1 Collapse of the World

On the misty mountains stood a somber, dignified shadow. He was the Yao.

His Shui Dynasty collapsed, people of the rebellion was hunting him down, and the Qin Emperor was burning books and killing all scholars to assert control.

Many strong leaders pursue dreams and goals, but at the end, how many get to actually live a life?


A carefree life?


Blood, violence, love, and passion form a great cycle. It is human nature to desire power, we strive to protect what we love, and we are guilty creatures.

He peered down at the bamboo forest below from the staggering cliff.

"May my country and my culture live on for eternity!"



As the troops caught up and surrounded him on top of the cliff, he laughed as if he was king.

He sneered at them.

He laughed at his fate.

He stretched his arms looking at the sky.

He lit up a pouch filled with heavy gray powder, and with a loud boom


He blasted off of the cliff with the rebels.
