
Kaden, Awakened

"Urghh" Kaden moaned, shielding his eyes from the dim radiance of the moon on his face as he awoke. He attempted to stand but slumped back to the ground almost immediately. It was well past midnight, and his surroundings was enveloped in darkness. He had a throbbing headache and felt as if he had been trampled by an entire herd of Cebrean equines.

He was laying on hard ground, the vegetation around him seemed burned away and the land was scorched where he'd laid.

Straining his sight at his surroundings, he saw green leaves and tall, sturdy trees. He deduced that he was in a forest but had no recollection of how he came to be there, or how long he had been there

"Where am I?" he muttered under his breath. He struggled to rise to his feet once again as a plethora of questions raced through his mind. He leaned on a tree for support as he stood up, he could hear the subtle rippling of water in a nearby stream. He slowly walked into the water and immersed himself in it. As he submerged into the water, he succumbed to a trance-like state of intense reminiscence. The memories inundated his mind.

He remembered how the security of the city of Valkwel had been breached and invaded by a pack of Vaportalons- big, bloodthirsty creatures of the Nethers, characterized by their bulging eyes, mottled skin, gaunt malnourished appearance, winged frames and razor-sharp claws as well as teeth. They attacked the residents and killed mindlessly, shredding them and flying away with the mutilated bodies. Kaden had been severely injured, his right chest a bloody mess. His life force was growing increasingly faint when something inconceivable and immensely implausible happened. A Dragon appeared right before him, gigantic in size, awe-inspiring and majestic. It radiated power so overwhelming, the space surrounding it seemed to distort. It made a deal with Kaden via a telepathic connection, offering to save his life if he assists in locating objects of incredible power. He agreed to the proposal made by the Dragon, their bodies and soul melded together and took on a form that was humanoid with draconic features; growing claws, wings and a long tail, his skin covered in gleaming red scales, fiery aura enveloping his form. His mind went feral from the added presence, he tore down everything in his path, leapt into the sky and landed in a forest, his vision went blank and he fell to the ground, this brought his recollection to a stop.

He tried to process what he'd just remembered but to no avail, tossed the thoughts aside and resumed his rinsing off in the water. He'd just worn his garments when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Swiftly, he concealed himself behind a towering tree and observed two individuals garbed in merchant attire, guiding their horses towards the flowing stream.

"You're really sure it's okay to leave the wagons up there? Are the goods really safe?" Queried the shorter merchant

"Yeah, no one ventures this deep into the Temerian forests, even during daytime" he answered.

"something deadly must've burned its way through here and drove all the beasts and monsters away"

Kaden had heard tales of the Nether creatures that dwelled in this region, whatever happened between the dragon and himself might explain how he was still alive.

As he watched the two men from his hiding spot, he felt a gnawing sensation in his stomach. He had no idea how long it was since he last had a meal and his body was aching for sustenance. Out of other options, He weaved his way around the merchants through the denser parts of the forest and headed toward the direction they approached from. Not long after, he came across the wagons; there were two of them, no doubt containing an assortment of valuable and fragile products, explaining why the merchants didn't take it down the rocky and uneven slope that led to the stream. He saw that the first wagon contained magical artifacts and dwarven weapons divided into sections so they don't mix while the other contained potions and Dhirm gold pieces in a similar manner of arrangement. To his dismay, none contained edible substances.

He heard the merchants returning with their horses and with a rush, packed a handful of potions and Dhirms, a bronze dagger and dashed into hiding

The men attached the horses to their wagons with the harnesses and continued on their way through the forest, Kaden followed behind the merchants, ensuring a safe distance from them while remaining hidden from sight as they journeyed forward.

After several hours, a town came into view.

"Perhaps luck smiles on me today and I come upon a Knowing One" he mused.

