

Now a white aura envelope Lan body,the colour of aura will show what lvl they are white for warrior,green for true warrior,blue for master,gold for grandmaster and red for saint.He slowly cover his body with aura and release a fist,then his aura blast foward and destroyed the rock in front of him into pebbles.Then he fell and cant even move anymore.

This is effect when using aura,warrior will not use it unless necessaries.After a few minutes he regain a strength to move.

He then took out the book that had only 3 pages plus the cover its five.He read it with a hope to gain some poweful technique.His hope shatter when he finish reading that book.The author of the book only write a story about a boy who want to become a hero and come to the forest of Malaccaq then died saving a girl.That boy then was buried as a hero in this forest by that girl.

Lan was thinking did he really pick a trash.He just push the 1000 gold away for a trashy story book.The he realized something,he fear of heights .The look down with a shaking leg how do he climb down this mountain.He come here with the old man Viktor but now the old man gone how supposed he do.Thinking back he remember that he climb the vines to here halfway before the old man Viktor grab him to the top of this mountain.

He walk around the mountain until he find a few vines that can help him climb down.At the end of that day he finally reach the foot of the mountains.Then he realize a new problem,where he should go?

Lan decide to stop thinking about it and find a shelter for this night.The next morning Lan find some rabbit and fish to eat,then he look and look where he want to go,at the end he decide the most stupid decision that is to follow the direction of heroes from the book that old man Victor give.

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