
Chapter twenty

This is the last chapter for today. I'll be updating tommorow though.....(3) chapters only as I am a student and need to read. I will be updating by evening because that is when I would be chanced to do so!

I hope you enjoyed the extra two chapters you were given today!


As Roberto showed her the way to hold the sword and she did he helped her to be on the right posture as she had to keep her hand a particular way to get it right!

She was already tired before they began.

"No my lady before we start I want to tell you this few things that will help you to be able to fight better! I personally make use of them and I won't lie they were the things that helped me to become the best swordsman in the kingdom even better than the king! I will be sharing this secret with you as we all know you are the protector and you are up against the destroyer who has destroyed you quite a number of times.

So we need you to win this time.

Here are the secrets.

"1. Do not hold your sword to tightly: This is one of the most important because if you use to much energy to hold you sword you will become tired easy and also quiet slow,but if you hold it alittle lightly it will be easier for you to move faster.

2. You should be able to defend yourself properly: If you are only able to attack your enemy and can't defend then if the enemy should strike you, he would win easily. So you have to be good at defending.

3. Always make sure to move around and closer to your opponent time after time: this is another very important rule as it will help push your opponent of balance. If you move closer to him/her then it will definitely make them feel a little dizzy giving you an opening to easily win them!

4. This is the last and finally rule.....make sure you try as much to avoid eye contact: this is important because in this kingdom during fights most opponents use some charms or magic that once you look into their eyes they would be able to hypnotize you! This is a personal experience of mine this is why it is in my rules not to ever make such mistakes again! Other rules would be communicated to you while I train you! do you understand?"

Roberto said after talking for like five whole minutes to Anna whose head already started aching.

"I know it is alot to take in my lady but you must try!"Roberto said after looking at her for a while when she didn't respond.

She turned to look at him for a while and then finally nodded.

"I'm ready!"she said with a determined voice which had Roberto smiling. He looked this kind of students who were ready to learn no matter how hard it was!


Meanwhile in a study room in the castle the two brothers are talking( Jeremy and Levi)

"Bro how are you?"jeremy asked his brother who looked down.

"I guess I'm okay!"Levi said looking away.

"Now that she is back I thought you would be happy!"Jeremy said to his brother with a sad and worried expression.

"She doesn't remember me! she doesn't even want me close to her! it hurts way more than before!"Levi said in a thick low voice which sounded like he was in so much pain.

"I'm sorry men so what you going to do?"Jeremy asked Levi.

"I don't know! I'll just leave here for a while to get myself together!"levi said with sad voice as he patted his brother's shoulder and tried to walk away.

"Seriously? bro you need to be patient but if you need to go I won't stop you!"Jeremy said.

Levi turned and looked at Jeremy for a hike before he said

"I need to go!" and left the room leaving Jeremy watching his back as he hissed.


Final chapter for today...Goodnight!

Next chapter