
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

Cronus is also known as the god of all titans who is the father of mythological greek god Zeus!

He is the God of Time which will definitely help me a lot knowing that my ability is time itself but…

If he becomes my constellation then I will be considered the enemy of Zeus and the entire Olympian guild!

But if I don't choose him then he might threaten me using his knowledge about my ability…

Ahhhh! Fuck! This is hard

I became silent and Cronus became impatient as he sent another message and asked {Cronus: What do you say?}

Suddenly the Dokkaebi spoke and said "Only 1 minutes remaining, hurry up and choose your constellations"

"What?!""So fast?!" Everyone panicked and started choosing their constellation

I was still silent before I forced a smile and sent a message to Cronus

Seeing my message Cronus was surprised and narrowed his eyes at me before he sent me another message saying {Cronus: Very well, I hope that the time your talking about will come true, I agree to this contract}

After sending that message the voice in my head disappeared into an instant

The Dokkaebi clapped his hands as he said "Alright folks! The time is up! Congratulations in picking your constellations dear humans!"

After the Dokkaebi said that I don't know if it's an illusion but somehow I saw him glanced at me with a smile in his eyes before disappearing

As soon as the Dokkaebi disappeared the ceiling went back to normal plain white and the instructors opened the door

Our instructor said "Okay everyone, the Star Gazing is now over, I congratulate everyone firstly for having an official constellation, and second everyone will now have to pick a course"

Hearing this everyone tensed up but the instructor said "But do not worry, that will happen next week, for now everyone can rest and talk to their constellations, everyone, dispersed"

As soon as this was said everyone begun going out of the room

I also prepared to leave but saw Choi Kwan and the others going towards me

Sighing I had no choice but to go with them.


As we walked the hallway Choi Kwan was ofcourse the first to speak as he said "So, who is your constellation Mi-Nyeo-ssi?"

Lee Mi-Nyeo was startled not expecting to be called but quickly replied "Mine is Ares"

Hearing this Choi Kwan was surprised and said with a smile "I see, you got a strong one Mi-Nyeo-ssi"

Well, I wasn't surprised because I already know who their constellations will be

Next was Geum Beok-seo although he was angry he still said his constellation who is "Dionysus"

Next was Jeong Ji-ho who answered calmly unexpectedly and said "Hades"

Hearing his answer everyone fell silent and Lee Mi-Nyeo tried to change the atmosphere by asking Choi Kwan's constellation but--

"Oh, mine is Zeus"

---It got worse instead.


No one spoke anymore after that

That was what I thought until Choi Kwan turned his head towards me and said "What about you Hyung? Who did you got?"

Hearing this I shrugged my shoulder with a nonchalant smile and said "It's no one special"

Ofcourse I can't tell them the truth, I can't tell anyone the truth actually

Choi Kwan was disappointed while Lee Mi-Nyeo snorted coldly at me

Sheesh she really hates me huh?


After going back to my dorm I laid down on my bed and covered my eyes with both hands

Actually I didn't chose any constellation

I only said to Cronus that if he supports me then maybe I can reconsider it and choose him as my constellation

That's why--

This is a pain in the ass really

As I thought that I slowly lost consciousness and fell asleep.


Choi Kwan's POV

"39, 40, 41-…"

Counting while doing a push up with one arm only I was sweating and my breathing was stagnant but I was still focused until--

['Zeus' Why are you friends with that Jeong Ji-ho kid? His constellation is Hades. I suggest that you stay away from him]

Hearing this I still continued doing push up as I replied solemnly "I know"

Hearing this Zeus was confused as he asked ['Zeus' Then why are you still hanging around with him?]

"...-49, 50!"

Finishing my push up I stood up and said "Because, he is Hyung's friend"

['Zeus' Who? You mean that Kim Han-wool person who didn't revealed his constellation?]

I frowned and didn't answered as I took a towel and started wiping off the sweats on my body

Zeus became even more interested as he said ['Zeus' What's so special about this Han-wool guy that you would even go as far as to befriending your enemy for his sake?]

This time I lost my temper and said coldly "Shut up"

['Zeus' Ooh scary, but you dare threaten me?]