They arrived in the town of Blackbough. Kaden scouted the area and approached a tavern. After eating, he paid for his meal and headed out, looking to venture into the shadowed areas of the town, to make an attempt at locating Scribes- shady, nameless characters that sell various sorts of information for a price beffiting it's worth- when he encountered two women chatting with each other outside the door of the tavern, their voices barely audible. Kaden somehow managed to catch their discussion effortlessly.

"Haven't you heard the whispers?" one woman asked. "They say the powers are in conflict"

"The bard mentioned the kingdom of Gwendlyn was decimated by a clash between immortal entities" the other replied.

Kaden thought this strange, but he had no concern with disputes between the deities so he walked into the alleyway where he stumbled upon an enigmatic figure draped in a murky hooded cloak and holding onto a staff with a strange emblem.

"Urgent" Kaden said in a hushed tone to the stranger "how many Dhirm pieces would it cost to get the whereabouts of a Knowing One?"

"That would not be necessary" responded the stranger in a deep, masculine voice, with a face barely visible from under the hood

Kaden stepped back, confused by the response

"Stay calm, I hold the answers you seek but there is little time, come with me"

The stranger traced a symbol on the wall with the tip of his staff and bright purple light broke out as a swirling vortex appeared on its surface. The stranger beckoned to Kaden to follow as he stepped into the portal. After a moment of hesitation, Kaden followed through the portal. They arrived in an underground temple, filled with glowing crystals. The floor was littered with stones tablets, the walls covered with strange inscriptions while stalactites hanged from the ceiling like jagged teeth. The crystals casted a blue-green glow over everything. The stranger revealed his features from beneath the hooded cloak.

His hair was white, with no color to be found and fell in soft waves around his shoulders. He looked just a few years older than Kaden, but what seized Kaden's attention was the absence of irises in hiseyes; they were an ethereal shade of white and exuded faint luminosity. An indication of Godhood

"Hello Kaden, I am Ocythos" he greeted with a hint of smile playing on his lips

Bewildered, Kaden stared at the god then looked at the writings on the wall , he recognized the god from ancient statues made in his image that he'd seen and the carvings in the walls of his temple.

"Father of Knowledge"

"Well, it is convenient isn't it? Young Kaden. You hoped to consult my prophets but here I am before you. The rules I am bound by that prevent my involvement with mortals holds little importance in face of the danger that approaches. I am a messenger of forces that design our reality. Thus, I have come to share a revelation, with you in focus. To set you on your path for the fate of The Realms depends on the outcome of your quest Young hero"

"Hero? The Realms? I… I do not quite understand" Kaden replied

"Yes, "Hero", generic as it may be, it seems the most befitting title for the role you are to execute, and you will understand shortly, that is the reason I brought you here after all, The Temple of Knowledge. The first ever built, it holds a vast amount of my power and through it, we will connect to forces beyond this realm of Lodernia to grasp some level of understanding.

Kaden, I wonder, are you prepared to embark upon this perilous path? Consider the weight of your decision, for it is no trifling matter. The minds of ordinary mortals, fragile vessels that they are, would splinter and fracture upon even the most minuscule exposure to the unfathomable powers of the primordial. These forces, ancient and potent, defy comprehension and wield influence beyond the scope of mortal understanding. So, I ask that you reflect deeply upon your choice, for once the veil is lifted, there is no turning back until we attain what we require" Ocythos said

Kaden, immersed in contemplation, allowed the weight of Ocythos's inquiry to settle upon his consciousness. Time stretched, elongated by the gravity of the decision before him. The very fabric of reality seemed to ripple, an ancient force seemed to echo in his mind, urging him to take the right decision

Finally, with deliberate slowness, Kaden inclined his head in acknowledgment " it seems as though I am currently quite distant from the idea of a normal mortal, so i suppose you may proceed with your ritual." Ocythos looked upon him with a vague expression and smiled, then began to chant inaudible incantations, increasingly glowing with godly light.

Edits might be unavoidable

but nothing that'll have any significant effect on the story, kindly bear with me dear readers : (

There's quite a lot of awesome stuff in store though!

let's hope for the best!!!

Penmancreators' thoughts
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