A list of novels and fanfics
Some information on this recommendation list
-There were good novels and fanfics that were not getting enough attention
-For new readers, as I had to struggle when I came to web novel first to find new books and good books to read
-Reading list was not enough as they have a limit of 500 books in one list and 100 reading list per person
-For me to look through the books I read and completed
-For me to keep a list of the number of books I read
-For Fun
-Fell free to tell any good novels that you know and if they are up to my liking I will make one for them
-Only novels whose chapters I caught up to are posted
Out of all my works, this will most probably take priority
My Works:
Favorites[Favourite Novels, Fanfics, Power, Essence(Essence Meta CYOA), etc
Ideas for Novels and fan fics [Ideas that I get in my head]
Question Sect [Question &Answers]
Recommended [Recommendations for New Readers and other Readers]