, and for this particular boy, nearly perfect chakra control and intelligence to rival a Nara.

After all, an idiot could never modify and improve two basic jutsu that have been in circulation since the era of shinobi begun.

"Eyes on the target." One of them says.

"The target is showing fast progress on the study of fuinjutsu, carries a journal with a special blood seal that can only be accessed by him. The apartment is sealed with silencing seals so no sounds can be transmitted to the outside." The other one reports, the first one nods.

"It is recommended that a counter seal be installed so that we may listen in on what is said inside."


"Any eyes on the girl?" The first one says, but he doesn't get a reply. He looks over to find his teammate slumped over and unconscious.

"Now, now. It is rude to spy on one of your own fellow shinobi." A deep, muffled voice whispers from behind the Root agent causing him to jump back.

The man standing before him is wearing an all black outfit, with a hooded cloak. Beneath the hood a metallic helmet.

"Identify yourself!" The Root agent demanded causing the dark figure to chuckle.

Raising his right hand up towards the startled Root agent, he clasps his hand causing the agent to choke and lifts him into the air. With the flick of his hand the agent if brought face to face with the dark masked man.

"You, my friend are in position to bark out orders." The dark hooded figure says, "But if there is a name I should go by, then I'll grant your final request and share it. You may call me Kylo Ren."

With the sudden clench of his hand a loud cracking noise echoes into the night. Kylo Ren had made sure to survey the area with the Force, so none of the patrols were passing through at the moment. Kneeling down at the now deceased Root agent he unrolls a storage scroll and seals the corpse away for disposal at a later date.

"It is unfortunate my friend, but I only need one of you alive for my needs." He says glancing at the one he used the force to put asleep. "Genjutsu has its uses, but nothing beats the Force when you want something simple as forcing your target to sleep."

He places a suppression seal on the unconscious Root agent, ties him up with ninja wire, grabs the storage scroll, and deftly leaps across the street silently, carrying the agent along using the force. Once he reaches a certain window it opens and Revan appears relieving Kylo Ren of both the scroll and the agent. Revan chuckles and walks away as Ren poofs in a burst of smoke.

Kylo Ren was a shadow clone of Revan that transformed into the form of the young Ben Solo from the third trilogy of the Star Wars series. Revan chose Kylo Ren as it was more practical for his shadow operations. Vader's gear is more clunkier, plus Revan has plans to use Darth Revan's outfit for his something else later on.

Revan, while experimenting with shadow clones, had discovered that his clones could use the full power of the Force and didn't require him to divide it like he would with his chakra. So he started setting up sentries to watch over his apartment while him and Saya slept at night. He would mostly use the darker colored sith attires, ranging from Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, to even Darth Nihilus with his menacing skull styled mask. Revan had yet to find anyone who could detect his concealed sentries, so at this point he had started calling the Force op for this world.

"Now lets see what we can do about all of the seals that you have been stuffed with." Revan coats the unconscious agent with the force and detects a few seals, including the one beneath the tongue that prevents them from speaking about classified information. This time isn't really about intel for him, it's about whether he could safely remove, or erase seals placed on other living beings. That and he finds being spied on somewhat unpleasant.

"Sorry buddy, but you might not survive this. On the plus side, the council losing a puppet is for the village's best interest. If I'm lucky I might dig up some dirt." Revan smiles, but it's a smile you would normally see on a mad scientist. A smile that might even make Orochimaru blush.

##The Hokage's Office - Two Days After the Genin Graduation.##

Revan and Saya report to the Hokage's office on time to receive their assignments and first team placement. After putting down his pipe and looks at the two fresh graduates.

"First of all I want to congratulate the two of you one graduating." The Hokage says. The two bow in gratitude and respect.

"We appreciate it." Saya says.

The Hokage smiles at her politeness.

"It brings me great joy to see that one of you siblings being able to move forward after that unfortunate incident." He then glances at Revan, "And to have someone to help you get past that dark night."

Revan goes to say, "But I did.."

The Hokage chuckles and looks at him with a sly smile, "I know. Your her first friend since the incident, and an unconditional friend at that. You never once asked for anything in returned and gladly listened to her worries. If I one didn't know, they might have thought you two were a couple."

Saya looks away with a light blush and coughs, "I don't know what your talking about."

