
They can be anyone

Here from India like super heroes from epic books like ramayana and mahabharata there are also epic villains who tried their wilbest to make us know they are them itself

Ravana, dhuryodhana didn't get their bad because of their fate but they got because of their bad works. They were genuinely wrong because they wanted human kind to learn something from the hidden history of ancient India.

Well, the characters whether they were fictionate but come across some uneventual meaning. That is villanism.

Villains are always stronger than heroes but because of their bad karmas they get defeated.

From the mountains there came a huge being which was in search of shama and vachya his revenge to defeat para and his 5 best friends Ajashatru, Vrikodara, Savyasaachi, Akula and dwiashwinikumara. Where saubala helped them but enacted to be with villains. Saubala was the uncle of suyodhana (main villain). Under the greed and grease of saubala suyodhana did all the worse subjects in his life but this janma would be different

It would be RECREATED

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