148 Village of Sleeplessness

Given that it was Calvin's first day as the member of the Cavaliers, it was physically impossible for a medallion to be created for him.

Thankfully, the Mission Order had the stamp of the church and it should be sufficient to prove his identity as a part of the Cavaliers. Ron Samuel, Ashlynn, Bruce, and James Branzuela all accompanied Calvin to the Southernmost gates of Ashmelion.

"You take care now."

"I will..." 

Ron Samuel didn't say a lot, he was bad with farewells so he had no idea what to say in these moments. 

The wagon that Calvin was about to board had the City of Laguna as its final destination. Laguna was the capital city of Joselian. Travelling there from Ashmelion would take almost six months. This was why the wagon that carried passengers to Laguna from its origin point was significantly bigger from the carriage taxis that one would see scattered in Ashmelion.


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