
Prologue: Part II: The Realm

Then God began to explain us about the "Inventory Menu", he first told us about the inventory.

There are a total of ten slots in the inventory, each one can contain a max of ninety-nine of the same item, and equipment use a full slot. He told us that the inventory can be expanded with the use of Soul Coins, each slot cost 1000 Soul Coins, with a max of a hundred slots.

Then he told us about the "Equipment Menu", this menu looked like this.

Equipment Menu

Left Hand: Empty

Right Hand: Empty

Head: Empty

Chest: Empty

Shoulder: Empty

Hands: Empty

Waist: Empty

Legs: Empty

Feet: Empty

Neck: Empty

Left Wrist: Empty

Right Wrist: Empty

Left Ring: Empty

Right Ring: Empty

With a total of fourteen equipment slots, he told us that equipment are very important, so we need to equip the more we can.

Then he told us that Equipments and Items have ranks, and these ranks also is used in everything in the realm, skills , etc. And these ranks are:











Everyone of them have five sub-ranks for example Iron I, Iron II, Iron III, Iron IV, Iron V. And so on. (Iron I is the lower).

When I saw the God Rank, I began to imagine the power that those items and weapons can have, maybe with just a swing of a sword of that ranks is enough to destroy the world.

Then he went to the main part…

The Origin Realm, and its functions.

The Origin Realm is divided into four main "battlefields" where everyone will compete.

The First Battlefield is called, The Crystal Battle, were teams of five vs five will fight each other in a battlefield of fifty kilometers long, and fifty width, with the aim of destroying the enemy team crystal.

He said that this battlefield will get bigger as one ranked up.

Then he began to explain in details about the battlefield, and pretty much was almost the same as a normal MOBA, like League of Legends and DOTA, but with some details.

First in the Origin Realm menu there are no shops, only inside the "battlefields" one can find those shops, and in The Crystal Battle, the shop is special, it's founded in the base of each team, but the items, equipments and skills in sell there, are different to each contestant, and those items are decided at random at the moment a participant speak to the shopkeeper, and it only sell ten items in total for each participant, and those will change every time one enter the same battlefield.

He also said that there will be more and better items in sell when one rank up.

Then we have the battlefield, in the base of each team, they have the Crystal that they have to protect, and is guarded by two golems, those golems have 5000 HP each one, when you destroy them you just need one attack to destroy the Crystal and win the battle.

Then before reaching the base, there is a wall protecting the base, and there are three entrances, one on the left, center and right. These entrances have a huge door with two towers, and the team only have to destroy the door to destroy the door and the towers, those towers shot one magic attack that deal a fixed amount of damage and it will attack only minions, but if an enemy participant attack a friendly participant in the tower range, the tower will attack the enemy participant.

Then in each line, we find the "First Tower" that has a total of 5000 HP. Then the "Second Tower" that is in front of the enemy "Second Tower" also has 5000 HP. The towers attack fixed damage of 100 points, and this damage will go up when a participant ranks up.

Then we have the minions, every hour the Crystal will spawn a hundred minions, those minions are golems that can follow the order of the participants to some boundaries. And every time a participant kill a minion he will get 10 Souls Coins, and every time they destroy a tower they will get 100 Soul Coins, but only the ones that damaged to the tower, this amount of money will go up as the participant rank up.

Then what happen if I die?, simple, to respawn you need Soul Coins.

Every time you kill a participant you get 100 Souls Coins plus a bonus if the enemy have a kill strike, when the enemy has killed three participants without dying, if you kill him you get the 100 Souls Coins plus 30 Souls Coins plus ten more coins for each death.

Then when you kill an enemy, you have a chance that the enemy drop an equipment of his or her inventory.

If you are Iron Rank, the drop rate of the same rank item will be of 50%, if the item is one rank up, that mean Bronze Rank, the drop rate is only 5%, and Silver Rank is only 1%.

For me with my OP skill I will always get the best!~~

And killing enemy participants it will not give you EXP, only minions and monster in the jungle will give EXP, depending of the monster, minions always give 10 EXP.

Then we have the Seconds Battlefield, well, it's not a "battlefield" but an arena.

Yes!~ The Coliseum of Origin!~ It's my favorite, here the participants fight 1 vs 1 in an arena of 20 meter per 20 meters. The winner live, the loser die.

Of course, you can surrender too.

Here the participant has to only say to the system that he want to fight, and the system will put him in a queue, so to find anyone of the same rank that him to fight with.

The reward of this are only Soul Coins, if your enemy is Rank Iron I, then the reward is 100 Soul Coins, if is Iron II then is 200 Soul Coins.

There are not drops here.

But also you can see the people fighting in the Coliseum and bet. The returns are depending of the participants' ranks and variables.

Also, there is a Winning Strike that gives you bonus each time you win.

This is the most simple Battlefield in the Origin Realm, but also the quickest to make money but also to lose it.

Then we have the Third Battlefield, also is hard to called a battlefield. This is called, the Quest Center.

Is the most 'bigger', and it probably will be the most used battlefield.

Is easy to understand, the system will give Quests to the participant weekly, those Quests can be anything, from finding a dog in space, to kill a dragon.

Those Quests will send the user to the destination of the Quest, and of course the Quests have a deadline, and a reward.

But also will have a penalty if the user can't accomplish the Quest, or die.

There are a lot of type of Quests that will test all types of skills, and sometime those Quests will need a party, but God said, that in Iron Rank, you can't make your own party, and if you need a party for a Quest it will be random, and the system will assign your party members from all the worlds in the 'tree'.

Every week the system will put Quests on the board; you don't need to do them if you don't accept them.

In Iron Rank the system will give you 3 Quests weekly at random.


Then the Last Battlefield, and the "true" battlefield, where everyone, I mean EVERYONE in the universe will have to fight, with the world's at stake.

Well, not exactly a "fight".

This battlefield is called World Fortress.

The system will assign a territory to every world at random, this territory exist in an infinite land so every world will be connected, in this infinite land exist an infinite amount of creatures, resource, etc. and we need to use that to strengthen our territory, also he said that we can't take anything from our world to any battlefield, but we can bring things from there here.

Anyway, in every territory will exist a portal; This portal is the entrance and exit for everyone of this world.

He also said that a world can have over one territory, just, is pretty hard to get one.

And we need to protect this territory, if another world defeat us and take the portal, the world… our world will end, and that world's tree will devour us.


This is so FUN!~



Anyway, God said that there will be three months of preparation before this battlefield will be open, and we need to get stronger to be able to defend yourself and your family when it is opened.

Then he ended his speech with a dramatically "Good Luck".

Well… let's see… Crystal Battle, Coliseum of Origin and the Quest Center are the only way to get stronger, and the World Fortress is the true battlefield.

Umm, we need a goal… yeah. Let's see…

Get Stronger.

Get Girls.

Get more Girls.

Get more! more! Girls.

And… do whatever I want!!.

Let's have fun, bitches~


~Thanks for Reading!!!~

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