"I'm just teasing you." He says with a good natured smile. "Now to get back to your team placement. Yesterday all of the teams were tested by their Jounin sensei to see how well they worked together. Only 3 teams passed, the rest were sent back to the academy for further training. All of them failing to see the underlying purpose of the test and what it represents."

"That would be teamwork right?" Revan asks and gets a nod in return.

"Very astute." The Hokage praises.

"Genin teams are formed of 4 people in total." Revan explains, "the 3 genin graduates and their Jounin instructors."

"That is correct." The Hokage interjects, "the underlying purpose is the have the genin understand the reasoning behind the test."

Revan nods, "There is no I in Team after all."

"Right you are." He takes a quick puff from his pipe and exhales some smoke, "You two have shown far greater talent, that and excellent chemistry working together that it would have been a waste to hold you back in the academy, plus the lack of available Jounin willing to accept apprentices. So we changed things up this time and allowed you two to become Support Genin." He says and continues, "Support Genin can be assigned to a team should a member be unavailable, or that more support is required for the tasks at hand. There will be rotations each week where you will be assigned to different teams to train to improve your individual abilities, teamwork, and complete missions for the village. Another benefit for the two of you comes in the form of the annual Chuunin exams should you qualify. Ordinarily 3 people would be require, but if a support genin, or duo prove to be capable, they can undertake the exams alone or together. That also comes with a more difficult exam for them."

Revan and Saya nod at the explanation.

"Now that the introduction is out of the way, your first team assignment is with..."

##Training Ground 9 - Team Guy.##

Revan and Saya arrive at Training Ground 9 to meet up with a couple of veteran genin who are their seniors by a year. The team itself was.... quite unique to them. Their sensei was a Jounin called Might Guy with a questionable fashion sense, which by some miracle makes Naruto's old orange jumpsuit look good. Guy was wearing a full suit of green leotard, a lighter shade of green for Jounin vest, and orange striped leg warmers. His eye brows were so bushy, that Saya swore they were alive.

To make matters worse, there was a miniature replica of him on the team as a fellow genin. Rock Lee is who he introduced himself as, wearing pretty much the same thing as the genin. After asking Saya on a date and being turned down immediately, he sulks off to the side while we introduce ourselves to the others.

The girl on the team, TenTen. Her hair tied up in two identical buns on both sides of her head, a pink Chinese shirt, and dark green pants. Unlike her teammates, she refers to herself as a future weapon's mistress rather than a martial artist. Revan prefers her fighting style over the other three on the team.

The final member of Team Guy is the prideful, and stuck up Neji Hyuga. Hinata's cousin and elitist with an obsession with fate. The team certainly has it's charms... But Revan has a feeling that they may be biting off more than they can chew.

"Okay team gather up!" Everyone gathered around Guy who continues, "This week we have some fresh graduates who will be joining us in our trainings. We are going to start with some spars to see how well they can stack up. First things first, TenTen will spar with Saya!"

After deciding the first match, the two girls stand across from each other and charge at each other when Guy gives the go. Saya held her own, but TenTen had more experience and skill when it came to martial arts, even if she preferred weapons, after all her other teammates were taijutsu specialists. She could only lament the fact she ended up on her team, even if she did come out physically stronger for it. After the match, Revan was then paired up against Lee.

After getting the go they charge at each other. Even with the weights on, Lee was still as fast as hell and would run circles around Revan trying to land a decisive hit on him. Thankfully Revan had mastered the Force Speed skill and uses it to deftly avoid a good bit of the attacks but still taking one or two, very pain hits. The sparring match goes on well longer then anyone could have expected it until Lee finally gets in a decisive hit that sent Revan soaring back onto the ground.

Gasping for air he looks at Lee and complains, "You think you hit hard enough pal?"

"Hehehe! Yosh! I'm and most sorry about that friend! I was getting so worked up!" He said apologetic. "Never did I expect a fresh graduate to move so fast! I got so worked up that I just had to unleash the flames of youth!"

Revan gets back up and dusts himself off. Bruised and sore all over, "Yeah. You certainly unleashed the beast on me. Ha..... I'm more of ranged fighter anyways. Makes sense that I'd get pummeled so easily in a fist fight."

"So your a long range fighter?" TenTen asks in which Revan nods.


"What kind of jutsu do you have?" She asks.

"Right now? None, a fresh graduate and orphan after all. Didn't get access to the libraries until after we became genin."