Suddenly a strong force came and made me kneel on the floor!

I became angry and growled as I said "You dare!"

['Zeus' Hmph! You really are interesting person, not even afraid of me? Looks like I chose the right incarnation this time]

As the force disappeared I panted as I held my neck

Frowning I feel like I'm starting to regret choosing him as my constellation, but…he is the strongest, and I need everything I can to become stronger

For my revenge.


Jeong Ji-ho's POV

Sitting down on my bed I took a book and read it until--

['Hades' You're a lazy one aren't you, and also cunning]

I remained indifferent and continued reading

['Hades' Ignoring me huh? You know what I'm talking about, befriending Zeus incarnation]

Hearing this I frowned and said coldly "He is not my friend"

['Hades' He's not? Then why do you hang around with him?]

With a snap I closed the book and said solemnly "Not him but Han-wool"

['Hades' That person who didn't revealed his constellation? Why? Is he your friend?]

I fell silent and just turned my head which made Hades amused and said ['Hades' I take your silence as a yes I see]

Ignoring him I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes as I thought 'Indeed, what is Kim Han-wool to me?' That stayed in my mind the whole night.


Kim Han-wool POV

A week has passed since then and it was time for us to pick a course

That means I'll get separated from Choi Kwan and the others!

Woohoo! No more attention at me! Congrats myself!

As we gathered in the classroom the instructor announced "As we mentioned last week, today will be the day everyone will be picking a course they want to be after they graduate here in Theos Academy"

Nodding my head I agreed

The instructor continued "There are 7 types of courses that can be picked, first is 'Marksman', second is 'Swordsman', third is 'Mage', fourth is 'Support', fifth is 'Tank', sixth is 'Scout', and lastly the seventh is 'Strategist'."

He then explained "The course 'Marksman' is where they use bow and arrows, guns, sniper rifles, etc. The marksman needs to be in the backlines and support the frontliners"

"The course 'Swordsman' is where they use swords and attack in the front lines"

"'Mage' Is where they use magic"

"The 'Support' is the healer of the group and helps the injured be cured"

"The course 'Tank' is one of the most valuable where they need to take or tank most of the attacks that's why pure strength and vitality will be needed here"

"The 'Scout' is the course where they are the first to scout the area and the enemy's territory to inform us"

"And finally the 'Strategist' is the most valuable of all, without a strategist the whole team will be doomed, the strategist will be the one to set up the plan for the team and will be the one to position each one of us in a fight"

Hearing this I nodded, actually my favorite one is the Strategist because, it is similar to a chess

The other courses are like similar to a chess piece while the strategist is the player who controls their move

Suddenly my fingers move as I thought 'It should be fun being a strategist…'

Suddenly I realized my thoughts and slapped my face which caught the attention of some of my classmates

I just laughed meekly and they ignored me after so which I sighed a relief at

The instructor then said "Alright, everyone will be receiving a paper sheet with the courses and so choose wisely, don't rush yourself"

Looking at his watch the instructor said "The deadline will be the end of the day"

"Alright, everyone dismissed"

As the instructor left and gave us the paper sheet I looked down on it and was lost in thought

I know that Choi Kwan, Jeong Ji-ho, and Geum Beok-seo will be choosing swordsman while Lee Mi-Nyeo will be choosing Marksman

So what should I choose?

Just as I was pondering Choi Kwan and the others fathered around me as they asked what each other will be picking

Choi Kwan revealed that his will be swordsman, Jeong Ji-ho and Geum Beok-seo also did and lastly Lee Mi-Nyeo said hers will be marskman

Finally they turned their heads towards me and I was in a dilemma

This time I sighed and decided to be honest as I said "Actually, to be honest I don't know yet"

"Hm" Choi Kwan rubbed his chin before he asked "What are you good at?"

This time it caught everyone's interest and they all looked at me

I forced a smile as I said honestly "I'm just good at playing chess that's all"

Choi Kwan opened his mouth surprised and said "That's rare, only Strategists plays that game if I've heard correctly"

….Excuse me?

Lee Mi-Nyeo nodded as she said "He's right, do you really play chess?"

Ahhh…I did not know of such a thing

I think…I fucked up… haha