

That night Lan awake from the sound of owl.He feel to hungry and can't even move.Then he realize there a sound of water from north.

"Water,water,wa..terrrr."Lan said slowly.

He gather every bit of his last strength to crawl.Slowly Lan crawl in the dark night to the source of water.The old man only open his eyes a little and closed it back.After half an hour crawling Lan saw a river in front of him.He drink the water until he satisfied.After an hour rest he had a strength to walk back.Then he walk slowly to find the old man,in the way he find nest of butterfly spider.Butterfly spider actually a spider that can fly with a wing of butterfly and they rarely produce thread because they like to ambush other insect.When butterfly spider produce a thread all creature will avoid it because it poison can kill even an elephant.Butterfly spider only build a nest when they want reproduce.Only this time the wing of butterfly spider will fall from their body.The wing can be used as medicine to heal wound.He know butterfly spider because his granfather used to teach him to make a cheap medicine.

"look like luck in my side".said Lan.

He then walk slowly into the old man tree,paste a medicine on his wound and back to sleep.He need to rest for tommorrow.

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