

Her present is messed up, His past was destroyed.... She's diving into Black hole of sins and His hands are painted with Red blood.... Together they're interlocked like Yin & Yang.... Together they form Red & Black....Come witness story of Rose and Daniel....Two sad souls set up on the journey of finding happiness..... Cover Poster credits: The Innovative Palette

TanV_Bora · Urban
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15 Chs


I hated red with the core of my heart, Red was a sign of threat, blood and my mom…But my life was making me face the same hatred once again…as if the havoc caused 8 years back wasn't enough… I didn't want to get involved with this foolish kid, but she dragged me into her messed up life…When my past was much more uglier than her present.



She sat in front of me on a leather couch, Awkward silence filled up the cabin room. She looked more like a student in broad daylight. Yellow oversized t-shirt with skinny blue jeans, Hairs rolled up in messy bun, bangs covering the forehead, Green sack hanging on her shoulders, pale face without any makeup, but her eyes were staring at me with raging desire….the desire in her eyes was extreme, I couldn't look into her eyes for more than few seconds.

"Miss Rose, I'm a CEO of this bar. Do you think I have time on my hands to keep sitting here and staring at you? Throw up, the amount you need…. For frustrating me as hell last night…"

"1 million won"

"What? 1 million won??? Did you run all over from Seoul to Daegu for mere 100$ ???"

"100$ are much more valuable than my dignity for me"

Her cold tone sent chills down my spine…She was different….And she was up to something…My gut feeling was telling me….

I stood up, walked near and looked down at her, She stared back at me.

"What're you doing? How could a 19 year old behave like this….This confidence, courage and cold attitude….Definitely doesn't come from a poor, needy little girl…Never…tell me your real identity."

"Rose…you already know my name, right? I'm just an unfortunate orphan…Cut out this nonsense and give me the payment." She said very calmly.

"Unfortunate orphan? Pays fees worth 100$? Doesn't sound like a poor thing to me…."

"Why? Are poor children prohibited from good expensive schools?" She answered me back with sharpness of knife on her tongue.

My past was so disgusting but one thing it taught me was to judge people….My senses tingled me up even with a presence of unique personality around me, And Rose was unique but mysterious as fuck.

"1 Million won right?" I took off my hands from sofa and turned towards wooden wardrobe. Took out 100$ cash and threw it over the table next to sofa. She grabbed the money without any second thought and walked out of the room.

"Really? Miss Rose you aren't leaving Daegu THIS easily…. You've raised my curiosity… Reckless…you're a reckless little kid Lee Yuri….you thought I won't recognize you??" I picked up a glass of red wine on bar counter as Rose left the bar, banging the entrance door loudly.






17th December 2012…

"Shim Daniel!!!" A classmate called me through our class window on third floor. I looked up at him but eventually decided to ignore his calls and continued walking forward towards the exit gate. My brain was flooded with thoughts about my mom…How am I going to face her after having witness her sight with that person? Why did she do that? Didn't even think of me for once…not even once? Am I the one who's shameless or she's the one who made me like this….

I was walking on the pedestal path adjoining our high school, Streets were filled with red shimmering lights ahead of Christmas eve celebrations. Our school was preparing for annual festival, and my cell phone kept on ringing constantly…Of course they would call student president for decision making, however I couldn't think of anything else other than my mother and that person.

As I went down the subway stairs , a strong force pushed me down and the other moment I found myself lying on floor. A middle school girl in uniform beside me stood up dusting her skirt.

"Are you okay? Actually I had to run, but lost my balance and we landed down on each other!!" She screamed loudly.

"Why are you screaming?? I'm the one who should scream out for help!!! You were running away from bullies right?? The bruises on your knees tells the whole story…"

She seemed flustered, tried hiding her bruises with her bag.

"That's none of your business, sorry for causing trouble." She bowed down

"What's with that attitude? Huhh…Anyways, don't you think it's too early for a 10 year old to be harassed by bullies? We're from same school, if they're going too far tell me." I tried giving her a helping hand.

"No, I can handle my issues very well. Thanks for your concern." She turned around and walked through the scanning machine. Sparkling long red pearl keychain kept dangling on her green bag, I stepped on her student id while moving forward.

"Lee Yuri…" I was planning to run behind her and give it back but she just disappeared within few seconds.

I had no idea, that she would be the last person meeting me before the life wrecking incident that was gonna happen in next two hours… Maybe that's the reason why her pale cold face got engraved on my mind…