
Red light Dungeon in Another World

What will you do when you receive a system in sword and magic world? Do you want to be hero and have harem? Do you want become a demon king and conquer the world? Philip, who received the power to system and was transfered to the another world. He said "Hell! no I just make a dungeon and lure every beauties all over the world." "Men want to joined? Heh~ suck them dry with my succubus and vampire." "Wait a female dwarf? Call the orc and sent her to heaven." Yes, I don't want anything, but to make a strongest and sinful dungeon. Where the saint, heros and demon king's willing to spread everything even there legs. ---- This is the first time I write a more smut stories. 85 % smut, 5% kingdom building (Dungeon building), 4% action, 4% romance, 2% nightmare!

Crayun · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Heroes summoning, Banishment, Vow

In a certain place of Japan. One of the school ground in Japan release a light. Few minutes later, the light vanish together with 25 percent of all students disappeared in thin air. The news became viral and spread all over the world, because of the missing 250 students in Japan.


The group of student standing looking around in confusion. They saw medieval ages architectural like they saw in some movies. In, the midst of there curiosity a group of people came forward and a priest said to them.

"The heroes of the another world please saved our world in the verge of destruction. Please, defeat the demon king for they threaten our territory."

All of the student looked at the person. They saw an old priest and behind him a full armed knights. All of them trembled in excitement, fear and worry. One of the student step forward and greet him. He asked

"How can we defeat the demon king. We have no experience in combat. Also, can we go back to our previous world?"

"The hero who lead the heroes. All of you received the blessing of our god who oversee us human of Azul world. Also, you can return once you defeat the demon king. Because our god who oversee the human has a authority to return all of the heroes in your previous world." The priest replied in confidence and continued "So, please follow me to test your Job class."

All of the student trembled in excitement. Because there dream to have a Elves harem especially boys will come true. Also, some of the girls started there delusion become a queen of a certain kingdom. As, they follow the old priest.


The old priest give them a brief explanation of class.

"Job class is a gift of god who oversee humanity. The demons, monster, Demihuman has a rank up and spirit, elementals, elves, etc. has heritage. Only human is blessed by god have the job class while the rest of the race are blessed by the natural law. Also, all race has a chance to undergo power up upon completion of the prerequisites such as learning limit break, unlocking the racial potential, maximize the job, rank, heritage potential, etc."

When the students heard the explanation of the priest. All of them are amazed not because of job or power up, but the information related to different race residing in this world except human.

Then, all of them came forward for there Job class



The crystal ball for the Job class broke to pieces. All of the people are trembling especially the priest and the old priest shouted.

"Banish him! Kill him and throw him to the land of Cursed."

The last student was shocked about the sudden event including his schoolmates are dumbfounded. The old priest action is like someone who flipped the paper.

"F*ck! tell me what is the meaning of this!?" The last asked in confusion.

"Our god of said you are not worthy and you are different among them. Throw him! Don't let his presence affect the blessing of our god!"

All of the knights run toward him. They draw there swords and slash toward him. All of the student closed there own eyes and one of his classmates shouted.

"Philip! Dodge!"

Philip was surrounded by the knights and they drew there sword to kill him. He clicked his tongue facing his own death since, is not new for him especially using melee weapon. He dodge and leap toward the nearest knights. As, he held his pen and stab the eyes of the nearest knight. *Argh~* When the sword dropped. Philip tumble and pick up the sword in ground. Next moment he swing the sword toward the knights joint leg. *toud!Argh~*

Philip breath irregularly because of weight and unbalanced of the sword. He asked "Please! sent me back to my previous world!"

The old priest trembled in fear and he pointed his finger. He said "Kill him! the god of who oversee humanity said kill him!"

Philip cursed he want to run away, but he discovered his movement become much slower and some strange writing appeared glowing around him. He want to speak something, but a sword slash in his back during his confusion. *Argh~* He turned around and saw Amazi holding a sword. He raised his sword once again. Philip saw madness and jealousy in his eyes. He grip his sword and swing his sword upward.


"My hand~!!" Amazi shouted in pain and despair. He looked at Philip in deep hatred. Because, the person in his front is only a transfer student from the 3rd rate country, yet many women including his childhood friend kept approaching him. He smiled at Philip and said "Die! Bastard."


Philip was stab in his back of his abdomen and he cursed inside. Because, the sword is more fatal than the bullets he received during his combat against the rebels in his country. He raised his head and shouted toward the heaven "F*ck!"

*Swosh~* Philip vanish inside the temple. He was teleported in another place, but the sign of battle is still visible. Amazi lie in the ground while laughing since there is no Philip between him and his childhood friend Yuu. He turned his head and smile. He saw Yuu dragged his previous sword slowly walking toward him. He said in excitement.

"Yuu, I throw him and won't come back anymore. The person who made you cried before w----"


All of the people are dumbfounded. When they saw a sudden change of event and this worse than the first. Because, Yuu herself kill her own children friend without any hesitation and she keep stabbing his dead body. She keep repeating her word saying.

"You killed my benefactor, You kill my own savour. You killed my grandpa's friend... You killed Philip... my own Philip... *Sob*"

She continued stab Amazi dead body. A shadow appeared behind and knocked her out to let her sleep instantly. Yuu become unconscious and her best friend hold her body. She carried her toward there classmates, but all students kept there distance away from them except another person who is a close friend of them. She asked in curiosity.

"Sakura tell me. Why Yuu is concerned and obsessed in Philip?"


"Eren did you know her Grandpa and Philip's grandpa are closed friend and know each other during the past war. Also, during her vacation she visited Philippines and she was kidnapped by the rebels, but in her darkness moment Philip appeared to save her. Also, According to her Philip has a mission which is to clean some rebels and he is also a captain of the death squad which explained his combat experience." Sakura replied toward Eren while combing Yuu's hear.

When they heard the truth about Yuu's madness. They remembered a tragic story happened toward Yuu. She was kidnapped by the rebels in Mindanao and thanks to the quick response of the government she was rescued earlier. Also, they heard rumors explained both countries made a faster response, but reality slap there own face.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the wasteland a person appeared together with a glowing writing. He was bleeding. He muttered

" F*ck! this world is unreasonable. They want to kill me because I'm not Japanese? Shit! otaku god! I swear to turned this world in chaos.*cough~*cough~*"

Thank you for waiting.


Crayuncreators' thoughts