TenTen nods, "Ah! That's right!"

"Although....." Revan trails off, "I did make up my own technique though."

"You did? What's it like?" She asks interested.

Revan pulls out a few kunai and throws them towards a nearby wooden dummy, but not where it could actually hit it. He then starts jumping around and swapping places with each kunai until he reaches the last one, which happened to be next to the dummy. Swapping places with it, Revan jabs his knife straight into the wooden bummy's head.

"How very youthful!" Guy shouts out in admiration. "That almost reminded me of the Yellow Flash's Flying Thunder God! How did you perform it?"

Revan goes to explain the mechanism of the technique, "So essentially the Kunai Dance technique is a more advanced form of the substitution technique, but instead of pure evasion, it focuses on confusing your opponent and then dealing a lethal blow to them when they least expect it." Revan says, but then goes to think in his head, 'I may have also created my own version of the Final Fantasy XV Warp ability too. Yay to being creative with ninjutsu!'

"That is amazing!" TenTen exclaimed. "Turning a basic evasion technique into an offensive one!"

Revan shrugs nonchalantly, "It was one of the few experiments I wanted to complete with the original 3 before graduation. I also tend to mess around with any new jutsu I learn."

"Yosh! I look forward to the results." Guy says. "Alright everyone! Let's start running around the training ground! The newbies need to build up their stamina and strength!"

Revan chuckles, "As an Uzumaki, stamina is the thing I'm most confident in."

For the rest of the week, Revan and Saya were subjected to Might Guy's extreme boot camp training. Even with his boosted stamina, Revan still lagged behind the two green monsters on the team who seemed like they could run forever. Saya was the first to fall, followed by TenTen, then Neji, then Revan. Nothing could beat the training junkies that are Mean Green and Mini Green. Though his physique is a little on the weak side, Revan did make use of it to boost his own physical abilities thanks to a couple of seals he made for both him and Saya. Gravity Seals that would gradually get stronger. A powerful force needs a worthy body to wield it after all. Even if Revan finds himself subpar in physical statistics, he will still build it up. As it would improve chakra just as well as tree climbing and water walking.

When they aren't training, they are accepting assignments from the mission center. D Rank missions mostly consist of every day chores, but some missions can be downright miserable. For instance, a cat named Tora. The first moment Revan laid his eyes on that cat, he just knew it would end in tragedy. Once it was over, his premonition can true. Not a single person came out unharmed. But when the mission came up again, Revan just cheated and put the cat to sleep with the force. When asked what he did.

Revan's reply was, "Genjutsu yo!" A simple excuse, but one easily accepted.

During the nights that followed a few more agents would come to either spy, or locate the missing agents. But they once again disappear after encountering the shadow known as Kylo Ren. A good thing so come out of this was that Revan was now able to erase seals implanted on living people. He did find out that both the civilian council, and some jerk named Dango, or was it Jango, now it was Dando! As Revan would try and recall. He finds the name and person otherwise remarkable, but comes to know that the man is heavily wrapped in bandages. Mainly over his right eye and arm. A little detail he swiped from his victim is that neither his right eye or arm belong to him.

"Dando has been a very naughty old man, hehehe!"

A few more threatening letters came from potential "suitors" of Saya demanding Revan to cease his interactions with her "or else!".

"Are these people really that dumb?" Revan asks as he burns another letter. "We are shinobi of the leaf and they are simply retarded civilians with no real power. Maybe I should send a sith to silence a few of them.... No they would start panicking and shit would start going down."

During the next week they were paired up with Team 7 for training and missions. Team 7 was about as coordinated as the afternoon traffic in LA. If Naruto wasn't trying to show Sasuke up, or Sakura trying to impress her crush, the Sasuke was trying to do everything else on his own. Instead of team work it became a full blown competition to see who has the biggest dick.

To Revan, he could only sigh and wish them luck.

The team rotation could only continue this way until the day they received a mission to leave the village. Team 7 had received. C Rank mission to escort some bridge builder to the Wave Country, however the old man withheld information and it was bumped up to B, possibly even up to A rank. Revan and Saya were currently assigned to Team Kurenai and they were ordered to go and provide support.

"Looks like we got to save your brother's ass now." Revan says with a smirk, "Bet he'll love that."

"Heh. That he will." Saya says with a smile.

Next chapter