
None are cursed

Value of defeat can only be known by such people who actually lose a lot but they are the ones who learn a lot in life the one who win in every concept he would become habitual and ignore the values which has to be learnt in life. They actually have a lot of knowledge but the way they acknowledge every time cannot be true right. So, mixture of win and defeat can make a man strong.


Vega was the son of a priest who worked near the himalayas of North Eastern part of India. Vega had a sister Lyra who was very fond of her brother. Vega loved to resemble himself with villains in epics as he was aware that villains were the strongest than hero but he also understood that with good thoughts villains also could be heroes. Once, a jyothishya(one who predicts future) told Vega's father that he was lucky to have vega and lyra as they would be very famous one day. But once they would be famous one of the sibling would be dead. Lyra wanted herself to be dead only so that her brother could survive. And also jyothishya told that vega was the next janma of Ravana and dhuryodhana from epics and have returned to make truth win. They grew with speci bond. When they were in the boarding school in himachal pradesh they met some people who made them famous.

While coming to the story of their friendship started was started as the thud from forbidden forest near to Lake manasarovar was made by para's group. Para a very kind boy but had some bad habits like never to be good elders, joke in every silly point, have fun 24 hours etc. As lyra had a one sided crush on para since she saw him on motorbike. This was not fascinating that midnight the thud had come but this was fascinating that good children were getting worsened even during mid night.

Vachya and Shama who were aware of their illiterate works never taunted them to stop such things but kept quite because they were best friends since the minute they were born on this earth. Respecting their friendship girls were quite but quietness could make even dangerous are proved by them. This has to be said because the children who were newly joined like vega and lyra had to take permission from para's group to even sleep.

Para and kalanabha were BFF as they were souls apart from body but were the same. Their thoughts, their feelings were the most same. Savyasaachi and Shama were another BFF in the group where shara was Savyasaachi's all time favourite as he entertained lots of woman at a time. Being twins Akula and dwiashwinikumara were always together which made them share a good bond to discover problems in the group where Vrikodara was always busy with hima who he gave her all time attention. Para was very favourite to vachya and vachya to him. Having scrolled to all their interests they had included many enemies in their list so.,what could it bring up to?

Let the explore begin.